Скачать презентацию EE 515 IS 523 Think Like an Adversary Lecture Скачать презентацию EE 515 IS 523 Think Like an Adversary Lecture


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EE 515/IS 523 Think Like an Adversary Lecture 3 Cryptography in a Nutshell Yongdae EE 515/IS 523 Think Like an Adversary Lecture 3 Cryptography in a Nutshell Yongdae Kim

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In a Nutshell Security by Obscurity is not secure! Conservative modeling for adversary State-sponsored, In a Nutshell Security by Obscurity is not secure! Conservative modeling for adversary State-sponsored, Hacktivists, Hacker+Criminals, Researchers ; -) Care for the weakest link. Plan for unknown attacks. Check for environmental changes All stages are important Attacker modeling, design, implementation, deployment, operation ^ Check News! ^ Cyber Warfare? ^ ^ ^ ^

Security & Risk ^ We only have finite resources for security… Product A Product Security & Risk ^ We only have finite resources for security… Product A Product B Prevents Attacks: U, W, Y, Z Prevents Attacks: V, X Cost $10 K Cost $20 K ^ If we only have $20 K, which should we buy?

Risk ^ The risk due to a set of attacks is the expected (or Risk ^ The risk due to a set of attacks is the expected (or average) cost per unit of time. ^ One measure of risk is Annualized Loss Expectancy, or ALE: ALE of attack A Σ ( p. A × LA ) attack A Annualized attack incidence Cost per attack

Risk Reduction ^ A defense mechanism may reduce the risk of a set of Risk Reduction ^ A defense mechanism may reduce the risk of a set of attacks by reducing LA or p. A. This is the gross risk reduction (GRR): Σ (p. A × LA – p’A×L’A) attack A ^ The mechanism also has a cost. The net risk reduction (NRR) is GRR – cost.

Basic Cryptography Yongdae Kim Basic Cryptography Yongdae Kim

The main players Eve Yves? Alice Bob The main players Eve Yves? Alice Bob

Attacks Normal Flow Source Interruption: Availability Source Destination Modification: Integrity Source Destination Interception: Confidentiality Attacks Normal Flow Source Interruption: Availability Source Destination Modification: Integrity Source Destination Interception: Confidentiality Source Destination Fabrication: Authenticity Source Destination

Taxonomy of Attacks ^ Passive attacks 4 Eavesdropping 4 Traffic analysis ^ Active attacks Taxonomy of Attacks ^ Passive attacks 4 Eavesdropping 4 Traffic analysis ^ Active attacks 4 Masquerade 4 Replay 4 Modification of message content 4 Denial of service

Big picture Trusted third party (e. g. arbiter, distributor of secret information) Bob Alice Big picture Trusted third party (e. g. arbiter, distributor of secret information) Bob Alice Message Information Channel Secret Information Message Secret Information Eve

Terminology for Encryption ^ A denotes a finite set called the alphabet ^ M Terminology for Encryption ^ A denotes a finite set called the alphabet ^ M denotes a set called the message space 4 M consists of strings of symbols from an alphabet 4 An element of M is called a plaintext ^ C denotes a set called the ciphertext space 4 C consists of strings of symbols from an alphabet 4 An element of C is called a ciphertext ^ K denotes a set called the key space 4 An element of K is called a key ^ Ee is an encryption function where e K ^ Dd called a decryption function where d K

Encryption Adversary Encryption Ee(m) = c c insecure channel m Decryption Dd(c) = m Encryption Adversary Encryption Ee(m) = c c insecure channel m Decryption Dd(c) = m m Plaintext source destination Alice Bob ^ Why do we use key? 4 Or why not use just a shared encryption function?

SKE with Secure channel Adversary Key source d Secure channel e Encryption Ee(m) = SKE with Secure channel Adversary Key source d Secure channel e Encryption Ee(m) = c m c Insecure channel Decryption Dd(c) = m m Plaintext source destination Alice Bob

PKE with insecure channel Passive Adversary e Insecure channel Key source d Encryption Ee(m) PKE with insecure channel Passive Adversary e Insecure channel Key source d Encryption Ee(m) = c m c Insecure channel Decryption Dd(c) = m m Plaintext source destination Alice Bob

Public key should be authentic! e e’ Ee(m) Ee’(m) e Ee(m) ^ Need to Public key should be authentic! e e’ Ee(m) Ee’(m) e Ee(m) ^ Need to authenticate public keys

Digital Signatures ^ Primitive in authentication and nonrepudiation ^ Signature 4 Process of transforming Digital Signatures ^ Primitive in authentication and nonrepudiation ^ Signature 4 Process of transforming the message and some secret information into a tag ^ Nomenclature 4 M is set of messages 4 S is set of signatures 4 SA: M ! S for A, kept private 4 VA is verification transformation from M to S for A, publicly known

Key Establishment, Management ^ Key establishment 4 Process to whereby a shared secret key Key Establishment, Management ^ Key establishment 4 Process to whereby a shared secret key becomes available to two or more parties 4 Subdivided into key agreement and key transport. ^ Key management 4 The set of processes and mechanisms which support key establishment 4 The maintenance of ongoing keying relationships between parties

Symmetric vs. Public key Pros Cons ^The key must remain secret at both ends Symmetric vs. Public key Pros Cons ^The key must remain secret at both ends ^ High data throughput SKE ^O(n 2) keys to be managed ^ Relatively short key size ^Relatively short lifetime of the key ^O(n) keys ^Only the private key must be kept secret PKE ^longer key life time ^digital signature ^Low data throughput ^Much larger key sizes

Symmetric key Encryption ^ Symmetric key encryption 4 if for each (e, d) it Symmetric key Encryption ^ Symmetric key encryption 4 if for each (e, d) it is easy computationally easy to compute e knowing d and d knowing e 4 Usually e = d ^ Block cipher 4 breaks up the plaintext messages to be transmitted into blocks of a fixed length, and encrypts one block at a time ^ Stream cipher 4 encrypt individual characters of plaintext message one at a time, using encryption transformation which varies with time

Hash function and MAC ^ A hash function is a function h 4 compression Hash function and MAC ^ A hash function is a function h 4 compression 4 ease of computation 4 Properties -one-way: for a given y, find x’ such that h(x’) = y -collision resistance: find x and x’ such that h(x) = h(x’) 4 Examples: SHA-1, MD-5 ^ MAC (message authentication codes) 4 both authentication and integrity 4 MAC is a family of functions hk -ease of computation (if k is known !!) -compression, x is of arbitrary length, hk(x) has fixed length -computation resistance 4 Example: HMAC

How Random is the Hash function? How Random is the Hash function?

Applications of Hash Function ^File integrity ^File identifier ^Hash table ^Digital signature Sign = Applications of Hash Function ^File integrity ^File identifier ^Hash table ^Digital signature Sign = SSK(h(m)) ^Password verification stored hash = h(password) ^Generating random numbers

Hash function and MAC ^ A hash function is a function h 4 compression Hash function and MAC ^ A hash function is a function h 4 compression 4 ease of computation 4 Properties -one-way: for a given y, find x’ such that h(x’) = y -collision resistance: find x and x’ such that h(x) = h(x’) 4 Examples: SHA-1, MD-5 ^ MAC (message authentication codes) 4 both authentication and integrity 4 MAC is a family of functions hk -ease of computation (if k is known !!) -compression, x is of arbitrary length, hk(x) has fixed length -computation resistance 4 Example: HMAC

MAC construction from Hash ^ Prefix 4 M=h(k||x) 4 appending y and deducing h(k||x||y) MAC construction from Hash ^ Prefix 4 M=h(k||x) 4 appending y and deducing h(k||x||y) form h(k||x) without knowing k ^ Suffix 4 M=h(x||k) 4 possible a birthday attack, an adversary that can choose x can construct x’ for which h(x)=h(x’) in O(2 n/2) ^ STATE OF THE ART: HMAC (RFC 2104) 4 HMAC(x)=h(k||p 1||h(k|| p 2||x)), p 1 and p 2 are padding 4 The outer hash operates on an input of two blocks 4 Provably secure

How to use MAC? ^ A & B share a secret key k ^ How to use MAC? ^ A & B share a secret key k ^ A sends the message x and the MAC M←Hk(x) ^ B receives x and M from A ^ B computes Hk(x) with received M ^ B checks if M=Hk(x)

PKE with insecure channel Passive Adversary e Insecure channel Key source d Encryption Ee(m) PKE with insecure channel Passive Adversary e Insecure channel Key source d Encryption Ee(m) = c m c Insecure channel Decryption Dd(c) = m m Plaintext source destination Alice Bob

Digital Signature I did not have intimate relations with that woman, …, Ms. Lewinsky Digital Signature I did not have intimate relations with that woman, …, Ms. Lewinsky ^ Integrity ^ Authentication ^ Non-repudiation

Digital Signature with Appendix ^ Schemes with appendix 4 Requires the message as input Digital Signature with Appendix ^ Schemes with appendix 4 Requires the message as input to verification algorithm 4 Rely on cryptographic hash functions rather than customized redundancy functions 4 DSA, El. Gamal, Schnorr etc.

Digital Signature with Appendix M h m Mh x S VA Mh mh SA, Digital Signature with Appendix M h m Mh x S VA Mh mh SA, k S s* s* = SA, k(mh) u 2 {True, False} u = VA(mh, s*)

Authentication ^ How to prove your identity? 4 Prove that you know a secret Authentication ^ How to prove your identity? 4 Prove that you know a secret information ^ When key K is shared between A and Server 4 A S: HMACK(M) where M can provide freshness 4 Why freshness? ^ Digital signature? 4 A S: Sig. SK(M) where M can provide freshness ^ Comparison?

Encryption and Authentication ^ EK(M) ^ ^ ^ Redundancy-then-Encrypt: EK(M, R(M)) Hash-then-Encrypt: EK(M, h(M)) Encryption and Authentication ^ EK(M) ^ ^ ^ Redundancy-then-Encrypt: EK(M, R(M)) Hash-then-Encrypt: EK(M, h(M)) Hash and Encrypt: EK(M), h(M) MAC and Encrypt: Eh 1(K)(M), HMACh 2(K)(M) MAC-then-Encrypt: Eh 1(K)(M, HMACh 2(K)(M))

Challenge-response authentication ^ Alice is identified by a secret she possesses 4 Bob needs Challenge-response authentication ^ Alice is identified by a secret she possesses 4 Bob needs to know that Alice does indeed possess this secret 4 Alice provides response to a time-variant challenge 4 Response depends on both secret and challenge ^ Using 4 Symmetric encryption 4 One way functions

Challenge Response using SKE ^ Alice and Bob share a key K ^ Taxonomy Challenge Response using SKE ^ Alice and Bob share a key K ^ Taxonomy 4 Unidirectional authentication using timestamps 4 Unidirectional authentication using random numbers 4 Mutual authentication using random numbers ^ Unilateral authentication using timestamps 4 Alice Bob: EK(t. A, B) 4 Bob decrypts and verified that timestamp is OK 4 Parameter B prevents replay of same message in B A direction

Challenge Response using SKE ^ Unilateral authentication using random numbers 4 Bob Alice: rb Challenge Response using SKE ^ Unilateral authentication using random numbers 4 Bob Alice: rb 4 Alice Bob: EK(rb, B) 4 Bob checks to see if rb is the one it sent out -Also checks “B” - prevents reflection attack 4 rb must be non-repeating ^ Mutual authentication using random numbers 4 Bob Alice: rb 4 Alice Bob: EK(ra, rb, B) 4 Bob Alice: EK(ra, rb) 4 Alice checks that ra, rb are the ones used earlier

Challenge-response using OWF ^ Instead of encryption, used keyed MAC h. K ^ Check: Challenge-response using OWF ^ Instead of encryption, used keyed MAC h. K ^ Check: compute MAC from known quantities, and check with message ^ SKID 3 4 Bob Alice: rb 4 Alice Bob: ra, h. K(ra, rb, B) 4 Bob Alice: h. K(ra, rb, A)

Key Establishment, Management ^ Key establishment 4 Process to whereby a shared secret key Key Establishment, Management ^ Key establishment 4 Process to whereby a shared secret key becomes available to two or more parties 4 Subdivided into key agreement and key transport. ^ Key management 4 The set of processes and mechanisms which support key establishment 4 The maintenance of ongoing keying relationships between parties