Скачать презентацию EE 360 Lecture 17 Outline Cross-Layer Design l Скачать презентацию EE 360 Lecture 17 Outline Cross-Layer Design l


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EE 360: Lecture 17 Outline Cross-Layer Design l Announcements l l l Project poster EE 360: Lecture 17 Outline Cross-Layer Design l Announcements l l l Project poster session March 15 5: 30 pm (3 rd floor Packard) Next HW posted, due March 19 at 9 am Final project due March 21 at midnight Course evaluations available; worth 10 bonus points Qo. S in Wireless Network Applications Network protocol layers Overview of cross-layer design Example: video over wireless networks Network Optimization Layering as optimization decomposition Distributed optimization Game theory

Future Network Applications Internet (for the Z generation) “Cellular” Entertainment Commerce Smart Homes/Spaces/Structures Sensor Future Network Applications Internet (for the Z generation) “Cellular” Entertainment Commerce Smart Homes/Spaces/Structures Sensor Networks Automated Highways/Factories … Applications have hard delay constraints, rate requirements, energy constraints, and/or security constraints that must be met These requirements are collectively called Qo. S

Challenges to meeting Qo. S l Underlying channels, networks, and end-devices are heterogenous l Challenges to meeting Qo. S l Underlying channels, networks, and end-devices are heterogenous l Traffic patterns, user locations, and network conditions are constantly changing l Hard constraints cannot be guaranteed, and average constraints can be poor metrics. l No single layer in the protocol stack can support Qo. S: cross-layer design needed

A Brief Introduction to Protocol Layers Premise: Break network tasks into logically distinct entities, A Brief Introduction to Protocol Layers Premise: Break network tasks into logically distinct entities, each built on top of the service provided by the lower layer entities. Application Presentation Session Transport Network Datalink Physical medium Application Presentation Session Transport Network Datalink Physical Example: OSI Reference Model

OSI vs. TCP/IP l l OSI: conceptually define services, interfaces, protocols Internet: provides a OSI vs. TCP/IP l l OSI: conceptually define services, interfaces, protocols Internet: provides a successful implementation Application Presentation Session Transport Network Datalink Physical OSI Application Transport Internet Host-tonetwork TCP/IP Telnet FTP TCP DNS UDP IP LAN Packet radio

Layer Functionality l Application l l Transport l l Neighbor discovery and routing Access Layer Functionality l Application l l Transport l l Neighbor discovery and routing Access l l End-to-end error recovery, retransmissions, flow control, … Network l l Compression, error concealment, packetization, scheduling, … Channel sharing, error recovery/retransmission, packetization, … Link l Bit transmission (modulation, coding, …)

Layering Pros and Cons l Advantages Simplification - Breaking the complex task of end-to-end Layering Pros and Cons l Advantages Simplification - Breaking the complex task of end-to-end networking into disjoint parts simplifies design l Modularity – Protocols easier to optimize, manage, and maintain. More insight into layer operation. l Abstract functionality –Lower layers can be changed without affecting the upper layers l Reuse – Upper layers can reuse the functionality provided by lower layers l l Disadvantages Suboptimal: Layering introduces inefficiencies and/or redundancy (same function performed at multiple layers) l Information hiding: information about operation at one layer cannot be used by higher or lower layers l Performance: Layering can lead to poor performance, especially for applications with hard Qo. S constraints l

Key layering questions l How should the complex task of end-to-end networking be decomposed Key layering questions l How should the complex task of end-to-end networking be decomposed into layers l l Should networks be decomposed into layers? l l What functions should be placed at each level? Can a function be placed at multiple levels? What should the layer interfaces be? Design of each protocol layer entails tradeoffs, which should be optimized relative to other protocol layers What is the alternative to layered design? l l Cross-layer design No-layer design

Crosslayer Design: Information Exchange Across Layers l Application l Transport Network l Access l Crosslayer Design: Information Exchange Across Layers l Application l Transport Network l Access l l End-to-End Metrics Link Substantial gains in throughput, efficiency, and Qo. S c achieved with cross-layer design

Information Exchange l Applications have information about the data characteristics and requirements l Lower Information Exchange l Applications have information about the data characteristics and requirements l Lower layers have information about network/channel conditions

Crosslayer Techniques l Adaptive techniques l l l Diversity techniques l l l Link, Crosslayer Techniques l Adaptive techniques l l l Diversity techniques l l l Link, MAC, network, and application adaptation Resource management and allocation Link diversity (antennas, channels, etc. ) Access diversity Route diversity Application diversity Content location/server diversity Scheduling l l l Application scheduling/data prioritization Resource reservation Access scheduling

Example: Video over Networks with MIMO links l Use antennas for multiplexing: High-Rate Quantizer Example: Video over Networks with MIMO links l Use antennas for multiplexing: High-Rate Quantizer ST Code High Rate Decoder Error Prone l Use antennas for diversity Low-Rate Quantizer ST Code High Diversity Decoder Low Pe Diversity/Multiplexing/Delay Tradeoff at Links with ARQ

Delay/Throughput/Robustness across Multiple Layers B A l Multiple routes through the network can be Delay/Throughput/Robustness across Multiple Layers B A l Multiple routes through the network can be used for multiplexing or reduced delay/loss l Application can use single-description or multiple description codes l Can optimize optimal operating point for these tradeoffs to minimize distortion

Cross-layer protocol design for real-time media Loss-resilient source coding and packetization Application layer Rate-distortion Cross-layer protocol design for real-time media Loss-resilient source coding and packetization Application layer Rate-distortion preamble Congestion-distortion optimized scheduling Traffic flows Transport layer Congestion-distortion optimized routing Network layer Capacity assignment for multiple service classes Link capacities MAC layer Link state information Adaptive link layer techniques Link layer

Video streaming performance s 5 d. B 3 -fold increase 1000 (logarithmic scale) Video streaming performance s 5 d. B 3 -fold increase 1000 (logarithmic scale)

Approaches to Network Optimization* Network Optimization Dynamic Programming Network Utility Maximization Distributed Optimization Game Approaches to Network Optimization* Network Optimization Dynamic Programming Network Utility Maximization Distributed Optimization Game Theory State Space Reduction Wireless NUM Multiperiod NUM Distributed Algorithms Mechanism Design Stackelberg Games Nash Equilibrium *Much prior work is for wired/static networks

Dynamic Programming (DP) l Simplifies a complex problem by breaking it into simpler subproblems Dynamic Programming (DP) l Simplifies a complex problem by breaking it into simpler subproblems in recursive manner. Not applicable to all complex problems l Decisions spanning several points in time often break apart recursively. l Viterbi decoding and ML equalization can use DP l l State-space explosion l l l DP must consider all possible states in its solution Leads to state-space explosion Many techniques to approximate the state-space or DP itself to avoid this

Network Utility Maximization l l Maximizes a network utility function U 1(r 1) Assumes Network Utility Maximization l l Maximizes a network utility function U 1(r 1) Assumes l l l Steady state Reliable links Fixed link capacities U 2(r 2) Ri Rj Un(rn) l Dynamics are only in the queues flow k routing Fixed link capacity Optimization is Centralized

Wireless NUM Extends NUM to wireless networks l l l Random lossy links Error Wireless NUM Extends NUM to wireless networks l l l Random lossy links Error recovery mechanisms Network dynamics Network control as stochastic optimization Can include Adaptive PHY layer and reliability l Existence convergence properties l Channel estimation errors l Average Rate l Improvement over NUM

Rethinking Layering l How to, and how not to, layer? A question on architecture Rethinking Layering l How to, and how not to, layer? A question on architecture l Functionality allocation: who does what and how to connect them? l l More fuzzy question than just resource allocation but want answers to be rigorous, quantitative and simple How to quantify benefits of better modulationcodes-schedule-routes. . . for network applications?

The Goal A Mathematical Theory of Network Architectures “Layering As Optimization Decomposition: A Mathematical The Goal A Mathematical Theory of Network Architectures “Layering As Optimization Decomposition: A Mathematical Theory of Network Architectures” By Mung Chiang, Steven H. Low, A. Robert Calderbank, John C. Doyle

Layering As Optimization Decomposition The First unifying view and systematic approach Network: Generalized NUM Layering As Optimization Decomposition The First unifying view and systematic approach Network: Generalized NUM Layering architecture: Decomposition scheme Layers: Decomposed subproblems Interfaces: Functions of primal or dual variables Horizontal and vertical decompositions

NUM l Formulation Objective function: What the end-users and network provider care about Can NUM l Formulation Objective function: What the end-users and network provider care about Can be a function of throughput, delay, jitter, energy, congestion. . . l Can be coupled, eg, network lifetime l l Variables: What're under the control of this design l Constraint sets: What're beyond the control of this design. Physical and economic limitations. Hard Qo. S constraints (what the users and operator must have)

Layering Give insights on both: l What each layer can do (Optimization variables) l Layering Give insights on both: l What each layer can do (Optimization variables) l What each layer can see (Constants, Other subproblems' variables) Connections With Mathematics l Convex and nonconvex optimization l Decomposition and distributed algorithm

Primal Decomposition Simple example: Decomposed into: New variable α updated by various methods Interpretation: Primal Decomposition Simple example: Decomposed into: New variable α updated by various methods Interpretation: Direct resource allocation (not pricingbased control)

Dual-based Distributed Algorithm NUM with concave smooth utility functions: Convex optimization with zero duality Dual-based Distributed Algorithm NUM with concave smooth utility functions: Convex optimization with zero duality gap Lagrangian decomposition: Dual problem:

Horizontal vs Vertical Decomposition l Horizontal Decompositions Reverse engineering: Layer 4 TCP congestion control Horizontal vs Vertical Decomposition l Horizontal Decompositions Reverse engineering: Layer 4 TCP congestion control NUM : Basic (Low. Lapsley 99, Roberts. Massoulie 99, Mo. Walrand 00, Yaiche. Mazumdar. Rosenberg 00, etc. ) l Scheduling based MAC is known to be solving max weighted matching l l Vertical Decompositions Jointly optimal congestion control and adaptive coding or power control (Chiang 05 a) l Jointly optimal routing and scheduling (Kodialam. Nandagopal 03) l Jointly optimal congestion control, routing, and scheduling ( Chen. Low. Chiang. Doyle 06) l Jointly optimal routing, resource allocation, and source coding(Yu. Yuan 05) l

Alternative Decompositions Many ways to decompose: l Primal. Decomposition l Dual Decomposition l Multi-level Alternative Decompositions Many ways to decompose: l Primal. Decomposition l Dual Decomposition l Multi-level decomposition l Different combinations Lead to alternative architectures with different engineering implications

Key Messages l l l l Existing protocols in layers 2, 3, 4 have Key Messages l l l l Existing protocols in layers 2, 3, 4 have been reverse engineered Reverse engineering leads to better design Loose coupling through layering price Many alternatives in decompositions and layering architectures Convexity is key to proving global optimality Decomposability is key to designing distributed solution Still many open issues in modeling, stochastic dynamics, and nonconvex formulations Architecture, rather than optimality, is the key

Other Extensions l On-line learning l Hard delay constraints (not averages) l Traffic dynamics Other Extensions l On-line learning l Hard delay constraints (not averages) l Traffic dynamics l Distributed optimization

Distributed and Asynchronous Optimization of Networks l Consider a network consisting of m nodes Distributed and Asynchronous Optimization of Networks l Consider a network consisting of m nodes (or agents) that cooperatively minimize a common additive cost (not necessarily separable) l Each agent has information about one cost component, and minimizes that while exchanging information locally with other agents. l Model similar in spirit to distributed computation model of Tsitsiklis l Mostly an open problem. Good distributed tools have not yet emerged

Game Theory l Game theory is a powerful tool in the study and optimization Game Theory l Game theory is a powerful tool in the study and optimization of both wireless and wired networks Enables a flexible control paradigm where agents autonomously control their resource usage to optimize their own selfish objectives l Game-theoretic models and tools provide potentially tractable decentralized algorithms for network control l l Most work on network games has focused on: l l Static equilibrium analysis Establishing how an equilibrium can be reached dynamically Properties of equilibria Incentive mechanisms that achieve general system-wide objectives l Distributed user dynamics converge to equilibrium in very restrictive classes of games; potential games is an example l Examples: power control; resource allocation

Key Questions l What is the right framework for crosslayer design? l What are Key Questions l What is the right framework for crosslayer design? l What are the key crosslayer design synergies? l How to manage crosslayer complexity? l What information should be exchanged across layers, and how should this information be used? l How to balance the needs of all users/applications?

Summary: To Cross or not to Cross? l With cross-layering there is higher complexity Summary: To Cross or not to Cross? l With cross-layering there is higher complexity and less insight. l Can we get simple solutions or theorems? l l What asymptotics make sense in this setting? Is separation optimal across some layers? If not, can we consummate the marriage across them? Burning the candle at both ends l l We have little insight into cross-layer design. Insight lies in theorems, analysis (elegant and dirty), simulations, and real designs.

Presentation l “Cross-Layer Wireless Multimedia Transmission: Challenges, Principles, and New Paradigms” l By Mihaela Presentation l “Cross-Layer Wireless Multimedia Transmission: Challenges, Principles, and New Paradigms” l By Mihaela Van Scharr, Sai Shankar l Presented by Chris Li