- Количество слайдов: 49
EDUCAUSE 2001 Tuesday, October 30, 2001 1
Presenters • Tim Bete E-Marketing Manager for Advancement University of Dayton • Suzanne Petrusch Director of Marketing for Enrollment Management University of Dayton • Stuart Harper Senior Vice President Liquid. Matrix Corporation 2
Where we are now • 92% of teens send and receive e-mail • 42% of alumni at UD specifically desire regular electronic communication • Nearly 100% of institutions have an admissions and alumni web presence 3
Technology to increase ROI • 84% of universities report that the internet allows them to communicate more effectively with inquirers • Stanford study - direct correlation between electronic communication and giving • University of Dayton – results of personalized communications 4
Web Traffic Growth User Sessions Nov. 1997 – 2000 5 +738 %
UD Web Objectives Gain competitive advantage in the marketplace Measures that matter— enrollment and net revenue Achieve academic profile 6
Delivering Services • Personalize the admission site and join our electronic mailing list (PERMISSION MARKETING) • Submit the online application for admission and scholarship • Check admission status • Submit a financial need estimator • Request a campus visit 7
First Year Enrollment Outcomes Measures that Matter 8
Why We Encourage Use of Our Web Site Fall 2000 Data Personalization l 1493 l 797 (53. 4%) 17. 1 % l students personalized the site – inquiries applied for admission deposit yield Financial Need Estimator l l l 979 754 (77. 7%) 38. 0 % submitted a financial aid need estimator applied for admission deposit yield Overall Data l l l 47179 total inquiries 2000 7495 (15. 9%) applied for admission 3. 75 % deposit yield 9
Three Strategies to Drive Traffic to the Web Cultivate Prospects and Inquiries • Use of highly personalized microsites for student search —Lipman. Hearne • Interactive CD-Rom —Avideon • Flash E-mail —Liquid. Matrix 10
Use of Micro Web Sites for Student Search Highly personalized Web sites based on student search URL address contains student name Capture student information and drive them to UD Web Site Students are tracked for visit rate 11
How Do We Contact Them? E-mail Message 12
How Do We Contact Them? Impact Letter 13
How Do We Contact Them? Personalized Postcard 14
Visit Rate Results Forecast. Plus™ 15
Microsite Home Page with Personalization Window 16
Click Throughs to UD Web Site—Most Popular • Life At UD • Financial Need Estimator • Admission Home Page • Admission Mailing List 17 613 476 341 298
Interactive CD-Rom At a glance statistics Download user data Configure promotion Statistics by hotlink Manage e-mail service 18
Interactive CD Results Forecast. Plus™ 19
Flash E-mail Macromedia Flash E-mail — a multimedia experience Personalized with links to UD Web site Reporting tools 20
End of Flash E-mail with Links Embedded 21
Flash E-mail Tracking Statistics User Listing 22
Flash E-mail: Link Tracking Flash E-mail Statistics 23
Personalized Home Page w/ To-Do List 24
Four years, eight semesters and 26 all-nighters later. . . 25
. . . enter the alumni Web site 26
Login uses existing data 27
Pre-populated fields 28
Grads enter new data 29
Opt-in subs are easy 30
We got ’em! 31
Find your classmates 32
E-mails and profiles 33
Increased revenue 34
Personalization engine 35
Stories are targeted 36
Editorial linked to $$ 37
Unique e-newsletters 38
************************ NEW FROM UDQ -- July 31, 2001 University of Dayton news specially selected for Tim Bete mailto: quarterly@udayton. edu ************************ Dear Tim, Personal greeting Ask them and they shall give. That's true of UD alumni, who just set a record for donations. Tell them and they shall come. UD's undergraduate enrollment remains strong, and high school guidance counselors have named UD's admission site one of the top five in the country. Thomas M. Columbus Editor, University of Dayton Quarterly ------------------ALUMNI SET RECORD Twenty-six percent or 14, 654 of UD alumni made a gift to the University in the fiscal year ending June 30. This is the best participation rate in UD history. This year's goal: 30 percent. All alumni You can save Telefund callers a phone call by making your gift for this fiscal year online at: http: //alumni. udayton. edu/rd. asp? cd=give&rf=q 25 ------------------A QUICK GUIDE TO THE ALUMNI WEB SITE How do you find classmates and view the KU Plaza Web cam? Take a peek at the Quick Guide to the Alumni Web site. See http: //alumni. udayton. edu/NP_Story. asp? story. ID=198 ------------------PIANOS FOR SALE The department of music will have new and used pianos for sale from noon to 4 p. m. , Sunday, Aug. 5, in the Music/Theatre Building. See http: //alumni. udayton. edu/NP_Story. asp? story. ID=556 39 New subscribers only Dayton-area only
CONTINUED ------------------AMERICAN INDIVIDUALISM Will it override tradition, authority and community? Dennis Doyle of the religious studies department in a lecture this summer reminded us we are members of the communion of saints. See http: //alumni. udayton. edu/NP_Story. asp? story. ID=557 ------------------NEW DEAN ARRIVES Lisa Kloppenberg, an expert in constitutional law, an advocate of settling disputes before they reach court and a proponent of human rights, is the new dean of the School of Law. See http: //alumni. udayton. edu/NP_Story. asp? story. ID=539 ------------------BEST OF THE WEB High school guidance counselors, in a Kaplan/Newsweek College Catalog poll, named UD's admission Web site among the top five in the nation. UD was also one of two schools in Ohio noted for being responsive to individual student financial aid needs. See http: //alumni. udayton. edu/NP_Story. asp? story. ID=537 ------------------FREE ERMA BOMBECK SCREEN SAVER FOR WRITERS Phil Donahue to keynote 2002 Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop. See http: //alumni. udayton. edu/NP_Story. asp? story. ID=554 --------------------------------SEND A CLASSNOTE TO UDQ: mailto: classnotes@udayton. edu? subject=Classnote-1111111 All alumni Law school grads All alumni Copyright 2001, University of Dayton Unique ID # 40
Targeted e-mail SUBJECT: FREE UD Birthday screensaver! We are sending this e-mail decree Because you have a UD degree Happy birthday to you May your wishes come true And, here's something to download for FREE! To celebrate your birthday, click on the following link to download your FREE UD screensaver (http: //alumni. udayton. edu/rd. asp? cd=bday&rf=227 ) The "Buildings of UD" screensaver works on Windows '95, '98 and NT systems and includes 11 rotating images of campus. A unique feature of the screen saver is that, if you have Internet access, you can use the function keys at the top of your keyboard to connect to UD. For instance, press the F 1 key while your screen saver is running and you will automatically go to UD's alumni Web site. A list of the other function keys and installation instructions are below. 41 Happy birthday from all of us at the University of Dayton! Downloads tracked by birthday
Ponytail e-mail Tim, It's hard to believe but Father Ken Templin, S. M. , is going to cut off his trademark ponytail! Father Ken is losing his tail in a raffle that will help pay for 14 UD students to travel to Haiti over spring break to learn firsthand about life in a developing country. The winner will clip Father Ken's ponytail at noon on Tuesday, Feb. 13, outside Kennedy Union, weather permitting. You can watch it happen live, via Web cam, at: http: //alumni. udayton. edu/rd. asp? cd=webcam&rf=ponytail Live event To see Father Ken's ponytail and read the complete story, go to: http: //alumni. udayton. edu/rd. asp? cd=423&rf=ponytail Complete story If you'd like to help support programs, such as students traveling to Haiti over spring break, make a gift to Campus Ministry today! Put the word "ponytail" in the "Other" gift designation field. http: //alumni. udayton. edu/rd. asp? cd=gift&rf=ponytail Ask for $$ Remember to watch at noon on Tuesday, Feb. 13! If you want an e-mail reminder an hour before cutting time, click here. http: //alumni. udayton. edu/rd. asp? cd=ponytail&rf=1111111 Unique ID # 42
Original goals • Get 20, 000 alumni (25%) registered on the site • • • by 2005 Increase revenue through online donations Decrease expenses by eliminating some printing and postage costs Provide a “wow!” experience for alumni and keep them connected to the University and their classmates 43
20, 000 alumni by 2005 • 13, 000+ alumni registered now • 16. 3% of all alumni • Expect to have 16, 000 to 17, 000 by June 2002 44
Increase revenue • $41, 000+ in online donations • Several $1, 000 to $5, 000 gifts • Preferred method of giving for many graduates 45
Decrease expenses $190, 000+ saved or avoided • 275, 000+ e-newsletters sent. Est. cost if • • • in print: $137, 210 100, 000+ targeted e-mails sent: Est. cost if in print: $30, 000 10, 000+ e-birthday cards sent. Est. cost if in print: $5, 250 Online address update savings: $18, 000 46
Create a “wow!” experience • 4, 100+ UD screen savers downloaded • Low unsubscribe rate: less than 0. 1% • Alumni comments. . . l l l “Boy, do I feel flattered and special to get this news so timely. ” “I have to admit I am impressed!” “I really appreciate all the work you do for us alumni. You really help keep UD a very present part of our lives…and I am grateful. ” 47
Questions? • Tim Bete E-mail: bete@udayton. edu Web: alumni. udayton. edu • Suzanne Petrusch E-mail: spetrusch@udayton. edu Web: admission. udayton. edu • Stuart Harper E-mail: stuarth@liquidmatrix. com Web: www. liquidmatrix. com A copy of this presentation can be viewed at http: //admission. udayton. edu/presentations/ 48
Copyright University of Dayton and Liquid. Matrix Corporation 2001. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. 49