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Education Summit: Interdisciplinary Science and Science Education Education Summit: Interdisciplinary Science and Science Education

Project TEACH & Interdisciplinary Science Teacher Education Alliance of Colleges and High Schools Keith Project TEACH & Interdisciplinary Science Teacher Education Alliance of Colleges and High Schools Keith Clay, GRCC Co-Director Bruce Palmquist, CWU Director

For further information… Keith Clay: kclay@grcc. ctc. edu n Bruce Palmquist: palmquis@cwu. edu n For further information… Keith Clay: kclay@grcc. ctc. edu n Bruce Palmquist: palmquis@cwu. edu n Interdisciplinary Science: www. ivygreen. ctc. edu/ids n Project TEACH: www. projectteach. org n This presentation: www. ivygreen. ctc. edu/kclay/ids n

Teacher Education Is there a shortage? ¯Washington had 3000 vacancies for elementary and 5000 Teacher Education Is there a shortage? ¯Washington had 3000 vacancies for elementary and 5000 vacancies for secondary in 2001 -2002. (OSPI) ¯But recent graduates of elementary teacher education programs have had trouble finding jobs. (Seattle Times, Daily Olympian)

Teacher Education The Need in Washington ¯ Top 5 teaching shortages forecast ‘ 02 Teacher Education The Need in Washington ¯ Top 5 teaching shortages forecast ‘ 02 – ‘ 07 ¯ ¯ ¯ Special Education 72% Mathematics 51% Science – Chemistry 44% Science – Physics 38% Science – Biology 38% ¯ Washington now has a MS Math & Science endorsement with no programs in place ¯ Districts are recruiting elementary & middle school math/science specialists

Project TEACH “Strategy 3” To strengthen math and science for elementary schools. ¯Math for Project TEACH “Strategy 3” To strengthen math and science for elementary schools. ¯Math for elementary teachers sequence ¯ 3 -qtr. , Interdisciplinary Science sequence ¯Courses model interactive teaching and require active learning

GRCC Project TEACH Interdisciplinary Science ¯Three-quarter sequence for elementary education and other liberal arts GRCC Project TEACH Interdisciplinary Science ¯Three-quarter sequence for elementary education and other liberal arts majors ¯Interdisciplinary approach includes biology, geology, physics, and chemistry ¯ Inquiry-based with little lecture ¯ Projects introduce education students to national standards and/or EALRs

Interdisciplinary Science: What is the K-8 Curriculum? INQUIRY According to OSPI 30% SYSTEMS: Ecosystems, Interdisciplinary Science: What is the K-8 Curriculum? INQUIRY According to OSPI 30% SYSTEMS: Ecosystems, Circuits, Rock cycle, Nerves… Rockets, Solar system, Spiders… 40% 30% DESIGN

Interdisciplinary Science: What is the K-8 Curriculum? ¯ Teacher Certification: the “big” systems are… Interdisciplinary Science: What is the K-8 Curriculum? ¯ Teacher Certification: the “big” systems are… ¯ Physical Science, ¯ Earth and Space Science, ¯ Life Science. ¯ The method of learning science is inquiry. ¯ The use of science is part of science.

Interdisciplinary Science: What are the WA Standards? EALR: Ess. Acad. Learning Requirement v WASL: Interdisciplinary Science: What are the WA Standards? EALR: Ess. Acad. Learning Requirement v WASL: Wa. Assess’t of Student Learning v SCIF: Science Curr. Instr. Frameworks (they write the EALRs) v SALT: Sci. Assess’t Leadership Team (They write the WASL) v All online: www. k 12. wa. us/curriculum. Instruct v

Interdisciplinary Science: …and the Nat’l standards? ¯ “The Standards” = NSES ¯ Written ¯ Interdisciplinary Science: …and the Nat’l standards? ¯ “The Standards” = NSES ¯ Written ¯ “The by the National Academy of Science Benchmarks” (for Science Literacy) ¯ Written by AAAS Project 2061 (Amer. Assoc. for Advancement of Science) ¯ “The Atlas” (of Science Literacy) ¯ Written by AAAS Project 2061 ¯ Students can read this!!

Future K-8 Science Teachers: CC/Univ. Recommendations DRAFT Recommendations: ¯ Require college-level science courses in Future K-8 Science Teachers: CC/Univ. Recommendations DRAFT Recommendations: ¯ Require college-level science courses in physical, life, and earth and space sciences. ¯ Require 10 qtr credits (5+ lab), 15 recommended. ¯ Courses should target future elementary teachers. ¯ Address knowledge and skills in the endorsement competencies for elementary teachers. ¯ Emphasize inquiry, history and nature of science. ¯ Engage future teachers in hands-on, inquirybased learning.

Interdisciplinary Science: The Student Challenge ¯ Attract future elementary teachers to a new yearlong Interdisciplinary Science: The Student Challenge ¯ Attract future elementary teachers to a new yearlong science course ¯ Integrate biology, chemistry, geology, and physics into an inquiry lab setting ¯ Make it cohesive, cumulative, and interesting ¯ Make it challenging, not intimidating

Interdisciplinary Science: The Student Challenge 1. MYTH: Elementary ed majors won’t take more science Interdisciplinary Science: The Student Challenge 1. MYTH: Elementary ed majors won’t take more science courses than absolutely necessary. 2. REALITY: Almost all of our elementary ed students stick around for two quarters and many are staying for three. 3. We had 55 IDS students on the fall, of which 45 claimed a primary interest in elementary ed. 26 took 102 and 103, some took other lab sciences.

Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge ¯ Inquiry-based and Hands-on: Less than 20% of time Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge ¯ Inquiry-based and Hands-on: Less than 20% of time in lecture Students are often self-guided ¯ Coherent & Cumulative: GRCC uses a “Climate” theme Links to the “real world”

Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge ¯ Get your science faculty together ¯ Make ¯ Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge ¯ Get your science faculty together ¯ Make ¯ Be a list of “key topics” prepared to throw the list away ¯ Your students will show you what they need to learn

Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge ¯ Length, Area, Volume: is this science? ¯ Heat Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge ¯ Length, Area, Volume: is this science? ¯ Heat radiation, Vapor pressure, Plate tectonics, Photosynthesis: are these? Can your students learn about the second group of subjects without the first?

Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge So be creative… ¯ Rainfall – What’s an inch Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge So be creative… ¯ Rainfall – What’s an inch of rain? If an inch of rain falls on the rain gauge at the right, how deep will the water be?

Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge And be more creative… Hydrology – what’s the discharge Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge And be more creative… Hydrology – what’s the discharge of a river?

Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge Textbooks? ¯ We write our own www. ivygreen. ctc. Interdisciplinary Science: The Curriculum Challenge Textbooks? ¯ We write our own www. ivygreen. ctc. edu/ids ¯ Physics by Inquiry, Mc. Dermott and PEG ¯ Geology Lab manuals (loaned to students) ¯ Biology text (Smith and Smith – Ecology)

Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge Who’s gonna teach it? ¯ Team teach if you Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge Who’s gonna teach it? ¯ Team teach if you can ¯ Teach it the way that your students will teach ¯ Hang on to your faculty ¯Build consensus among administrators, instructors and non-participating faculty

Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge What if we just lecture? ¯ Arizona State U Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge What if we just lecture? ¯ Arizona State U (Wyckoff, Hestenes): There is a direct correlation between learning and a lack of lectures ¯ Montana State U (Francis, Adams): Students in inquiry-based classes are better problem solvers and retain more factual knowledge one year after the class.

The Instruction Challenge: So what is inquiry, anyway? ¯ Open-ended inquiry: ¯ Here’s a The Instruction Challenge: So what is inquiry, anyway? ¯ Open-ended inquiry: ¯ Here’s a question. Find an answer. ¯ Here’s some equipment. What do you see? ¯ “Take this fish and look at it. ” (Scudder) ¯ Guided inquiry: ¯ Physics by Inquiry, Explorations in Physics ¯ Instructors plan where investigation will lead.

Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge Teaching by Inquiry is a lot of work! (for Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge Teaching by Inquiry is a lot of work! (for the students and for the teachers) The payoff for these students is huge. Some instructors just don’t get it. Cherish the ones that do.

Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge What if we just lecture? n “I was a Interdisciplinary Science: The Instruction Challenge What if we just lecture? n “I was a volunteer at a public school. I took IDS because I needed a science credit. When I saw people teaching science the way I wanted someone to teach my kids, the way I wanted to teach, I decided to become a teacher and changed my major. Now I’m thinking of becoming a middle school science teacher. ” Lori Epperson IDS alumna

Interdisciplinary Science: The Results ¯ Students show improved scores on general science tests. ¯ Interdisciplinary Science: The Results ¯ Students show improved scores on general science tests. ¯ Students score significantly higher on the Science Attitude Inventory (Moore and Foy, Miami University) Lori Epperson Presenting about Project TEACH At a national AACC/NSF convention

Interdisciplinary Science: The Results ¯ IDS students helped create an elementary education degree with Interdisciplinary Science: The Results ¯ IDS students helped create an elementary education degree with a minor in science ¯ IDS and GRCC math alums now lead the charge for the middle school math and science endorsement. Debbie Hanninen Helped to lobby CWU to create the elementary ed/science option

Project TEACH Associate Pre-Professional Degree in Elementary Education English Science ENGL 110 – College Project TEACH Associate Pre-Professional Degree in Elementary Education English Science ENGL 110 – College Writing IDS 101 – Interdisciplinary Science I ENGL 111 – Writing in the Humanities IDS 102 – Interdisciplinary Science II ENGL 180 – Children’s Literature IDS 103 – Interdisciplinary Science III Humanities/Fine Arts Mathematics SPCH 100 – Basic Speech Communication MATH 170 – Foundations of Elementary Math I (Number Theory) 10 credits from ART, MUSIC, DRAMA or DANCE Social Science PSYCH 100 – General Psychology or PSYCH 210 – Developmental Psychology ANTHR 202 – Cultural Anthropology or AMES 100 – American Ethnic & Minority Studies 10 credits from courses with prefixes of: HIST, GEOG, POLI SCI or ECON Fitness/Wellness PE – Fitness Course HL ED 190 – First Aid and Personal Safety MATH 171 – Foundations of Elementary Math II (Geometry) MATH 172 – Foundations of Elementary Math III (Prob. & Stats) Professional Core/Practicum EDUC 170 – Introduction to Education EDUC 172. 1 – Tutoring in the Elementary Schools EDUC 110 – Child Development EDUC 197 – Introduction to Special Education EDUC 270 – Teacher Portfolio Review

CWU at GRCC ¯ Six quarters - Fall, 2002 to Winter, 2004 ¯ Classes CWU at GRCC ¯ Six quarters - Fall, 2002 to Winter, 2004 ¯ Classes taught at GRCC and local schools ¯ 14 -16 credits per quarter ¯ Run through Continuing Education - CWU ¯ Elementary education major, science education minor, and K-8 certificate ¯ CWU faculty advisor travels from main campus

CWU at GRCC 3 rd and 4 th Year Program Specifics CWU at GRCC 3 rd and 4 th Year Program Specifics

Bibliography ¯ IDS Website: www. ivygreen. ctc. edu/ids ¯ Physics by Inquiry: PEG at Bibliography ¯ IDS Website: www. ivygreen. ctc. edu/ids ¯ Physics by Inquiry: PEG at UW (and check out the workshop) ¯ Explorations in Physics, Laws, et al ¯ Atlas (etc. ) of Science Literacy: Proj 2061 ¯ National Science Standards and Inquiry ¯ Asking the Right Questions, Browne and Keeley

www. projectteach. org www. projectteach. org