- Количество слайдов: 91
Responsibilities in Education. a federal agency – федеральное ведомство the Department of Education (DOE) министерство образования the Secretary of Educationминистр образования
Arne Duncan United States Secretary of Education
Seal of the United States Department of Education
Department of Education Structure
Responsibilities in Education. They are responsible for the education of students between the ages of 5 & 18, K-12 [kei twelve] – the years th from kindergarten to 12 grade.
Responsibilities in Education. Boards of Education – совет по вопросам образования the curriculum (pl ) курс обучения, учебный план 16, 000 school districts in the USA School Board – школьный совет School Board trustees – попечители
Financing Schools are divided into 2 categories according to the way they are financed: 1) public (муниципальные);
Public School Florence State School, located in Florence, Alabama.
Financing private (частные) -non-sectarian (нерелигиозные, светские); -parochial – religious (принадлежит к религиозным организациям, приходская).
Parochial school in Ohio
St. John's Parochial School
Non-sectarian school The Pembroke Hill School in Kansas City, Missouri.
Public School Federal money comes in the form of : grants - субсидии entitlements – целенаправленно выделенные средства.
Secretary Spellings and First Lady Laura Bush at the meeting with students.
Problems • Children in wealthy communities (suburbs) suburbs have better funded schools. • Children in city centers attend schools which are usually underfunded (недостаточно профинансированный) • This unequal system of funding has a negative influence on the quality of education
Private school • tuition payments - плата за обучение • endowments - дар, пожертвование • donations from parent religious organizations.
Lee Academy, Maine
85 % of American children attend public schools, 15 % - private ones.
School Education The two stages of school education in the USA : Elementary School High School
Elementary School
High School
Bishop Blanchet High School-
The 8 -4 plan organization The general pattern of education In the USA is: an 8 -year elementary school, school a 4 -year high school
The 6 -3 -3 plan organization • a 6 -year elementary school, • a 3 -year junior high school (младшая средняя школа), • a 3 -year senior high school (старшая средняя школа).
6 -6 plan organization: • a 6 -year elementary school, • a 6 -year secondary school.
Elementary school The core curriculum: 1) Language or Communication Arts: Reading, Writing, Spelling & English Language skills; 2)Mathematics;
Elementary school The core curriculum: 3)Science: usually history and geography; 4)Social science.
Elementary school Choice of subjects begins at 5 th & 6 th grade (upper elementary school) The school year runs from early September to the following June. Students attend daily from Monday to Friday. Students have homework.
High school • There are 2 kinds of school subjects in high schools: 1)compulsory subjects for all students: • English • Physical education • Social science
High school 2)Elective subjects (по выбору): • Mathematics • foreign • Languages • Physics • history • chemistry& others
Students attending at the Alaska University of Technology.
High school • vocational training - профессиональное обучение; • technical education-профессионально • техническое образование • a high school diploma - аттестат о среднем образовании • The certificate of the Junior High School - свидетельство об окончании младшей средней школы
Vocational training of blacksmith
Riverside Military School
Nicknames Students in the 9 th grade are called freshmen (учиться 9 класе, первокурсник, новичок), in the 10 th grade – sophomores, in the 11 th grade – juniors, In the 12 th grade – seniors (старшекурсники).
The academic year • begins in late August or early September • ends in June • 3 vacations during the year: • winter break (каникулы, перерыв), • spring break, • summer break.
The academic year • is one of the shortest of all developed countries. • It ranges from 175 to 184 days.
National standards • set up by the National Education Goal Panel • mandatory обязатательные • they are just recommendations
Сurriculum • During these 8 semesters [si’meste] they must have: • 4 years of English (Composition & Literature), which will give him 4 credits • Credit - «кредит» , зачетная единица Карнеги.
• 3 years of Mathematics (3 credits). • 3 years of Science. • 3 years of Social Science, including 1 year of American History, 1 year of World History. • 1 semester of Economics (half a credit).
Сurriculum • 1 semester of American government • 1 semester of Practical Art (Typing, Business, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Vocational Education or Foreign Language) • Fine Arts (Music, Dance, Theatre, Painting or Sculpture) • 1 semester of Personal Health • 1 semester of Physical Education
Lesson of Fine Arts
To receive a diploma students should: • complete a certain number of courses • study 4 or 5 major subjects per year during 4 years, • Major subjects should be for an hour a day, 5 days a week.
Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University
Princeton University
Yale University
Yale University
Harkness Tower
Columbia University in New York City
University of Chicago in Chicago
University of Chicago in Chicago
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge
Stanford University in Stanford
Stanford University in Stanford
Duke University in Durham
Duke University in Durham
Duke Chapel
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
California Institute of Technology in Pasadena
California Institute of Technology in Pasadena
Dartmouth College in Hanover
Dartmouth College in Hanover
Williams College in Williamstown
Amherst College in Amherst
Amherst College in Amherst
Swarthmore College in Swarthmore
Swarthmore College in Swarthmore
Middlebury College in Middlebury
Middlebury College in Middlebury
Pomona College in Claremont
Pomona College in Claremont
Bowdoin College in Brunswick
Bowdoin College in Brunswick
Wellesly College
Carleton College in Northfield
Haverford College in Haverford
Haverford College in Haverford
Claremont Mc. Kenna College in Claremont
Claremont Mc. Kenna College in Claremont
Vassar College in Poughkeepsie
Vassar College in Poughkeepsie