Скачать презентацию Education and Creativity How Do We Encourage Creativity Скачать презентацию Education and Creativity How Do We Encourage Creativity


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Education and Creativity: How Do We Encourage Creativity in the Classroom 9 th Fulbright Education and Creativity: How Do We Encourage Creativity in the Classroom 9 th Fulbright International Conference, August 7 -8, 2010 Milena Stoycheva, CEO Junior Achievement Bulgaria

CREATIVITY >>> INNOVATION>>> ENTREPRENEURSHIP Encouraging Creativity in the Classroom JA Business Model and Approach CREATIVITY >>> INNOVATION>>> ENTREPRENEURSHIP Encouraging Creativity in the Classroom JA Business Model and Approach to Education Developing a New Mindset/ Way of Thinking Learning-by-doing Method of Teaching Use of Non-Traditional Setting and Environment Experts and Business People in the Classroom Use of Technology and New Media in the Delivery of Programs New types of Learning Activities as a Main Element in the Curricula: Events, Innovation Camps, Conferences, Competitions 2

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt Henry 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt Henry Ford Walt Disney Bill Gates

Sergey Brinne Larry Page 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28, 8 Sergey Brinne Larry Page 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28, 8 bln 25 28 pt Smallest 28 pt 17 300 bln Mark Zukerberg 16, 6 bln Ingwar Kampard 20

Sergey 32 pt Smallest 28 pt Brinne and __ __ _______ Larry Page __ Sergey 32 pt Smallest 28 pt Brinne and __ __ _______ Larry Page __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt 1998 25 16, 6 billion

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ Mark Zukerberg 2004 __ _______ __ 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ Mark Zukerberg 2004 __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt 20 300 billion

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ Ingwar Kampard 1943 17 28, 8 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ Ingwar Kampard 1943 17 28, 8 billion __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT MODEL Learning-by-doing approach in all 28 pt 32 pt Smallest __ __ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT MODEL Learning-by-doing approach in all 28 pt 32 pt Smallest __ __ _______ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt programs __ __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt Encouraging lifelong learning a Bridge between education&training and the business world - support for programs - business volunteers

JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT BULGARIA • • Established in 1997 Offers 27 educational courses and __ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT BULGARIA • • Established in 1997 Offers 27 educational courses and __ 32 pt Smallest 28 pt programs __ _______ business __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt Has_______ 26. 000 students throughout Bulgaria __ over __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt Programs are taught by 680 teachers in 100 cities in more then 650 schools during the academic 2008 -2009 www. jabulgaria. org

European Enterprise Challenge • • • Belgium 2004 Romania 200532 pt __ __ _______ European Enterprise Challenge • • • Belgium 2004 Romania 200532 pt __ __ _______ __ Netherlands 2006 __ _______ __ Norway 2007 Belgium 2008 Denmark 2009 Smallest 28 pt _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt • Bulgaria 2010 • GPE

32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 25% of the young people have 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 25% of the young people have the potential to start their own business 60%__ _______ __ people who have started their own business, succeed of the young 28 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 90%__ _______ __ of the young 28 pt Smallest 28 pt who have ever tried 28 pt Smallest 28 pt people, to start their own business, successful or not , say they have learned a lot and this has helped them in life Research by JA-YE Europe

Why is Entrepreneurship Important? • 98% от бизнеса 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ Why is Entrepreneurship Important? • 98% от бизнеса 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ • Innovation __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt • New Jobs__ employment 28 pt __ _______ and 28 pt Smallest • Economic growth • Competition • Develops the potential of people

The Way of the Entrepreneur 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 The Way of the Entrepreneur 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

…. Leaders 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 …. Leaders 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

…Being innovative and discovering new opportunities 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ …Being innovative and discovering new opportunities 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

…Being team-players 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 …Being team-players 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

Finding ways to communicate and cooperate across borders… 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ Finding ways to communicate and cooperate across borders… 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

…Able to adapt and change, seeing opportunities in problems 32 pt Smallest 28 pt …Able to adapt and change, seeing opportunities in problems 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

…Ready to take the risk 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 …Ready to take the risk 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt

My Message • Edith Wharton 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ “There My Message • Edith Wharton 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ “There are two ways of spreading light: To be the __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt candle, or the mirror that reflects it. ” __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt Follow your heart! Think big and beyond! Be the change you want to see in the world!

…and Take off 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest …and Take off 32 pt Smallest 28 pt __ _______ __ 28 pt Smallest 28 pt