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Editori senza policy Open access: quali strategie adottare? Luigi Sambuelli Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente Editori senza policy Open access: quali strategie adottare? Luigi Sambuelli Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture

Le azioni possibili • Lettera all’editore che fa presente la richiesta da parte dell’istituzione Le azioni possibili • Lettera all’editore che fa presente la richiesta da parte dell’istituzione di pubblicare in OA e mettere il lavori su Porto includendo: 1. Il riferimento alla clausola 39 del FP 7 2. Il riferimento al fatto che l’OA aumenta l’indice di citazione 3. La propensione conseguente a pubblicare su riviste che abbiano una favorevole politica di OA 4. Il link a Porto http: //porto. polito. it/ 5. In attach la lettera adeguata secondo il caso che chiede all’editore di dare una risposta precisa sulla sua politica OA (scaricabili da http: //www. biblio. polito. it/openaccess/richieste_editori. html)

Il caso pratico Riviste facenti capo all’EAGE (1): • • • First break - Il caso pratico Riviste facenti capo all’EAGE (1): • • • First break - EAGE - mensile Geophysical prospecting (GP)- EAGE – Wiley-Blackwell - bimestrale Near surface geophysics (NSG) – EAGE – bimestrale Basin research (BR) – EAGE – IAS (2) - Wiley-Blackwell - bimestrale Petroleum geoscience (PG) – EAGE- Geological Society of London (GSL)-quadrimestrale (1)European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (2)International Association of Sedimentologists

Un sasso nello stagno Mia mail del 13 Settembre 2012 17: 35 all‘editor in Un sasso nello stagno Mia mail del 13 Settembre 2012 17: 35 all‘editor in chief di NSG On 23 October I’ll have to give a brief talk in my university on “What to do when the Editors have no policy about OA opportunity” and EAGE is one of these cases. We prepared two letter forms: one to be sent contemporarily to submission of a paper and one to be sent after the submission. I send to you these two forms in attach. Can you help me? To whom I should send these forma in order to get the OFFICIAL answer of EAGE editor? What would it be the answer of EAGE? Thank you very much

Prima onda Mail inoltrata il 13 Settembre 2012 17. 29 dall‘editor in chief di Prima onda Mail inoltrata il 13 Settembre 2012 17. 29 dall‘editor in chief di NSG a editori delle atre riviste EAGE I like to bring the open access issue again to the attention of EAGE and ask for a suitable scheme to meet the need of authors to be able to place their published work subsequently on (noncommercial) open access platforms. In our function as members of the publication committee and being in charge of the journals as editors, we are increasingly confronted with this issue. One way handling this is suggested by Luigi Sambuelli, also Associate Editor by Near Surface Geophysics (see below and attached). In fact, we are aware of many journals doing this alike. With this, I am asking EAGE to establish a clear policy and working scheme for allowing authors to place their work in open access platforms. We know, that authors actually check on this possibility before submitting and it is getting increasingly an important factor by their decision to which journal they like to submit.

Seconda Mail del 13 Settembre 2012 18. 04 da un membro dell‘editorial board di Seconda Mail del 13 Settembre 2012 18. 04 da un membro dell‘editorial board di PG I think this is a matter for the whole Board of EAGE to consider. I propose that we ask SMITH to provide Head Office advice on this request to the Board, and I encourage editors of the other EAGE journals to submit their comments to SMITH, with copies to SMITH, to all the other editors, and to me. Of course, we cannot act unilaterally with respect to Basin Research and Petroleum Geoscience because we are only co-owners of those two journals. Mail del 13 Settembre 2012 19. 44 dall‘editor in chief di PG The matter was discussed at the last PG Owners’ Meeting in Houten. In a nutshell, GSL have formed a working group charged with developing a policy to advise the GSL Council through the Publications Committee. Sounds a bit bureaucratic but SMITH of GSL Publishing House gave a quick but thorough overview of the situation. It will affect publicly-funded research in the first instance as governments increasingly require OA publication.

Risultato probabile Geological Society – Londra (Petroleum Geoscience) ……. Please note that authors continue Risultato probabile Geological Society – Londra (Petroleum Geoscience) ……. Please note that authors continue to enjoy the following rights: ……. • In the case of journal articles, and prior to publication by the Geological Society, the right to post a ‘postprint’ (i. e. Accepted Version*, in the final form accepted by Geological Society of London for publication) to authors’ personal web pages or to an institutional web site or repository maintained by the institution to which they are affiliated. Any such posted work must be accompanied by a notice: “Accepted for publication in [name of publication] as of [date]”. After publication, it should be accompanied by a link to the abstract of the article in the Lyell Collection. Note that the final published PDF may not be posted in such ways.

In conclusione • Gli Autori possono/devono fare pressione sugli editori per avere risposte chiare In conclusione • Gli Autori possono/devono fare pressione sugli editori per avere risposte chiare sulle loro politiche OA. • Le leve sono: il successo in termini di indice di citazioni delle riviste OA; la richiesta, all’interno dei progetti UE di pubblicare in OA; la conseguente propensione a pubblicare in giornali OA. • Li si può mettere di fronte ai documenti che chiedono di prendere posizione. • L’argomento è di attualità e molto sentito; l’esperienza riportata dimostra come l’ambiente editoriale sia sensibile e reattivo a sollecitazioni mirate.