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Edexcel Update August 2013 Dr David Davies Education Consultant Pearson 2 Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level
Largest awarding body in the UK UK Government Stakeholders • Implement QCA standards • Design and develop qualifications in conjunction with employers, professional associations and educators Establish objectives and educational policies Determine standards to achieve educational objectives • Obtain accreditation from QCA for qualifications • Approve, train and support educators to deliver our qualifications • Quality control educators and learning programmes • Accredit 3 rd party qualifications Educators (schools, colleges and universities) National training authorities Professional Associations Employers (business and Gov)
Edexcel qualifications: The Complete Solution QCF Level Edexcel Qualifications Academic Vocational (BTEC) Level 7 M (masters) Masters degrees, postgraduate certificates and diplomas Level 6 H (honours) Bachelor degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas BTEC Higher National Graduate Diploma* Level 5 I (intermediate) Diplomas of higher education and further education, foundation degrees and higher national diplomas BTEC Higher National Diploma Level 4 C (certificate) Certificates of higher education BTEC Higher National Certificate Level 3 GCE (A) Levels (A* - E) BTEC Nationals Level 2 GCSE (A*-C) / International GCSEs BTEC Firsts Level 1 GCSE (D-G) / International GCSEs BTEC Foundation Learning Entry Level 4 Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) Basic skills BTEC Foundation Learning * Currently in development. First UK teaching September 2011. BTEC Professiona l BTEC Specialist
Edexcel Academic Qualifications • Edexcel offers two main suites of academic qualifications- GCE A levels and International GCSEs • GCE A levels are two-year courses designed for students aged 16 -18 • The first year of the GCE A level is known as the AS and can be separately certificated if required • Edexcel’s GCE A levels are regulated by the UK Regulator Ofqual • GCE A levels are accepted for university entry by all universities in the UK and many universities around the world, e. g. USA (Harvard, Yale), Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc. • International GCSEs are two-year courses designed for students aged 1416 which prepare students for GCE A levels 5
Edexcel GCE A Levels – the specifics 6
Immediate Changes to existing Edexcel A levels from September 2013 From September 2013 students in England will no longer be able to take Edexcel A level examinations in January; all examinations will be in June only In certain subjects students who will be finishing their course in January 2014 will be able to finish their A levels in January 2014 7 Students who started in September 2012 and who will be finishing their course in June 2014 will be able to take examinations in June 2013 and June 2014 only AS and A 2 examinations for existing specifications will be available in June 2013, June 2014, June 2015 and June 2016 Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level
A level Reform from September 2015 A levels revised for teaching from September 2015 8 First assessment in June 2016 for revised AS and in June 2017 for revised A Level Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level Revised specifications introduced in ‘facilitating’ subjects. i. e. those most commonly required for university entry Facilitating subjects will be introduced in September 2015: Mathematics and Further Mathematics, English (Language, Language and Literature), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography) Plus: Psychology, Art and Design, Business Studies, Economics
Introduction of revised Edexcel A levels from September 2015 The revised Edexcel A levels will be designed for schools in England in international schools 9 The specifications will be ‘linear’- i. e. will be examined all examinations in the June will be taken at examination the end of the series only course Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level A full suite of A level and AS specifications will be available All specifications will be regulated by Ofqual and will carry the Ofqual logo on certificates
Introduction of revised Edexcel AS Specifications from September 2015 AS specifications will become ‘stand-alone’ qualifications which can be taken over one or two years AS specifications will not contribute to A level results AS specifications will encourage curriculum breadth AS specifications will be broadly at their current standard First assessment of the new AS will be in June 2016 Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level 10
International Advanced Level Qualifications – the specifics 11
Introduction of new International Advanced level and AS Specifications from September 2013 A suite of Advanced level and AS specifications for international centres for first teaching in September 2013 Specifications content designed to meet specific needs of international centres 12 Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level Modular structure. Examinations in June and January. First examination in January 2014 Unit re-sit opportunity AS contributes to A level
New Advanced level and AS Specifications from September 2013 - continued Enter students for a combination of Edexcel A levels and the new International Advanced levels 13 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 e. g. enter for English Literature with Edexcel A levels and for Science with the new International Advanced Levels We will ensure that the qualifications are recognised by universities in the UK, US, Australia etc in the same way as Edexcel A levels
New International Advanced level and AS - Subjects Available Mathematics, Pure Mathematics • Revised structure and Further Mathematics Biology • Structure unchanged Chemistry • Structure unchanged Physics • Structure unchanged Economics • Revised structure Business Studies • Revised structure Accounting- 2 papers • Structure unchanged Law- 2 papers (linear) • Structure unchanged 14 Curriculum reform update and International Advanced level
New International Advanced level and AS Specifications - Timeline End of April Outline of new specifications May/June Draft specifications and sample assessment materials Subject-specific Training in May for Business Studies, Economics and Mathematics October Final specifications and sample assessment materials January 2014 First unit examination 15 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Students who need to complete their A levels in January 2014 Ofqual has agreed that we can offer the same exams we currently offer in these subjects in January for one more sitting in January 2014 in the following subjects: • Mathematics • Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) • Economics • Business Studies • Accounting • Students can cash in as planned to complete their A levels • NB The specification and assessment remain unchanged. • Students will be awarded an Edexcel International Advanced level, regulated by Pearson. • For other subjects examinations will be available in June only. 16 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Students wishing to complete their Edexcel GCE A levels in June 2014 • • • Students who are planning to complete their A levels in June 2014 will not be able to sit an examination in January 2014 They will be able to complete their courses in June 2014 as planned Centres entering for Accounting, Law and the written paper options for Biology, Chemistry and Physics will receive an International Advanced Level in place of an A level. 17 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Edexcel GCE A level Mathematics and Edexcel International Advanced level Mathematics The Edexcel International Advanced level Mathematics will have three specifications: Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Further Mathematics • The following units will be available from January 2014: • Core Mathematics 1 and 2 (available as one unit) • Core Mathematics 3 and 4 (available as one unit) • Further Pure Mathematics 1, Mechanics 1, 2 and 3, Statistics 1 and 2 and Decision Mathematics 1 • In addition, the following units will be available from June 2014: Further Pure Mathematics 2 and 3 and Statistics 3 • Further information is available at: • www. google. com/url? q=http%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww. edexcel. com%2 Fqu als%2 Fial&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQj. CNFjq. E 2_6 se 2 k. Kkgy. We. Fu. Vw 06 MOs. Q 18 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 •
Edexcel International Advanced level Economics and Business Studies • • • There will be some new content added in the International Advanced level Economics specification. All four units in the International Advanced level Economics specification will be equally weighted. The content of the International Advanced level Business Studies will be updated with an international synoptic unit. All four units in the International Advanced level Business Studies specification will be equally weighted. Both specifications will be available in the January and the June examination series with effect from January 2014 Further information is available on: www. edexcel. com/quals/ial. 19 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
University Recognition of International Advanced Levels A large number of universities in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have recognised International Advanced Levels for entry purposes in the same way that they accept Edexcel A levels, including the following: • Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology • United Kingdom: University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, • King’s College, London, and more than 40 others • Also leading universities in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland etc • More universities are being added to the list on a weekly basis • The full list of university recognition is available here: • ial-recognition 4. pdf • 20 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Recognition of International Advanced Levels by UK NARIC • • UK NARIC, the National Recognition Centre for the United Kingdom, is the national agency responsible for providing information and expert opinion on qualifications and skills worldwide UK NARIC has compiled a draft Report on ‘Benchmarking the Edexcel International A level against the GCE A level’ The study looked at the following IAL subjects: Accounting, Business Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Law, Physics and Mathematics Using NARIC’s well-established methodology for benchmarking qualifications, the Report considered: programme design, entry requirements and progression, course content and structure, learning outcomes, assessment framework, including assessment objectives, methods and performance descriptors 21 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Recognition of International Advanced Levels by UK NARIC- 2 • • • A review of quality assurance processes was also conducted, taking into account external marking, standardisation, certification, and examination and assessment development. The study found that the assessment frameworks in Biology, Chemistry and Physics align with Edexcel GCEs in these subjects, the core content of the Mathematics aligns to that covered in the Edexcel GCE Mathematics, and that the design and structure of the IALs in Law, Accounting, Economics and Business Studies, related closely to the Ofqual Subject Criteria, but also included additional topics appropriate for international candidates The study concluded overall that ‘the Edexcel International A levels is considered comparable to the overall GCE A level standard’ 22 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Our promise to you We appreciate that there is a great deal of change - we will always be here to help and support you 23 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 We are committed to providing high quality qualifications that meet the needs of all our learners We want to provide the widest possible choice to you and your students You can be confident that all our qualifications will provide progression pathways into Higher Education
Pearson GCE and IAL Helpdesk • Tel number: 8129 0100 • Email: peial@pearson. com 24 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
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