Eden and Hell
v Believers are those who do good even to those who caused them harm. v Believers are those who forgive even those who robbed them and rejected them. v Believers are those who show respect even to those who have humiliated them
Everyday you open your eyes and go to brush your teeth… But how many time you spend in thinking of God? Everyday you enjoy with others in this PART TIME. How often you pray to God? You think maybe it’s not matter, but you are wrong! You will know the great anguish because not thought about Him!
We have different ideas of heaven and hell. Each of us has ever thought about where he will go. But, in reality, everything is already decided. However, the man thinks he is making decisions on their own, however, it is not. . . After all, our every action was pre-determined by God However, despite all that is written above, you should understand that a person has a choice between a good deed and a bad deed. So be careful to choose!
Many of people are lost in this world, ruled by passion, rich, money. . . Be careful with these things, because they lead to death, to Нell. How many people in the world do something bad, and then regret about that… But time does not return back. So let's think now whether you need these worldly goods, which will soon disappear as soon as a handful of dirt fall on your dead body which will be laying in the darkness. Think NOW!
How can you live up and not think about mercy of your God ? Remember! You should do right things And as much as possible giving poor people alms And always be in praying! Cause you don’t know when you die
With each new dawn, we get one more chance to change our lives, and every sunset can be the last. .
v God sends a disaster is not to destroy, punish or kill his slave, but in order to test his patience, contentment with his Lord and his conviction. Allah gives tests to hear from his slave sincere prayer, humble calling, asking for protection and assistance, and handling of their complaints only to Him.
Hell - home created by Allah for those who do not believe in Him, protested against Sharia and considered him a liar His Messengers. This is a - car, which he would expose his enemies, and dungeon, which will sharpened sinners. This is - the greatest shame and a terrible loss and there is no greater humiliation and damage Eden - this is a great reward, a generous reward, prepared by God for those whom he loved and who obey Him. It - perfect bliss, having no blemish even impurities, and everything is clean and beautiful in it without faults.
When I'm stuck in traffic, do not have time to lift, turn back to answer a phone call. . . When these happen all the little things that annoy me, I think to myself that this was the place where God wants me to be is at the moment. The next time you think that the morning is not the case, children dress up slowly, you can not find your car keys, each standing on a traffic light, do not despair and do not lose your temper - God is at work, protecting you. Everything happens by the will of God. ". . . It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you. And perhaps you love something that is bad for you. Allah knows, and ye know not. "
Oh, those who believe, take the good and the bad! Become a patient. Patience-light, which will bring you the fruits of Paradise. Be humble and do not be sad. Truly, this world-only a temporary abode.
Be beautiful, does not mean to be born, After all, the beauty we can learn. When a beautiful soul-Man What looks can compare with it?