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EDAM Education Against Marginalisation Results of the first European research concerning outcome of adult education Drs. Maurice de Greef Maastricht University / Vrije Universiteit Brussel / LVO (info@arteduc. nl)
For whom? What do think for your country?
A. Mission impossible: Being a good qualitative director of life? n Missing the boat? n Staying in the harbour of Rotterdam? n Moving to the canals of Amsterdam?
B. The study: Influence of training-design on increase of social inclusion ? n Training-design increase social inclusion n Learning-environment: – Courses of basic skills – Courses digital skills – Language courses to gain a better place in society
Researchmodel Training-design 1. Learning-contents and interaction 2. Context: • Life-circumstances • Transfer-climate 3. Trainee-charact. : • Sociodemogr. factors • Motivation • Self-directness 4. Support supervisor Social Inclusion 1. Activation 2. Internalisation 3. Participation 4. Connection
Phase 1: Phenomenographical study: meaning of increase of social inclusion n Pilot: Interviews among 32 participants n 4 categories of social inclusion: – Activation: To manage in and around house – Participation: To visit doctor, police, local community services, bank or to dine out – Connection: To meet new people and to improve existing contacts – Internalisation: To dare being yourself and to feel well n Remarkable: Higher increase SI participation unemployed
Model Increase of Social Inclusion
Phase 2: Quantitative study Outcomes in terms of Social Inclusion n n 8 Countries (NL, BE, IT, AT, RO, EL, DK, DE) 50 Institutions of Adult Education 995 participants Ca. 15 meetings of Courses aiming increase of social inclusion a. o. : – Language courses (Literacy) – Digital Skills – Basic Skills n Pre-phase: Testing SIT-instrument among 308 participants (in NL)
Country → Variable of social inclusion ↓ 1. National language skills European consor-tium NL BE IT AT RO EL DK DE 32. 4 31. 2 52. 7 34. 1 31. 3 25. 9 1. 2 59. 1 42. 9 46 30. 1 41. 2 39. 8 50 1. 2 29. 5 38. 1 37. 7 44 29. 5 42. 2 31 3. 5 34. 1 57. 1 2. Digital skills 38. 8 3. International language 34. 9 skills 4. Assertiveness 5. Labour and Upbringing skills 37 28. 7 35. 7 47. 3 29. 5 49. 4 39. 7 3. 5 70. 5 54. 5 30. 1 36. 3 23. 5 34. 9 24. 1 3. 5 40. 1 47. 6 6. Voluntary work and neighbourhood skills 34. 8 35. 9 51. 6 24. 2 44. 6 34. 5 2. 3 50 50 7. Contact skills 8. Financial skills 9. Meeting and attempting 31. 5 20. 2 29. 7 30. 1 40. 7 29. 5 37. 3 43. 1 3. 5 47. 7 45. 2 21. 4 33 15. 2 30. 1 15. 5 3. 5 15. 9 21. 4 28. 5 40. 7 29. 5 38. 6 37. 9 0. 0 34. 1 47. 6 10. Meeting intimate contacts 26. 3 27. 9 34. 1 21. 2 27. 7 41. 4 0. 0 36. 4 35. 7 11. Attempting in associations neighbourhood 36. 9 39 45. 1 31. 1 48. 2 43. 1 0. 0 47. 7 47. 6 12. Being active in nature and sports 28. 5 27. 7 47. 3 22. 7 43. 4 29. 3 1. 2 34. 1 35. 7 13. Involving into arts and culture 29 28. 3 50. 5 23. 5 36. 1 22. 4 1. 2 38. 6 50 14. Getting a membership 23. 7 30. 5 33 12. 9 30. 1 0. 0 20. 5 35. 7 15. Preventing loneliness 32. 9 35. 3 44 21. 2 56. 6 15. 5 3. 6 50 38. 1 16. Activation & Internalisation 44. 2 40. 7 54. 9 52. 3 43. 4 60. 3 9. 3 68. 2 59. 5 17. Participation & Connection 37. 4 35. 9 48. 4 39. 4 43. 4 53. 4 3. 5 40. 1 59. 5
High percentage or not? Educational evaluation-studies: n EDAM: – Activation & Internalisation: 44. 2% – Participation & Connection: 37. 4% n Training for work: – 35, 4% directly a job – 29, 7% after one and half year a job (LFL are daily durable skills) n Training in work: – 10% until 20% of participants applies learning-outcome
Authentical influence? n Both: Transferpossibilities: – Possibilities to apply learning-outcome in daily life n Activation & Internalisation – Teacher support n Participation & Connection – Learning contents & activities
C. Products (direct) of EDAM n. WP 1: Desk-research and paper concerning Adult Education and social inclusion in Europe (RO) n. WP 2: FIRST European Database VE SI (IT) n. WP 3: Evaluation-model for organisations of AE (AT) n. WP 4: Tool-kit for policy-makers (DE) n. WP 5: Train – the – trainers (DK)
C. Products (indirect) of EDAM n. WP 6: Dissemination-plan (EL) n. WP 7: Communication & Management (NL) n. WP 8: Evaluation(plan) in- and external (BE) n. WP 9: Exploitation of results (meetings and plan) (NL) Hopefully influence of EC And results Memorandum Lissabon!
Continuing story of research n New partners in Europe n In NL: new learning-environments: – Welfare, – Housing, – Labour market n. Dutch database consists – 5017 learners – 80 communities – 63 organisations of: n. Analysis on: – Kind of target-group – Effect of learning on social inclusion and development on labour market – Success-factors of learning n. Research-results can be an input for policy-making
Everybody can reach optimal state of social inclusion after courses of a. o. basic skills? n Not always possible! n To need a view behind the scene! – How am I doing it now? – What do I prefer to do differently? n Organisation of view for vulnerable adults together with supervision to become their own director! n And that’s how we call. . . n In Europe: EDAM: EDucation Against Marginalisation n What do think for your country?