- Количество слайдов: 29
Territory – 53600 sq. km. Population – 3 171 400 Density of population – 59, 2 / 1 sq. km. Mean age of population – 39, 9 years Volga Federal District
Manufacturing complex of Samara region
Region within Russian transport system
Ratings of Samara region Investments opportunity (Rating agency «Expert RA» ) Credit rating according to Standard & Poor's national scale 12 place ru. AA+ Credit rating according to Moody's Interfax Rating Agency national scale long-term Аа 1. ru NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Credit rating according to Standard & Poor's international scale UN index of human potential BB+ 10 place Credit rating according to Moody’s Investors Service international scale Bа 1 / Stable
Approaches in Samara region’s investments policy Providing of comfortable informing & institutional environment for attracting investments Decreasing market entering barriers Providing of effective law support for business activities Mutually beneficial basis for public & private interests
Current tax Law Tax Law from 01. 2012 г. The rate of property tax reducing (2, 2%) Tax free period = payback period, but Up to 100 million rub. no longer than 7 years. (approximately 2, 4 million euro)– 2 Investment years Volume and tax From 100 million rub. to 500 million free rub– 4 years period of a Project From 500 million rub (approximately 11, 9 million euro), – 5 years Comments Tax free period lasts from the start of Tax free period lasts from the a project (first financing). register date of the property within the project The rate of corporation tax reducing (4, 5%) If the investment sum exceeds 650 From 100 million rub. to 500 million Investment million. rub. (approximately 15, 5 rub– 4 years Volume and tax million euro), Tax free period = From 500 million rub– 5 years free payback period, but no longer than 7 period of a Project years. Comments Tax free period lasts from the start of a project (first financing). generating profit
Foreign partners of Samara region
POSSIBLE FIELDS OF COOPERATION: § Automotive industry § Projects in aviation & space § Transport & logistics § Construction § Retail § Telecommunications & IT technologies § Nanotechnologies § Medicine § Tourism & hotel business § International cooperation
SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN SAMARA REGION Rate on the territory of Russian Federation Rate on SEZ territory For first 5 years: LAND CHARGES TRANSPORT TAX CORPORATION TAX (regional budget) PROPERTY TAX 18% 2, 2% 1, 5% 6 -150 rub. 13, 5% 0% 0% 0 rub.
SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN SAMARA REGION 10 550 working places 950 mln. euro Investments volume BUILDING PLAN 2011 ZF Lemforder Gmbh (Germany) 2012 «TPV-Rus» (Slovenia) JSC «Renforce –New technologies» JSC «RT – Engineering» JSC «Liga» JSC «Iron stream» JSC «Sigma» Association of playgame industries
SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN SAMARA REGION Railway High-speed internet Motor road IP-telephony Sewage system Gas supply Electrical power supply Heat supply Water supply
IT-park «Zhiguli valley» Project parameters: Project cost – 100 mln. euro 50 300 кв. м. 250 servers Over 3500 new working places 38 agreements with potential residents, as for October 2011 6 projects are approved
IT-park «Zhiguli valley» Priority directions of IT-park activities Development & implementation of IT-technologies in industrial production Implementation of advanced IT-technologies in automotive industry, engine-building, defense & aerospace industry Software development, including computer modeling of technological processes Advanced training in IT-technologies
SPECIAL TOURIST ZONE Zone is situated in the National park «Samarskaya Luka» near Shiryaevo village SEZ area – 182, 33 ha Project cost – 120 mln. euro
SPECIAL TOURIST ZONE SEZ contains: Ski resort; Medical, health & spa resort; Mineral water production
PREPARATION FOR FOOTBALL CUP 2018 Hotels Working: Constructing: 12% - 4 stars (637 suites) 72 % - 3 stars (3686 suites), 16 % - below 3 stars (816 suites) Suites needing reconstruction - 2732 Extra needing suites - 1760
Reconstruction of «Kurumoch International Airport»
PREPARATION FOR FOOTBALL CUP 2018 Samara region’s rapid transport system Togliatti Zhiguliovsk Samara Kinel Railroads River transport Autobahn Novokuibyshevsk
Governmental support of presentation activity ● In 2010 - 18 presentational events, 5 exhibitions, 4 international missions (Germany, Netherlands, France, Slovenia), more than 60 meetings with international partners were managed and held. ● More than 250 companies took part in the events ● More than 1500 m 2 of exhibitions territory were built Most part of events is financing by the Government of Samara Region and free of charge for participants That allows for many small and middle size companies to show their economic potential in an international market
Companies which hosted foreign partners: Since 2009, Samara Regional Center of Human Resources, Samara Regional Resource Center with the great support and partnership of Samara Region Administration hosted more than 50 interns from Germany (2009, 2010 and 2011), France (2009 and 2011), Norway (2011). More than 100 companies from all sectors of economics of different sizes and interests worked with interns providing them with valuable and important information: ● ● ● ● ● Samara Region Administration Samara City Administration Trade Chamber of Commerce of Samara Region Avto. VAZ ‘Electroshield’ factory ‘Alcoa’ Samara Metallurgical factory ‘CSKB-Progress’ Engine Factory and Production Company ‘Aviaagregat’ Engine Factory, Production and Construction Company ‘Plastic’ industrial company Samaraneftegas Samarainvestneft Posneft ‘Kourumuch’ International Airport Samara Regional Center of Innovations and Technology Transfer ‘EXPO-VOLGA’ exhibition center Perfume and cosmetics factory ‘Vesna’ Fashion House ‘Bosco’ Holding ‘Lapp Group’ Science, production and software company ‘Smart Solutions’ Science, production and software company ‘Knowledge Genesis’ Science, production and software company ‘Magenta Technology’ ● ● ● ● ● ● Software company ‘Open Code’ Software company ‘I-Sys’ Travel Company ‘Samara. Intour’ Travel Company ‘Profcenter’ Togliatti ship buiding factory APEX stationery, office supply company ‘Samara Stroypharphor’ factory ‘Baltika’ Beer Company Butter and cheese factory ‘Koshkinskiy’ Publishing company ‘AGNI’ Hospital named after Yeroshevskiy (eye surgery) Medicine Company ‘Imploziya’ Production Company ‘Samara Windows Construction’ Bank ‘Pervobank’ Industrial Equipment Factory ‘Strommachina’ Industrial Equipment Factory ‘Samara Steel Factory’ Automotive company ‘Argo’ Automotive company ‘Audi’ Automotive company ‘Porsche’ Language center ‘I-Polyglot’ Samara State University Samara State Aerospace University Samara State Technical University International Market Institute
Testimonials: 'Agema Consulting AS, a Norwegian based consulting company was very satisfied with the assistance provided by the Regional Resource Center. I received invaluable help in the Center's setting up meetings with companies and translation help at the meetings', Carl Tybring-Gjedde, AGEMA. "Samara Regional Center of Human Resources and Regional Resource Center: I would like to express my thankfulness once again to you for your great hospitality during my 1 week stay with you in Samara. We got a great introduction to Samara region and possibility to meet companies and other business people from our industry. In the long run we hope that we will manage to use these valuable business contacts and create some common business projects together. " Jaakko Isotalo, BIGHOUSE AS
Contacts Government of Samara Region www. samregion. ru Samara Regional Resource Center www. samara-rrc. ru Administrations of city Samara www. city. samara. ru Samara Regional Center of Human Resources Dmitriy Ovodenko, Director ovodenko. DV@samregion. ru