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Economic Diplomacy at Unicamp Mário Presser presser@eco. unicamp. br Economic Diplomacy at Unicamp Mário Presser presser@eco. unicamp. br

Hard Beginning o 1999: SG Rubens Ricupero delivered a lecture at Unicamp and suggested Hard Beginning o 1999: SG Rubens Ricupero delivered a lecture at Unicamp and suggested a local Commercial Diplomacy Graduate programme. The Unicamp’s Rector accepted the challenge. o 2002/2003: training of trainers at the International Key Issues course (2) and the International Investment Agreements course (1). o 2002: Co-ordinator: Internship at UNCTAD o 2002: Amb. Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães became Special Advisor to the course.

Hard Beginning o August 2003: Mo. U is signed. Joint international seminar on WTO/ALCA Hard Beginning o August 2003: Mo. U is signed. Joint international seminar on WTO/ALCA issues in Campinas. o The programme did not become a full postgraduate course: it should be financed by the market. o October 2003: first edition (25 participants from the private sector) is offered at the American Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo. o January 2004: 10 new participants join the course. Break-even point is assured.

First Bimester – Levelling courses o International Trade, International Political Economy and International Finance: First Bimester – Levelling courses o International Trade, International Political Economy and International Finance: Inhouse lecturers and invited speakers. n n Similar approach to the undergraduate and graduate classes at Unicamp. Materials: Flagship Reports, Statistics, Special Studies (e. g. Dynamic Products, Arguments against Free and Unfair Trade)

Main Core o Agriculture, Goods, IP and Services: In-house lecturers and invited speakers n Main Core o Agriculture, Goods, IP and Services: In-house lecturers and invited speakers n n Materials developed for paragraph 166 activities. Materials produced by World Bank, WTO, OCDE. Brazilian negotiators at the end of each Module. Some few case studies developed elsewhere.

Main Core o Environment, Regional Negotiations and Simulation Exercise: Invited lecturers o Materials from Main Core o Environment, Regional Negotiations and Simulation Exercise: Invited lecturers o Materials from UNCTAD in trade and environment. o Brazilian case studies.

Videoconferences from UNCTAD o IIAs o Antidumping o Commodities o Manuela Tortora on the Videoconferences from UNCTAD o IIAs o Antidumping o Commodities o Manuela Tortora on the State of the Negotiations in Geneva (alive)

Dispute Settlement o No Law School at Unicamp o Invited lecturers did not correspond: Dispute Settlement o No Law School at Unicamp o Invited lecturers did not correspond: Module was suspended. o A shorter second presentation was succesful: new partners from lawyer firms specialized in DS.

Networking and Spillovers o 55 presenters o Itamaraty and American Chamber of Commerce were Networking and Spillovers o 55 presenters o Itamaraty and American Chamber of Commerce were very cooperative. o Technical negotiators were not always available: long distance from Brasilia. o Seminars at Unicamp for graduates and undergraduates. o Special Grants for undergraduates.

Networking and Spillovers o Participation in national Seminars o Participation in WTO regional courses Networking and Spillovers o Participation in national Seminars o Participation in WTO regional courses o Research finance: available for individuals only o Invitation to go to Brasilia in 2005 (Senate and Trade Ministry) o New Academic partnerships: USP. . . o Virtual Institute member

Networking and Spillovers http: //www. eco. unicamp. br/ceri/boletim. htm Networking and Spillovers http: //www. eco. unicamp. br/ceri/boletim. htm

Study Tour and Prospects o February 2005: 28 participants and promoted by the VI: Study Tour and Prospects o February 2005: 28 participants and promoted by the VI: it was considered by them the high point of the course.