Скачать презентацию Ecomessage ECENA 1 st Plenary Meeting Januari 19 Скачать презентацию Ecomessage ECENA 1 st Plenary Meeting Januari 19


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Ecomessage ECENA 1 st Plenary Meeting Januari 19 -20, 2006 Zagreb Henk Ruessink Environmental Ecomessage ECENA 1 st Plenary Meeting Januari 19 -20, 2006 Zagreb Henk Ruessink Environmental Inspectorate Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment The Netherlands

Current Problems with environmental crime § Environmental crime is billion $/€ international business, § Current Problems with environmental crime § Environmental crime is billion $/€ international business, § People, animals, ecosystems are faced with (severe) negative effects, § Law enforcement authorities have inadequate information concerning the size, structure & dynamics of (international) environmental crime, § There is inadequate communication and cooperation between environmental law enforcement agencies world-wide.

Ecomessage is Interpol’s reporting system for environmental crime Ecomessage covers § Illegal transborder movements Ecomessage is Interpol’s reporting system for environmental crime Ecomessage covers § Illegal transborder movements & illegal dumping of wastes and ODS, § Vessel pollution, § Illegal transborder activities involving radioactive substances, § Illegal trafficking in wild flora and fauna

Ecomessage is official Interpol policy § Interpol circular letter, reference 38/DII/SD 2/E/INT/WG/2/ENV/94 § Of Ecomessage is official Interpol policy § Interpol circular letter, reference 38/DII/SD 2/E/INT/WG/2/ENV/94 § Of 9 June 1994, § outlines the responsibilities of NCBs to transmit Ecomessages to the Interpol General Secretariat

Ecomessage collects data that can be: § Analyzed to define the size, structure and Ecomessage collects data that can be: § Analyzed to define the size, structure and dynamics of syndicates involved in international environmental crime, and § Alert and request assistance from law enforcement agencies in other Interpolmember countries, and § Cross-referenced within Interpol’s database to identify any links between an active case and prior criminality.

Major ivory seizure Good example of Ecomessage subject Major ivory seizure Good example of Ecomessage subject

Ecomessage Data I § There have been 313 Ecomessages filed since 2000. § Most Ecomessage Data I § There have been 313 Ecomessages filed since 2000. § Most of these have been wildlife offenses involving: § § § Elephants & ivory Protected wildlife skins Reptiles Caviar Traditional Oriental Medicines 85 57 33 26 25

Most Common Contraband Most Common Contraband

Ecomessage Data II § There were approximately 800 Ecomessages filed before 2000. § Of Ecomessage Data II § There were approximately 800 Ecomessages filed before 2000. § Of these, the largest single commodity was elephant ivory, figuring in about 200 Ecomessages § Thus, the current total of Ecomessages should be about 1, 113, of which about 285 should involve elephant ivory.

Smuggling Techniques § § § 70 45 22 15 7 6 Luggage Freight Containers Smuggling Techniques § § § 70 45 22 15 7 6 Luggage Freight Containers Postal and Express Delivery Mails Residential Concealed in vehicles

Countries of Origin/Provenance In ten or more cases: § § § Indonesia China South Countries of Origin/Provenance In ten or more cases: § § § Indonesia China South Africa Tanzania Thailand § § § India Netherlands Malaysia Afghanistan Peru

Destinations § § § Czech Republic Netherlands Canada Russia Belgium § United Arab Emirates Destinations § § § Czech Republic Netherlands Canada Russia Belgium § United Arab Emirates § Italy § Spain § USA § Tanzania

Transit Countries § § § Netherlands Germany Turkey China Kenya Czech Republic Transit Countries § § § Netherlands Germany Turkey China Kenya Czech Republic

CAVEATS. . § Data presented is NOT statistically valid! § The Ecomessage database is CAVEATS. . § Data presented is NOT statistically valid! § The Ecomessage database is still much too small to be the basis of serious analysis we need more !

Current Initiatives § Efforts are being made to stimulate submission of Ecomessages for both Current Initiatives § Efforts are being made to stimulate submission of Ecomessages for both pollution and wildlife offenses. § INECE is sponsoring distribution of Ecomessage information to pollution control agencies. § IFAW is sponsoring the publishing and distribution of Ecomessage information to wildlife agencies.

Ecomessage Brochure Provides: • Information about Ecomessage • Instructions for completing forms and filing Ecomessage Brochure Provides: • Information about Ecomessage • Instructions for completing forms and filing with Interpol • Copies of Ecomessage forms • Examples of Ecomessges Produced in • Arabic • English • French • Spanish Hard Copy & CD versions

Ecomessage Award § § § Wildlife Only U. S. $30, 000 award Presented as Ecomessage Award § § § Wildlife Only U. S. $30, 000 award Presented as law enforcement training or law enforcement equipment (no cash!) Criteria established by Interpol’s Working Group on Wildlife Crime Presented for a CITES Intersessional Period Sponsored by IFAW

Your Participation is Important Ø Criminal syndicates are damaging the biosphere for their profit. Your Participation is Important Ø Criminal syndicates are damaging the biosphere for their profit. Ø These syndicates can be stopped only once law enforcement learns their vulnerabilities and modes of operation. Ø These can be identified by analysis of Ecomessage data.

Thanks To: § § § Bill Clark Interpol. . . §And! Thanks To: § § § Bill Clark Interpol. . . §And!

Ecomessage Countries! § § § § Australia Belgium Botswana Canada Chile Colombia Czech Republic Ecomessage Countries! § § § § Australia Belgium Botswana Canada Chile Colombia Czech Republic Djibouti Egypt Germany Hong Kong, China India Israel Italy Japan Kenya § § § § Namibia Netherlands New Zealand Peru Rwanda Singapore Slovenia South Africa Sweden Switzerland Thailand Tanzania Uganda United Kingdom United States Zimbabwe