Eco village: Eco. Union
The History of Eco. Union In 1991 our company “Eco. Union” leased an obstinate territory in Eco. Union Vitebsk region. Primary aim was to create secure unused land. But after our purchase, Eco. Union got in to debts. During next 15 years this territory was protected by forestry enterprise of Belarus. We weren’t busy with forest reserve and nature rehabilitated because of absence of human activity. In 2006 the company got 5 billions dollars for successful project for UNESCO. And we decided to put money in new project. Shareholders Ann Zakharchuk and Miss Mrochko suggested to use our territory in Belarus. And Eco. Union started devise business plan. We decided to create secure territory, where people can make yourselves healthier. We invite tourists from all corners of the world. They will revel in clean air, and forget about boring working days. None connection with outer space. It’s a village of new generation.
The Radioactive Map
The Plan of Eco. Union
Basic requirements are: • Clean air, water and land • Freedom of spiritual expression. • Social interaction. • Meaningful activity. • Safe play. • Adequate shelter. • The scope for all owners to operate a business from home.
The Area
River Schylno
Garden Center
Children’s Garden
Village Store
Eco Food
Alternative Energy
Eco Taxi (summer)
Eco Taxi (winter)
Car Park
Summerhouses for Tourists
Welcome to Eco. Union! www. ecounion. by