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ECE 313 - Microprocessor Organization Image source: Intel Corporation www. intel. com Prof. John ECE 313 - Microprocessor Organization Image source: Intel Corporation www. intel. com Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 nestorj@lafayette. edu Portions of these slides are derived from: Textbook figures © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Tod Amon's COD 2 e Slides © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Dave Patterson’s CS 152 Slides - Fall 1997 © UCB Rob Rutenbar’s 18 -347 Slides - Fall 1999 CMU other sources as noted

Classes of Computer Systems Desktop Server Embedded Image sources: Dell Computer www. dell. com Classes of Computer Systems Desktop Server Embedded Image sources: Dell Computer www. dell. com Rackable Systems www. rackablecom Apple Computer www. apple. com ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 9

Desktop Computer Systems } For “General-Purpose” Use } Word-Processing, Web surfing, Multimedia, etc. } Desktop Computer Systems } For “General-Purpose” Use } Word-Processing, Web surfing, Multimedia, etc. } Computation and Programming } What’s in the box } } Microprocessor Memory - Synchronous DRAM Hard disk(s), CDROM/DVD, etc. I/O - mouse, keyboard, video card, monitor, network, etc. } Important Issues: } Performance - how fast is “fast enough”? } Basic capabilities (and expandability) } Cost ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 10

Server Computer Systems } Large-Scale Services } File storage } Computation (e. g. , Server Computer Systems } Large-Scale Services } File storage } Computation (e. g. , supercomputers) } Transaction Processing, Web } What’s in the Box(es) } Microprocessor(s) } Hard disks } Network Interface(s) One Rack-Mount PC Unit (Google uses ~ 10, 000) } Important issues: } Performance } Reliability, availability } Cost ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 11

Embedded Computer Systems } Computer as part of larger system } Consumer electronics, appliances Embedded Computer Systems } Computer as part of larger system } Consumer electronics, appliances } Networking, telecommunications } Automotive / aircraft control } What’s in the box } Microcontroller / Microprocessor } Memory: RAM, ROM; Disk } Special-purpose I/O (including analog stuff) } Important issues } Cost, Power Consumption } Performance (against real-time constraints) } Reliability and Safety ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 12

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) The Hardware-Software Interface } The most important abstraction of computer Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) The Hardware-Software Interface } The most important abstraction of computer design Application Programs Operating System Compiler Processor I/O System Software Instruction Set Architecture Interface between SW & HW Logic - gates, state machines, etc. Circuit - transistors, etc. Hardware Layout - mask patterns, etc. ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 18

Example Architecture: MC 68 HC 11 Registers Memory (Max 65 KB) 16 bits 8 Example Architecture: MC 68 HC 11 Registers Memory (Max 65 KB) 16 bits 8 bits A B X Y SP PC=0 x 0002 CCR 16 bits 0 x 0000 0 x 0001 0 x 0002 0 x 0003 ADDA 42 ABA BEQ 0 xfffe 0 xffff 8 bits Instruction Formats opcode operand pre-opcode operand ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview operand 20

Example Architecture: MIPS Registers Memory (Max. 4 GB) 32 bits R 0 R 1 Example Architecture: MIPS Registers Memory (Max. 4 GB) 32 bits R 0 R 1 R 2 0 x 00000004 0 x 00000008 0 x 0000000 C 0 x 00000010 0 x 00000014 0 x 00000018 0 x 0000001 C R 30 R 31 32 General Purpose Registers 32 PC = 0 x 0000001 C 0 xfffffffc Instruction Formats op rs rt op ECE 313 Fall 2004 rd shamt funct offset address Lecture 1 - Course Overview 21

Example Architecture: 80 x 86 (IA-32) Registers Memory (Max. 4 GB) 32 bits EAX Example Architecture: 80 x 86 (IA-32) Registers Memory (Max. 4 GB) 32 bits EAX ECX EDX EBX ESP EBP ESI EDI 0 x 00000004 0 x 00000008 0 x 0000000 C 0 x 00000010 0 x 00000014 0 x 00000018 0 x 0000001 C CS SS DS ES FS GS EIP EFLAGS EIP(PC)=0 x 0000001 C (condition codes) ECE 313 Fall 2004 32 0 xfffffffc Instruction Formats not shown (1 -17 bytes in length) Lecture 1 - Course Overview 22

Under the Hood: The Pentium 4 Package Die Photo Image sources: Intel Corporation www. Under the Hood: The Pentium 4 Package Die Photo Image sources: Intel Corporation www. intel. com ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 24

Pentium 4 Microarchitecture Source: “The Microarchitecture of the Pentium® 4 Processor”, Intel Technology Journal, Pentium 4 Microarchitecture Source: “The Microarchitecture of the Pentium® 4 Processor”, Intel Technology Journal, First Quarter 2001 http: //developer. intel. com/technology/itj/q 12001/articles/art_2. htm. ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 25

Under the Hood: A Desktop PC } Display (CRT or LCD) } Keyboard, Mouse Under the Hood: A Desktop PC } Display (CRT or LCD) } Keyboard, Mouse } “The Box” } Power Supply } Motherboard (see next slide) • • • Memory Graphics card Standard bus card slots (e. g. PCI) Standard I/O connectors (e. g. USB, Parallel Port, etc) Disks, CDRW, etc. ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 26

Organization of a Desktop PC ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview Organization of a Desktop PC ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 27

Typical Motherboard (Pentium III) Power Conn. Floppy Conn. S. Bridge BIOS ROM IDE Disk Typical Motherboard (Pentium III) Power Conn. Floppy Conn. S. Bridge BIOS ROM IDE Disk Conn. Memory AGP Processor PCI Cards N. Bridge Rear Panel Conn. ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 28

Under the Hood: Apple i. Pod Source: EE Times, www. eetimes. com ECE 313 Under the Hood: Apple i. Pod Source: EE Times, www. eetimes. com ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 29

Computer History - 1970 s DEC VAX 11/780 - 1970 s (Discrete IC’s) Intel Computer History - 1970 s DEC VAX 11/780 - 1970 s (Discrete IC’s) Intel 4004 - 1970 s (First Microprocessor) ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 49

Computer History - 1970 s Apple II Computer MOS Technology 6502 ECE 313 Fall Computer History - 1970 s Apple II Computer MOS Technology 6502 ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 50

Computer History - 1980 s Intel 8088 (LSI Microprocessor) ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture Computer History - 1980 s Intel 8088 (LSI Microprocessor) ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview Original IBM PC 51

Today: VLSI Microprocessors Pentium® III 28 M transistors / 733 MHz-1 Gz / 13 Today: VLSI Microprocessors Pentium® III 28 M transistors / 733 MHz-1 Gz / 13 -26 W L=0. 25µm shrunk to L=0. 18µm ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview Power. PC 7400 (G 4) 6. 5 M transistors / 450 MHz / 8 -10 W L=0. 15µm 53

Today: VLSI Microprocessors Process Shrinks Pentium® 4 42 M transistors / 1. 3 -1. Today: VLSI Microprocessors Process Shrinks Pentium® 4 42 M transistors / 1. 3 -1. 8 GHz 49 -55 W L=180 nm ECE 313 Fall 2004 Pentium® 4 “Northwood” Pentium® 4 “Prescott” 55 M transistors / 2 -2. 5 GHz 55 W L=0. 130 nm Area=131 mm 2 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 125 M transistors / 2. 8 -3. 4 GHz 115 W L=90 nm Area=112 mm 2 54

Today: VLSI Microprocessors Power. PC® 940 (G 5) 58 M transistors / 2 GHz Today: VLSI Microprocessors Power. PC® 940 (G 5) 58 M transistors / 2 GHz / 97 W L=130 nm Area=118 mm 2 Intel Itanium® 2 410 M transistors / 1. 3 GHz / 130 W L=130 nm Area=374 mm 2 Image courtesy International Business Machines All Rights Reserved Image source: Intel Corporation www. intel. com ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 55

VLSI Trends: Moore’s Law } In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that transistors would continue VLSI Trends: Moore’s Law } In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that transistors would continue to shrink, allowing: } Doubled transistor density every 24 months } Doubled performance every 18 months I’m smiling BUT… Nobecause I exponential is forever! was right! } History has proven Moore right } But, is the end in sight? } Physical limitations } Economic limitations Gordon Moore Intel Co-Founder and Chairmain Emeritus Image source: Intel Corporation www. intel. com ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 62

Microprocessor Trends (Intel) Source: http: //www. intel. com/pressroom/kits/quickreffam. htm, EE Times ECE 313 Fall Microprocessor Trends (Intel) Source: http: //www. intel. com/pressroom/kits/quickreffam. htm, EE Times ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 63

Microprocessor Trends (Log Scale) I 2 M Alpha (R. I. P) P 4 N, Microprocessor Trends (Log Scale) I 2 M Alpha (R. I. P) P 4 N, G 5 G 4 Sources: Intel Corporation, IBM Corporation, www. geek. com, EE Times ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 65

DRAM Memory Trends (Log Scale) Source: Textbook, Industry Reports ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture DRAM Memory Trends (Log Scale) Source: Textbook, Industry Reports ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 66

Performance Trends Vax 11/780 Source: Hennesy & Patterson Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3 Performance Trends Vax 11/780 Source: Hennesy & Patterson Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3 rd Ed. , Morgan-Kaufmann, 2002. ECE 313 Fall 2004 Lecture 1 - Course Overview 67

Processor Performance Trends 1000 Supercomputers 100 Mainframes 10 Minicomputers Microprocessors 1 0. 1 1965 Processor Performance Trends 1000 Supercomputers 100 Mainframes 10 Minicomputers Microprocessors 1 0. 1 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Year 1990 1995 2000

Summary - Technology Trends } Processor } Logic capacity } Clock frequency } Cost Summary - Technology Trends } Processor } Logic capacity } Clock frequency } Cost per function increases ~ 30% per year increases ~ 20% per year decreases ~20% per year } Memory } DRAM capacity: (4 x every 3 years) } Speed: } Cost per bit: increases ~ 60% per year increases ~ 10% per year decreases ~25% per year } Disk } Storage capacity ECE 313 Fall 2004 increases ~60% per year Lecture 1 - Course Overview 69