Скачать презентацию EC-UN Joint Migration Development Initiative A project Скачать презентацию EC-UN Joint Migration Development Initiative A project


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EC-UN Joint Migration & Development Initiative A project implemented by MAP (Migrant ACCESS Programme) EC-UN Joint Migration & Development Initiative A project implemented by MAP (Migrant ACCESS Programme)

 Outline of the presentation Brief Introduction to Hambantota district and overall targets l Outline of the presentation Brief Introduction to Hambantota district and overall targets l Progress l The factors impacted on the progress l Issues with regard to beneficiaries l Future plans l Summary l

Introduction l Hambantota district consists of 12 divisional secretariats. Introduction l Hambantota district consists of 12 divisional secretariats.

We work in the following DS Divisions l l l l Angunakolapelessa Lunugamwehera Hambantota We work in the following DS Divisions l l l l Angunakolapelessa Lunugamwehera Hambantota Ambalantota Tissa Beliatta Okewela

Overall targets By the end of the project A total of 61 grants will Overall targets By the end of the project A total of 61 grants will be delivered l 200 individuals will be offered English courses l 200 individuals will be offered IT courses Hambantota l 200 individuals will be served under active job search component (including the Matara District) l

Progress from Oct 2009 – Feb 2010 826 interviews (through field visits) Progress from Oct 2009 – Feb 2010 826 interviews (through field visits)

192 field inspection visits 192 field inspection visits

20 grant beneficiaries selected. 32. 78% achieved of overall target. 20 grant beneficiaries selected. 32. 78% achieved of overall target.

A 2 day workshop conducted A 2 day workshop conducted

3 English classes – 35 students 17. 5% achieved of overall target and ahead 3 English classes – 35 students 17. 5% achieved of overall target and ahead of projected target for 6 months.

3 IT classes – 35 students 17. 5% achieved of overall target and ahead 3 IT classes – 35 students 17. 5% achieved of overall target and ahead of projected target for 6 months.

Progress in a chart (Interviewed Beneficiaries) Progress in a chart (Interviewed Beneficiaries)

Progress in a chart (Selected Beneficiaries) Progress in a chart (Selected Beneficiaries)

Progress in a cascade October Getting ready for the project by putting in place Progress in a cascade October Getting ready for the project by putting in place the following • Preparation of questionnaire • Raising awareness of the MAP project among the public as well as relevant government officers Government Agent, Divisional Secretaries and Grama Niladaris. (village’s headman) November l 826 interviews (through field visits) December l 192 Inspection field visits l 20 grant beneficiaries selected January February Process of accessing EBs District Secretary 12 Divisional Secretaries l A 2 day workshop conducted March l 2 English classes – 23 students l 20 grants selected l A 2 day workshop Grama Niladari (village’s headman) Returnee migrants l 2 IT classes – 23 students l 1 English and IT classes - 12 students

The factors impacted on the progress l Mid October Provincial Council elections 2009. l The factors impacted on the progress l Mid October Provincial Council elections 2009. l Failure to foresee the potential problems during the interview process due to the non inclusion of key questions in the questionnaire and loose criteria. l Delays Due to the delay caused when getting the returnee migrant lists from the relevant government officers also had an impact. l Time factor : - a huge amount of time spent on pre service delivery period So far 88 working days spent on interviewing and another 88 working days spent on the following. l l Short listing Selection and field inspection visits to ascertain the beneficiary’s capability to start up business.

Issues with regard to beneficiaries (findings) Pre employment l l l Poverty / unstable Issues with regard to beneficiaries (findings) Pre employment l l l Poverty / unstable income for the husband Lack of opportunities Unemployment During employment l l l Due to above factors the beneficiaries easily fall for racketeers and become stranded in foreign countries. Sometimes they borrow money for high interest rates only to find themselves unable to pay it back. l l Abuse Problems with the employer Problems with regard to children - psychological impact - getting sick - lack of parental attention/ absence of non care takers - non secure environment for children specially girls - children going astray. - children’s education Breakdown of family / husband addicting to drink Unexpected incidents such as domestic accidents

Future Plans l Delivery of grants for 20 beneficiaries next month. l l Calling Future Plans l Delivery of grants for 20 beneficiaries next month. l l Calling of quotations Purchase of equipment Technical training Delivery l Continue to cover the remaining 4 DS Divisions and 41 grant beneficiaries will be selected. l The services of active job search component will be delivered starting from April 2010 l Creation of a data base consisting unemployed returnee migrants. l Carry out follow up for 20 grants and other grant beneficiaries as well l Start IT and English courses for 41 individuals during next 3 months and progress test for all the participants.

Challenges IT and English In the future we may find it hard to come Challenges IT and English In the future we may find it hard to come by potential beneficiaries for IT and English due to the following reasons. (200 individuals) The most of them are so obsessed with finding a means of living that they can not focus on learning. l The returnees difficult to find time as they are so busy with more important aspects of their lives than training, E. g. . Looking after children keeping the house etc … l They have passed the age of learning. l They prefer IT and English training for their offspring for it will greatly benefit the returnees financially. IT / English courses are inaccessible for most of them or highly expensive. l Micro projects

Summary through a timeline Year Topic 2009 2010 2011 O C T N O Summary through a timeline Year Topic 2009 2010 2011 O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N Making the work plan Obtaining the endorsement letter from District Secretary Mr. Meegasmulla (requested by Tissa and Tangalle Div Secs. ) Preparing questionnaire to identify returnee migrants Making appointments with Divisional Secretaries and meeting them Identifying returnee migrants for participation / Selection of individual EB's for participation through individual and group interviews Final selection of clients for participation Delivery of grants Months Delivery of service IT / English Active job search component Monitoring and Evaluation

Thank you Any questions? Thank you Any questions?