Скачать презентацию EAUC Conference Matthew Rowland — Jones Envirowise Скачать презентацию EAUC Conference Matthew Rowland — Jones Envirowise


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EAUC Conference Matthew Rowland - Jones Envirowise EAUC Conference Matthew Rowland - Jones Envirowise

Introduction • Issues/drivers/barriers • What is Envirowise • What is resource efficiency Introduction • Issues/drivers/barriers • What is Envirowise • What is resource efficiency


Issues Food and drink waste accounts for around 22 million tonnes/year • 1/3 from Issues Food and drink waste accounts for around 22 million tonnes/year • 1/3 from food manufacturing and processing • 1/3 from commercial (e. g. catering, hotels and retail) • 1/3 third from the domestic sector

Issues Food and drink waste accounts for around 22[1] million tonnes/year • 1/3 from Issues Food and drink waste accounts for around 22[1] million tonnes/year • 1/3 from food manufacturing and processing • 1/3 from commercial (e. g. catering, hotels and retail) • 1/3 third from the domestic sector

Drivers ABPR Some food waste banned from landfill Landfill space London 3 -5 years Drivers ABPR Some food waste banned from landfill Landfill space London 3 -5 years Landfill tax £ 32/t now - £ 48/t by 2011 Methane 22 times more potent GHG than CO 2 FOG Blockage is perennial and costly problem Hazardous waste Low awareness in the sector Cost Disposal plus purchasing and preparation

Barriers • ‘We have always done it this way’ • Contracts • Location restrictions Barriers • ‘We have always done it this way’ • Contracts • Location restrictions • Data collection • Lack of expertise/knowledge


What is Envirowise? Envirowise is a Government-funded programme dedicated to putting the sustainable use What is Envirowise? Envirowise is a Government-funded programme dedicated to putting the sustainable use of resources at the heart of UK business practice.

What is Resource Efficiency? Resource efficiency can be defined as: The use of raw What is Resource Efficiency? Resource efficiency can be defined as: The use of raw materials or inputs (utilities, raw materials, equipment, staff time etc) as efficiently as possible in the production of a product or delivery of a service. I. e. Minimising inputs while maintaining or increasing the quality of an output (product or service).

What’s the Process Understand where biggest savings can be made Measuring and understanding inputs What’s the Process Understand where biggest savings can be made Measuring and understanding inputs Monitoring progress over time Make informed decisions – set realistic targets and objectives Future proofing - ability to adapt to changes in environmental perspective Reduce reliance of finite and renewable resources

Resource Efficiency in Practice Elimination Most preferable Buy what you need Source reduction Prepare Resource Efficiency in Practice Elimination Most preferable Buy what you need Source reduction Prepare what you need Re-use Staff meals Recycling Separate for composting Treatment & disposal Least preferable Landfill

www. envirowise. gov. uk/hcfactsheets Advice Line 0800 585 794 www. envirowise. gov. uk/hcfactsheets Advice Line 0800 585 794