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Eating out in Chelyabinsk преподаватель ГБОУ СПО (ССУЗ) «ЧГКИПи. Т» Гаук Кристина Александровна
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n Some years ago there were not many places for eating in Chelyabinsk. There were few canteens, cafes and restaurants where people could have breakfast, lunch, dinner or have a snack. But Chelyabinsk has changed.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n Nowadays there are a lot of different places here we can eat decent food at reasonable price, and take someone for business lunch.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n If you want to eat on the run, you should go to a fast food restaurant: Mc. Donalds, KFC or Pizza Houses such as Pizza Mia, Pomidor, Doka Pizza and others. They are very popular now.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n The first Russian. Canadian Restaurant Mc. Donalds was opened in Chelyabinsk in 2007. Now there are 2 Mc. Donalds in our city and everyone has experienced the dishes there.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n This fast food restaurant specializes in different burgers with beef, chicken, fish, cheese even rolls with shrimps;
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n single or double hamburgers, French fries, chicken nuggets; fillet of fish; chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice-cream, cakes, tasty milkshakes, tea and coffee.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk (Kentucky Fried Chicken) n KFC has recently been opened in the center of Chelyabinsk.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n Another type of a fast food restaurant can offer you KFC's original product - fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders' recipe of 11 herbs and spices.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n. The ingredients of the recipe represent a notable trade secret.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n Its menu can also offer you other chicken products such as chicken fillet burgers, as well as salads and side dishes such as French fries, desserts and soft drinks.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n KFC is known for the slogan "So good". The service in fast food restaurants is quick: you enter the restaurant, come up to the counter, make your choice, pay the money, take the tray with your dishes and occupy any vacant table.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n If you are in a hurry, you can have a snack in a bar. There are many kinds of bars in Chelyabinsk: snack bars, express bars, sushi bars.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n Besides, if you are hungry but have too little time for eating, you can take a quick bite in different cafes.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n But if you seek the gastronomical experience, you should go somewhere else. There are very many restaurants in our city to satisfy everyone’s taste – from traditional Russian food and delicacies of the Far East.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n Italian cuisine in Chelyabinsk is one of the most popular. Speaking about Italian cuisine, it is impossible not to mention pasta and internationally popular pizza – Neopolitana, 4 Cheeses, Margarita and others, which became favorites. Each restaurant has its specialties of the house.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n If you are interested in the culinary art of Indochina, you have to visit Japanese restaurants and sushi bars. And you can also try takeaway Korean salads which are sold in large supermarkets.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n The people of Indochina eat practically every kind of food, but in the culinary art they don’t use European dairy products. They almost never use salt but they use soya sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in water as dressings.
Eating out in Chelyabinsk n It is impossible to describe all the variety of delicious dishes of different countries. You can visit these places and taste everything yourself.
Canteen n Консервная банка; n Столовая; n Обед; n Контейнер.
Вreakfast n Ужин; n Прием пищи; n Обед; n Завтрак.
To have a snack n Пообедать; n Иметь обед; n Перекусить; n Позавтракать.
Decent food n Вкусная еда; n Приличная еда; n Невкусная еда; n Отвратительная еда.
Reasonable prices n. Разумные цены; n. Ужасные цены; n. Сниженные цены; n. Неразумные цены.
Soft drinks n. Мягкие напитки; n. Легкие напитки; n. Безалкогольные напитки; n. Сладкие напитки.
Vacant table n. Свободная касса; n. Свободный столик; n. Занятый столик; n. Столик на двоих.
Specialty of the house n. Специальный дом; n. Фирменное блюдо заведения; n. Фирменное блюдо дома; n. Специализация заведения.
The culinary art n. Поваренная книга; n. Кулинария; n. Кулинарное искусство; n. Кулинарный шедевр.
Takeaway food n. Еда на вынос; n. Еда на заказ; n. Еда в заведении; n. Еда по низким ценам.
To try n. Поднос; n. Мерить; n. Пробовать; n. Стараться.
Question 1. n. What restaurants in Chelyabinsk do you know? Name them.
Question 2. n. What food can you try in Russian-Canadian restaurant Mc. Donalds?
Question 3. n. What food can you try in KFC?
Question 4. n. What is the service in fast-food restaurants?
Question 5. n. What is the culinary art of Indochina?