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EASYTRADE Global Foreign Trade Platform for SME The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Contract: IST- 2001 - 33315 Project type: RTD and Demonstration Start date: 1 st May 2002 End date: 1 st May 2004 Co-ordinator: Ibermatica Partially finded by the European Commission Site map Contact us
Democenter: Da controllare Site Map The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us Home Objectives Exploitable results The market Workplan Worplan Phases Workpackages The Easytrade platform Platform functionalities The Simulator Most advantageous offer Landed cost calculation The Taric classifier The Cyberfair The Cyber catalogue Services for the exporter Services for the importer The export document manager Integration services The export sales manager Management of current and potential customers Service providers The Consortium Software companies and research institutes Export and trade experts Chambers of commerce, business associations and governmental Service providers Events Contact us Site map Registration
IST-33315 -EASYTRADE Global Foreign Trade Platform for SME The project Goals • The Easytrade project aims to revolutionise international trade by making available to SMEs the information and facilities usually only accessible to large companies. • Easytrade plans to improve SME access to foreign trade by developing a pioneering initiative to streamline import / export processes through the design of intelligent technologies and user friendly interfaces. • Features The Easytrade project will combine advanced technologies to promote foreign trade, a requirement often expressed by Chambers of Commerce, foreign trade institutions, business associations, development agencies, governmental bodies, research institutes and SMEs. Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us
Easytrade Goals The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us ü To create an easy to use web portal to enable SMEs to carry out international trade transactions such as on-line contracting with service providers. ü To break down the barriers to international trade currently faced by SMEs by making available the facilities & information only normally accessible to large companies. The market for the portal is made up of the following basic target groups: 1. Companies and organisations those require services in the field of foreign trade Next 2. Organisations and companies which offer services in the field of foreign trade 3. National and international public-sector bodies that organise public tenders at international, national or local level - such tenders are open, as a minimum requirement, to the participation of any
In a perfect world… The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Next Site map Contact us
In the real world there are many barriers… Cumbersome payment systems Payment delays The project Goals Lack of knowledge on payment methods Risk of non payment Features Workplan ICT platform € Partners Events Importer Exporter Goods Complicated transport Complex customs Site map Contact us procedures documentation Different technical and legal Different standards requirements Next
And numerous service providers to choose from… Surveillance companies Banks Insurance companies The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners € Importer Exporter Events Goods Forwarders Certification companies Site map Contact us Customs agents Transport companies ü Easytrade provide useful features for SMEs to solve all their problems!
Easytrade Features (1) The project Goals Features • Advice on tax, customs duties, legal and administrative requirements Workplan ICT platform Partners Events • Production of commercial, transport, customs and export documents • Total price for an exported product including insurance, freight, import taxes, port fees. Site map Contact us • TARIC code search facility Next
Easytrade Features (2) The project • List of suppliers who provide export services e. g. shipping agents, haulers, insurers • A facility to select the most competitive suppliers’ quote • Exporters can display their products in a web page and have access to statistics of importers Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events • An on-line order negotiation & invoicing system • Current customers order status, new orders, new quotation requests, previous orders and price lists for each customer Site map Contact us
The market The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us The market for the portal comprises the following five target groups: 1. Companies and other organisations who require services such as trade organisations, business associations, Chambers of Commerce, public agencies, universities and study centres. 2. Organisations and companies which offer international trade services: Financial institutions, Insurance companies, Transport companies, Forwarding agents, Consultants, Customs agents, Publishing houses, Travel agents, Companies offering technical training, Organisers of events, Language academies, Certification and standardisation bodies, Labelling and packaging companies Companies and bodies who do not currently require foreign trade services. This includes organisations who wish to improve the efficiency of their internal processes (e. g. publicise their products or use the portal to procurement goods or services), but are prevented from doing so by a range of barriers. 4. National and international public-sector bodies who organise international, national or local public tenders. (These tenders are have to be open as a minimum requirement to operate as a company within the EU. ) 5. Companies not yet established in the countries where the platform is operating but who may seek to capitalise on the competitive advantages offered by the market. They would also use the portal to streamline their internal processes. Due to the range of services on offer, the Easytrade platform will provide added value to all companies, irrespective of geographical location or industrial sector. The portal’s features will particularly meet the needs of small and medium-sized companies who wish to take advantage of the global marketplace, but are currently not able to access it, since they feel it is too expensive and complex. Back
Democenter: Togliere o aggiungere link negli OBJECTIVES The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us The market 3.
Exploitable results The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform The main results of the project will be: 1. The creation of the Easytrade platform to support the access of European SMEs to the digital economy, thereby overcoming the current barriers to foreign trade: Xport. Plus portal. The Portal will provide the following features: – – – Partners Events – – Efficient and cost saving export-import solutions Search for the most advantageous economic offer Features which integrate the foreign trade value chain (logistics, custom agent, transport, financial, insurance, …) International approach throughout the system Administrative features 2. 3. Site map Contact us Guidelines to implement and exploit Easytrade services in other markets. Implementation and validation of the platform in 8 European Countries and within different sectors These innovative nature of the Easytrade project will allow to achieve the above mentioned results to exploit. The Xport. Plus portal has been designed as a result of an in-depth study of competing portals. For example the majority of existing foreign trade Internet portals are merely trade notice boards with lists of organisations who wish to buy, sell or work together. They are infrequently updated, lack follow-up and provide minimal added value to companies who are looking for a specific service to meet a particular need. Objectives
Democenter: Bisogna scegliere tar questa e la slide 4, oppure unificarle The project Goals Features Objectives Easytrade will design a demonstration system which can be customised for any global operation. It will highlight the relevant regulations and duties and explain the steps necessary to complete an import / export operation. Easytrade aims to provide the following innovative features to improve exporting / importing efficiency within SMEs: Workplan ICT platform Partners Events – – Calculating the Landed cost of any cross-border transaction; (This is the total price of a product when it arrives at an export destination including insurance, freight, port fees & import taxes; ) Simplifying the Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) classification of goods; Offering cost saving solutions including searching for the most competitive quote for a range of export related services Easytrade project will connect cross-border buyers and sellers by – – Site map Contact us Identifying potential clients and foreign trade providers worldwide. Providing an on-line order negotiation & invoicing system
Workplan The project Goals The project will be carried out over 24 months. An iterative methodology has been chosen to produce two prototypes, the second being an improved and refined version of the first. Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us The work is divided into three phases. Phase 1: First prototype of the Easytrade platform Phase 2: Final version of the Easytrade platform Phase 3: System Deployment and Validation The rationale behind these phases is to create a technical infrastructure early on in the project to enable ongoing user feedback and validation.
Workplan Phases The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Phase 1: First prototype of the Easytrade platform In the first half of the project the following activities will be carried out: – Study of the main issues of the value chain model and analysis of basic security requirements. – Definition of basic XML structures to support the data required for international transactions. – Development of tools to integrate business processes. – Development of the user interface and tools required for on-line service supplier integration. At the end of this phase a first version of the Easytrade platform will be produced. This prototype will provide a powerful marketing tool to disseminate the project results and to demonstrate the platform’s features to potential customers. Phase 2: Final version of the Easytrade platform The main objective of this phase is to make applications interoperable with the security mechanisms of Providers´ web-based systems by setting up trusted third-party relationships. Advanced user services will be explored including alarms, on-line email, mobile technologies etc. . Site map Contact us Phase 3: System Deployment and Validation The objective of this phase is to validate the platform with SMEs, through the Chambers of Commerce and Associations in each country involved in the project, in order to obtain the final version of the Easytrade platform.
The ICT platform The Easytrade platform is an Internet portal to provide SMEs with a supporting infrastructure to enable them to carry out all foreign trade related activities. The Portal will supply SMEs with information, tools, cost calculations, details on providers of foreign trade services and other necessary facilities to successfully accomplish foreign trade operations. The project Goals Features Easytrade provides features that will – – – Workplan ICT platform attract and retain SMEs, allow suppliers to gain market access and reduce transactions costs ensure the transparency of international transactions. To achieve these objectives, the system architecture is based on modules that allow easy access by different organisations at all stages of the import / export operation. The Easytrade technical solution will provide a simple web interface to the final customer. Rather than establishing strong links between a limited number of companies, Easytrade enables organisations who have not exported before to connect to international buyers and foreign trade service providers. Partners Events Easytrade will provide: – – – Site map the step by step information needed to carry out an international transaction, information on a range of providers, including an outline of their services and prices, calculation of customs duties and taxes payable for a particular transaction, selection of the most competitive quote from appropriate services’ providers, the ability for customers to track each stage of a transaction. To have major details on the Functionalities of the portal click HERE. The Easytrade system will provide SMEs with an awareness of international business operations by explaining the mandatory requirements of international transactions and highlighting the role of the different suppliers and service providers. Contact us
The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Easytrade platform functionalities (1) The portal functionalities are : 1. The Simulator 2. The Taric classifier 3. Most advantageous economic offer 4. Landed cost calculation 5. The Cybercatalogue 6. The Cyberfair 7. The export document manager 8. The export sales manager There also a number of generic functionalities that will be useful for different applications of the portal. The simulator and the taric classifier will be freely available to those who register with the portal. Users will be required to provide their contact details and a valid e-mail address and in return the system will automatically provide a login name and a password. The most advantageous economic offer and the landed cost calculation will require users to pay a small fee per transaction. Site map Contact us The Cybercatalogue, Cyberfair, export document manager and export sales manager will be available to customers who pay to join the exporters club. Club membership will provide the following benefits - Web hosting in the Cybercatalogue in the Cyberfair - Special prices and discounts from our service providers - Integration of the export document manager and export sales manager
Easytrade platform functionalities (2) The project Goals 1. The simulator • One feature of the planned website is the simulator. This will provide advice on the tax, customs duties and legal and administrative requirements relating to the export of goods depending on the country of origin and destination. Users would be asked to input where they are exporting the goods from, where they are exporting the goods to and a description of the product (using the relevant TARIC code). Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events • Users will be provided with the commercial, transport customs and import documents necessary as well as information on export formalities and import taxes specific to the country they are exporting to and / or the type of product they are exporting. 2. The TARIC Classifier • Another feature of the portal is that it will enable the exporter to obtain the Harmonized System Code and the TARIC code for their product either by browsing or by searching by keywords. (These codes enable the correct import tax to be charged. ) 3. Most Advantageous economic offer: • The portal will provide a list of suppliers approved by the portal who can provide the necessary export services such as shipping agents, hauliers, insurance companies etc. Users will be able to select one of the suppliers directly or ask the portal to select the provider that best fits their requirements. The portal will request a quote from each of the relevant suppliers and using an intelligent discrimination tool will select the best one. Site map Contact us Back
Easytrade platform functionalities (3) The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map 4. The Landed Cost Calculation • The system will also provide SMEs with a total price for a product when it arrives at the export destination taking into account charges such as insurance, freight, import taxes, port fees. This is known as the landed cost calculation. 5. The Cybercatalogue • Importers will be able to request a price quotation from the SME. The system will help both the importer and exporter to negotiate the order and decide issues such as point of delivery, means of payment, volume discounts etc. Importers will be able to select the number of items they wish to purchase and the system will prepare a pro forma invoice calculating the total price of the order, the total volume and the weight of the shipment. The exporter will be able to publish the status of the order on the importer’s personal web page within the Cybercatalogue. 6. The Cyberfair • The portal will enable exporters to display a number of web pages about their products. It will also provide exporters with information about the number of importers who have accessed their details. 7. The. Export Document Manager • Since the exporter will have already provided the portal with a significant amount of information through the Cybercatelogue order negotiation process, these details will be used to produce some of the export documentation such as a packing list and an invoice. If the transport company has been chosen through the portal, relevant links to this company’s back office will be made so that the necessary transport documents are printed. 8. The Landed Export Sales Manager • The portal will also have a facility whereby exporters can access a private page displaying current customers order status, new orders, new quotation requests, previous orders and price lists for each customer. Contact us Back
Service providers The project Service providers that can be dynamically integrated include transport and logistic companies, credit institutions, insurance companies, lawyers and foreign trade advisors, customs agents etc. Goals This integration will mostly be achieved through on-line interactive web tools. Features Workplan ICT platform Export Companies Partners Events New Service Rating Companies Logistic Companies Custom Agents Site map Contact us Web Interfaces Defined Value chain model Commerce Regulation Experts Candidate Companies Import/Export Companies Service Providers Customers
The Partners The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners The Easytrade project will be carried out by a wide ranging Consortium, covering 7 EU and Eastern European Countries. A diverse range of partners has been chosen to for the specialist skills and experience they can bring to the project, as follows: Chambers of Commerce, business associations and government membership organisations to disseminate and promote project outcomes to SMEs to improve their access to the digital economy Export and trade experts to design cost effective and efficient instruments to deliver a portal which meets the needs of the foreign trade sector The service provider members of the Consortium will test the functionalities of the new system and contribute to its overall design. Software companies and research institutes to develop a well structured and secure architecture that allows the easy incorporation of new technological functionalities and can operate in all European countries wishing to participate in this e-trade community. Events COMERCIANDO GLOBAL Site map Contact us
Software companies and research institutes The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us Democenter - Democenter is a non-profit organisation, incorporated in 1990 and located in Modena (Italy). Democenter shareholders are public entities and are the main entrepreneurial associations operating in the Emilia-Romagna region. Democenter is a research centre working in the field of industrial automation and advanced technologies to support design and manufacturing processes, especially in small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Ibermática - Created in 1973, Ibermática is a private Spanish Software Engineering Company, with 1200 employees, and a 1999 turnover of 85 Million Euros. Ibermática's main activity is consultancy and software services, including system planning and assessment, product selection and evaluation, application diagnostics, project development and implementation, system maintenance, training and outsourcing. The National Computer Center (NCC) - NCC are the UK's foremost membership organisation for users of information technology. NCC has been in existence for over 35 years and is a non-profit organisation. Its mission is to help their Members manage technologies, processes and people to deliver effective business solutions. They do this by bringing together professionals and experts, creating and disseminating best practice guidance across the whole spectrum of information technology issues. Virtech (Virtual Technologies) – Virtech was incorporated in 1996 as a business extension of Sofia University Department of Information Technologies (Bulgaria) and is based on the principle of a business incubator. Vir. Tech Ltd. is a research and development software company specialising in applications of advanced information and communication technologies. They integrate the knowledge and experience of international research and development into a wide range of services, consultancy, training and development. One of their greatest assets is to built strategic alliances with leading academic institutions. BG CATALOG – is a unique website in Bulgaria which helps business interests and promotes cooperation between SMEs and other organisations. The trademark BGCATALOG was registered in 1998 and provides information on goods and services from over 25 thousand companies. The information is provided in co-operation with the Ministry of Industry.
Export and trade experts The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us Comerciando Global S. L. – Comerciando Global is a Spanish consulting firm based in Madrid who specialise in foreign trade, EU policies and e-business solutions. With highly experienced staff, they offer a complete range of services to organisations interested in operating in international markets, as follows: § Foreign trade advice including legal requirements, EU and foreign legislation, customs policy and taxation, international contracts, financing. . . § Diagnosis and design of international strategies for SMEs. § Market surveys and research. § Legal advice on international contracts, realisation of joint ventures and other co- operation strategies. § Organisation of Trade Missions and prospecting trips for SMEs including international partner search § Advice and participation in EU programs and initiatives § E-business solutions for exporters Erhardt – Incorporated in Spain in 1882, Erhardt’s key activities were sea transportation and providing multinationalhasservices. A import/export later, dimension. Erhardt and, a century although their transport activities (sea, road and air) still continue to be their main focus, they have also set up new businesses in the fields of Insurance services and Information Technology Finances and Services Export (FSE) – is a Franco-Belgian company set up in 1991, whose main goal is to equip projects to support economic and social development throughout the world, with a particular expertise in Africa. They posses an in-depth experience in the fields of international trade, logistics, project financing and management, are constantly participating in international public tenders, as well as working with private partners in Africa and Europe.
Chambers of Commerce, business associations and governmental The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Handelskammeret – The Danish Chamber of Commerce is a private organisation and membership is voluntary. The Danish Chamber of Commerce is the main organisation for internationally oriented trade and service companies. The Chamber has more than 4, 000 member companies which represents a total turnover of some DKK 500 billion and approximately 350, 000 -400, 000 employees. The Chamber is the umbrella organisation for a wide range of branch associations and acts as the secretariat for many of these organisations. West Sweden - Represents a co-operation organisation composed by 68 municipalities, two county Councils and a region in Western Sweden. It is regulated by a board of Directors formed by 15 local politicians representing the public organisational structure in the whole area. They act as a catalyst for institutions involved in trade and commerce through their links and agreements with members representing a wide variety of organisations in the region. ASME – The SME Agency under the Ministry of Industry was established in Bulgaria in 1997 as a public body, which supports the development and implementation of governmental policies to promote SMEs. The Advisory Board for SMEs was established as a consultation body, comprising state and nongovernmental organisations for assessing the effects of legal frameworks on SMEs. Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce - The Chamber is an independent business organisation that provides practical assistance and support, to all companies in the Coventry & Warwickshire Region (United Kingdom) and which represents the views of its member businesses. Site map Contact us Back
Service provider The project Goals Features Partnership Sourcing Limited (PSL) - It is a not-for-profits company set up by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to help UK companies understand implement the process of partnering and supply chain benchmarking. Workplan ICT platform In carrying out this work PSL provides presentations, workshops, self-help booklets, hands-on guidance (e. g. partner selection, partnership formation and relationship management) and commissions research. Partners Events Site map Contact us Back
Events The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us List of the important events for the project (conferences and dissemination events or demo): • • Conferences Publications (articles, presentations on newspapers…) Presentations and workshops (SMEs, business schools, professional associations…) Interviews Contacts with relevant persons and organisations Preparation of dissemination materials (brochures, web sites…) Newsletters Others
Contact us The project Goals Features Workplan ICT platform Partners Events Site map Contact us