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Earth Observation from Space Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Philippe Delclaux, consultant May 16 th, 2013 EOS for Economic Development 1
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation • Since ERTS (then Landsat) launched in 1972, the EO Satellites have benefitted from: – the progress of the technology increased performances, lower costs, – the lowering of the barriers set up by the governmental authorities regarding the details which may be observed on the ground. • The resolution of the instruments has dramatically improved – optical camera: from 60 x 80 m (ERTS then Landsat, 1972) to 41 x 41 cm (Geo. Eye 1), – radar: from 25 x 25 m (Seasat, 1978) to 1 x 1 m (Terra. SAR-X, Cosmo. Skymed). • The development of the Information Technology opened the door for setting up services simplifying the access to the data. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 2
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation • The distribution of data on a commercial basis by a few actors (like for SPOT in 1986) entailed a business approach: – led to market "Geo-Information", – "Remote Sensing" stayed confined in the academic world. • 1989 30 years later, Google. Earth, GPS and mobility applications: – moved the use of Geo-Information from the restricted professional community to the general public (emerging "neogeographers"), – by capillarity, made a much broader professional community, including decision makers, familiar with professional use of Geo-Information, – led to add a geographic component to every information stored in any data base. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 3
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation • The commercial approach led to focus on the service to the client: – response to requests for acquisition of images by the spacecrafts, – access to the archive: metadata, catalogue on line, – access to the data: from the magnetic tape to the on line delivery. • The progress of the Information Technology has been the main enabler: – Internet, – standards (OGC, ISO), – capacity to turn image data into useful information. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 4
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation 1995 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 5
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation METADATA 1986 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 6
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation METADATA 1991 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 7
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation METADATA 1995 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 8
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation METADATA 1999 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 9
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation METADATA 2012 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 10
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation METADATA 2012 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 11
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation DATA DELIVERY 1992 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 12
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation DATA DELIVERY On line delivery 2001 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 13
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation DATA DELIVERY Through Web Services 2008 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 14
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation INFORMATION & SERVICES List of monitored sites Sites monitoring Acquisition Schedule Observations Level of activity Quick look of the image 2006 Buy image Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 15
40 years of EOS: from Remote Sensing to Geoinformation INFORMATION & SERVICES Precision Farming 2010 Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 16
EOS: the landscape in 2013 • A wide range of offers: – resolution from 40 cm to few meters, optical and radar, – constellations which offer a striking capacity to collect images, in reasonable time frame, – services more and more close to the client's needs, – increasing involvement of the cloud approach. • Various economic models: – the governmental systems: investment and operations bore by tax payers data available at reduced price – mixed approach: most investments paid by government, operations covered by market sales (SPOT 1 to 5, Pleiades, Terra. SAR-X); a variant to this is the Anchor Tenant model, mostly practiced in North America. – fully private funding (the investements and the operations). This is the approach for SPOT 6 & 7. • A market much more mature, and aware of geo-information, • Other sources of geo-information (e. g. the crowd sourcing). Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 17
The challenges • The race to the resolution has several consequences: – for the spacecrafts, reduced swath (could have an impact on the capacity to cover large areas), – increasing volume of data to be managed, archived, processed and distributed, – tickling national homeland security policies and starting to tackle privacy issues. • For the fully private EO systems: – the Return on Investment must be achieved in a somehow "unfair"competitive environment from government funded EOS. • The competition coming from crowd sourcing – e. g. Open. Street. Map Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 18
The opportunities • Improved resolution: – reduced swath compensated by the agility of the spacecrafts and their number, entailing a capability to be responsive to the client's requests, – innovative solutions on the ground to cope with growing data volume, – many applications benefitting from the details caught on the ground. • Return on Investment: – driver for innovation: new services, new business models, – necessity to expand the market base (private professional clients, beyond the traditional governmental market segment). • The crowd sourcing: – certified geometrical quality offered by EOS can be used as a referee to assess what has been collected by the internet communities, – satellite capability to capture information globally with an even guaranteed quality is welcomed by many professional applications. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 19
The future (1/3) • Earth Observation Satellites have unique capabilities: – ability to fly everywhere in the world and to capture every piece of earth on request, without administrative barrier, – revisit capability to follow changes and to monitor human activity, – integrity and quality of the data, to be used as a reference in many domains , – capacity to cover large areas and to satisfy customer requests in time thanks to agility of spacecrafts flying in constellations. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 20
The future (2/3) • Spatial, spectral or temporal resolution? – Even if the sensor technology enables better spatial resolution, some barriers, at least in the civil domain, limits the ambitions (homeland security or privacy issues). – Making spectral bands more specific to given objects? – Video camera on board could offer new dimension, by following high frequency phenomena, either from the current low orbits or from the geostationary ones: revisit offers change monitoring whilst video adds movement. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 21
The future (3/3) • Services delivering information rather than data and images: – a solution to the dramatic growth of the number of pixels: information is much lighter than the giga-pixels in an image (the pipes to deliver images have still narrow bandwidth on many customer sides), and easier to consume, – possibility to host applications on the cloud, near the data archive, – web service approach with relevant standards enabling interoperability and facilitating fusion of data, – ecosystems integrating data delivery and applications (from data users or from vendors) with innovative business models to hide the complexity. Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 2013 th 22
Conclusions • EOS data market matures, and private market segment must expand beyond traditional government one. • Information Technology evolution has been the driver during 40 years for innovating solutions to simplify access to data/information from EOS: this will keep going, for a high quality level of service to the clients. • From data to information and services: a new eco-system. Main selling argument 15 years ago Earth Observation from Space: Addressing increasing needs in a disruptive environment Ph Delclaux, May 16 th 2013 23