- Количество слайдов: 23
Early History and Beliefs of Judaism and Christianity
Pre Class n Explain the significance of Jerusalem to: q Jews q Christians q Muslims
Founders of Judaism Abraham n Abrahamic covenant; God promised: q q to make of Abraham a great nation The Promised Land to make Abraham a father of many nations Unconditional (required nothing of Abraham)
Founders of Judaism Moses n n n Greatest prophet/teacher Led the Exodus (escape of Hebrews from slavery in Egypt) Mosaic covenant: 10 Commandments – establish Hebrews’ relationship with Yahweh, moral laws (self-restraint, family and human life) Return to Canaan (Promised Land) q n
Founding of Israel n 12 desert tribes unified by Ark of the Covenant q n Judges ruled, prophets warned people Hebrews overcame Canaanites after 200 years; pushed Philistines to coast
Kings of Israel n n Saul – unified 12 tribes during fighting David q q n Established capital/religious center at Jerusalem Covenant between king and people/God Solomon q q q Wealth/power for Israel (trade with Arabia) Built relationships with other powers in the region Temple The Kingdom of David and Solomon - 1077 - 997 BCE
Israel Divided n n Struggles for power weakened Israel after Solomon’s death Northern Kingdom (Israel – Samaria) q n Conquered by Assyrians – captured, enslaved Hebrews Southern Kingdom (Judah – Jerusalem) q q Conquered by Chaldeans -destroyed Jerusalem, temple Persians allowed Hebrews to return
Diaspora - the scattering of Jews from the land of Israel n n n revolt against Roman rule (6670 CE) Destruction of Jerusalem, Temple Judea destroyed; Jews dispersed from Palestine q n to Europe (faced restrictions of Roman Empire), Middle East Formed regional groups q Preserved traditions, beliefs; faced similar expulsions, persecutions
Where did the name “Palestine” come from? ? n Palestine – a name given to the Jewish province of Judea by the Romans (“Palaestina”), during Hadrian’s rule, to wipe away the identity of the state of Judea
The Western Wall Remains of Second Temple n Place of prayer (mourning for destruction of temple) Disputed between Jews/Muslims n n
Judaism = teachings of the Hebrews n n ethical monotheism Torah – first 5 books of Old Testament q History q Mosaic Law (10 Comm) – “eye for an eye, ” higher value on human life, kinder towards poor, slaves q Ethics – from prophets’ messages
I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. VI. Thou shalt not kill. VII. Thou shalt not commit II. Thou shalt not make unto adultery. thee any graven image. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. IV. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. X. Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy V. Honour thy father and thy[ neighbour's. mother.
Beliefs/Practices n Yahweh (God) n Fear – early Hebrews q Freedom to choose between good and evil q Spiritual force, divine Worship q q synagogue Every synagogue contains an Ark, which is a cupboard where the Torah Scrolls, which contain the text of the Hebrew Bible, are kept, and a desk from which to read the Torah. (BBC)
The Calendar n n n The Jewish calendar is a combined moon and sun calendar, unlike the conventional Western (or Gregorian) calendar. The result is that Jewish festivals move about the Western calendar from year to year. The Jewish calendar also starts each day in the evening. This is because when God was creating the world he started each day in the evening. (BBC)
Holy Days n Days of Repentance (Days of Awe) q n Rosh Hashanah q n During the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur everyone gets a chance to repent. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year festival and commemorates the creation of the world. Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement q Yom Kippur, the most sacred and solemn day of the Jewish year, brings the Days of Repentance to a close.
Christianity n n n Began in Palestine (1 st Century) grew out of Judaism’s traditions Jesus – founder; Gospels – stories of Jesus’ life q Preacher – taught goodness, mercy; Parables – stories about morality; miracles attributed to him q Disciples q Sentenced to die by Romans – “enemy of the state”; crucified q According to Christians – resurrected**, ascended into heaven
When/why did the split happen? n After Jesus’ Death: q Christians – believe Jesus is the Messiah (one anointed by God) q Jews – do NOT believe this; still awaiting the Messiah
Teachings of Christianity (rooted in Judaism) n Grounded in Jewish traditions q q n (Trinitarian) Monotheistic 10 Commandments eternal life - reward for the humble, merciful, and unselfish. q Sermon on the Mount (Golden Rule, Beatitudes)
What do you remember about life in the Roman Empire at its height? Why do you think Christianity appealed to many Romans?
Spread of Christianity n n n Christians – followers of Jesus Disciples spread message through Jewish communities in Palestine and beyond (Paul’s letters) spread quickly (Roman Empire) q Hope of eternal life q Control over destiny q Equality in the eyes of God
Persecution n Romans persecuted Christians q Wouldn’t worship Emperor as a god q Wouldn’t worship Roman gods q PACIFISTS – wouldn’t fight to defend the Empire Martyrs-people who suffer or die for their beliefs. # of Christians INCREASED – why? ?
Development of the Church n n n Empire forced to accept religion 312 - Constantine supported Christianity 391 - official religion of the Roman empire Formal Church q Pope – patriarch of Rome Great Schism 1054 q Roman Catholic (Rome) q Eastern Orthodox (Constantinople)