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  • Количество слайдов: 21

Early Help & Social Care Sue Cook Director for Children & Young People Allan Early Help & Social Care Sue Cook Director for Children & Young People Allan Cadzow Service Director for Children and Young People Programme Manager Graham Beamish Principal Practice Lead Vacancy Head of Early Help Services Anita Farrant 13 local Early Help Teams 15 Health & Suffolk Children’s Family Focus Centres Coordinator Teams Stuart County Hudson Parenting Team Head of Social Care David Jacobs 13 local Social Care Teams 4 Looked After Children Teams Positive Choices & MAC Head of Safeguarding Tina Wilson Head of Service Suffolk MASH Seb Smith Joint Heads of Youth Offending Service Belinda Clabburn & Jen Meade 3 Area Safeguarding Teams Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Youth Offending Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Fostering & Adoption Nathan Whitley Catch 22 16+ & Leaving Care Service Head of Residential Care Services Sharon Aalders 4 Fostering & Adoption Teams Leaving Care Service 5 Children’s Homes The Health & Children’s Centre in Suffolk are organised across 5 geographical areas in 15 Health & Children’s Centre teams. There are 38 Health & Children's Centres buildings. each delivering a spectrum of services 48 reach areas.

Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Central & South Suffolk Head of Children's Social Care Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Central & South Suffolk Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Social Care Service Manager Central and South Suffolk Vacancy Practice Manager South Suffolk G 7 Linda Samuels 22 hrs Nicola Print 37 hrs Practice Manager Central G 7 Sallie Bloomfield Social worker establishment in each team is regardless of grade. Hence a Grade 6 may not automatically be replaced by a Grade 6 FAST Consultant Social Worker (2 fte) G 6 Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Social Worker (7 fte) Caron Murray 30 hrs G 6 Kirstie Catchpole G 5 Laura Allen G 5 Paula Hoare G 5 Sophie Winwood Claire Scannell G 5 Sue Mguni (G 5) (start date tbc) Social Worker (7 fte) Vacancy 0. 2 FTE G 5/6 – over established due to high number of cases – covered by Julie Cook (Agency) Shula Okonkwo (LOCUM) Rachel Normal (LOCUM) Julie Cook (LOCUM) FAST (1 fte) FAST Family Support Practitioner (3 fte) G 4 Social Worker (7 fte) FAST (1 fte) Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 2

Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Ipswich North & East and Coastal Head of Children's Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Ipswich North & East and Coastal Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Social Care Service Manager Ipswich North & East and Coastal Codrutza Oros-Marsh Practice Manager Ipswich North & East G 7 Michelle Simarro- Bennett Practice Manager Felixstowe G 7 Elena Stanuta Consultant Social Worker (2 fte) G 6 Consultant Social Worker(1 fte) G 6 Social Worker (8 fte) Social Worker (7 fte) Social worker establishment in each team is regardless of grade. Hence a Grade 6 may not automatically be replaced by a Grade 6 Practice Manager Woodbridge /Kesgrave / Framlingham / Leiston G 7 Charnine De’Ath Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Practice Manager Looked After Children G 7 Ruth Starie Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Social Worker (6 fte) Social Worker (8 fte) FAST (1 fte) Assessment Coordinator (2 fte) G 4 Landmark House Ipswich FAST (1 fte) Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 Queens Road Felixstowe Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 Street Farm Saxmundham Landmark House Ipswich 3

Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Ipswich South & West Head of Children's Social Care Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Ipswich South & West Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Social Care Service Manager Ipswich South and West Vicki Hurling Practice Manager Ipswich South G 7 Susie Mantle Consultant Social Worker(2 fte) G 6 Practice Manager Ipswich West G 7 Helen Davison Consultant Social Worker (2 fte) G 6 Social worker establishment in each team is regardless of grade. Hence a Grade 6 may not automatically be replaced by a Grade 6 Positive Choices & Make a Change Practice Manager G 7 Susannah Crowley Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Practice Manager Looked After Children G 7 Sam Boyd-Lambley Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Support Worker G 4 Positive Choices (2 fte) Make A Change (3 fte) Social Worker (9 fte) Countywide FAST (1 fte) Assessment Coordinator (2 fte) G 4 FAST (1 fte Social Worker (9 fte) Support Worker Coordinator (1 fte) G 5 Brooks House Landmark House Ipswich Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 Support Worker (6. 4 fte) G 4 Participation Worker (1 fte) Landmark House Ipswich 4

Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Lowestoft and Waveney Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork Children's Social Care Fieldwork – Lowestoft and Waveney Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Social worker establishment in each team is regardless of grade. Hence a Grade 6 may not automatically be replaced by a Grade 6 Social Care Service Manager Lowestoft and Waveney Jacquie Gould Practice Manager Lowestoft North G 7 Russell Woolmer / Nathalie Rich Consultant Social Worker (2 fte) G 6 Practice Manager Lowestoft South G 7 Nicola Brown Practice Manager Waveney G 7 Simon Hope (LOCUM) Consultant Social Worker (2 fte) G 6 Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Practice Manager Looked After Children G 7 Lyn O’Donovan Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Social Worker (7 fte) Social Worker (9 fte) FAST Assessment Coordinator (2 fte) G 4 Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 Riverside Centre Lowestoft Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 Contact Services Coordinator (1 fte) G 5 5

Children's Social Care Fieldwork - West Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Children's Social Care Fieldwork - West Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Social Care Service Manager West Glynn Smith Practice Manager Bury St Edmunds G 7 Caren Russell Practice Manager Haverhill Jacqui Zand Social worker establishment in each team is regardless of grade. Hence a Grade 6 may not automatically be replaced by a Grade 6 Practice Manager Forest Heath G 7 Lorna Sleigh Consultant Social Worker (2 fte) G 6 Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Social Worker (9 fte) Social Worker (7 fte) Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Practice Manager Looked After Children G 7 Gillian Adams Consultant Social Worker (1 fte) G 6 Social Worker (7 fte) Social Worker (9 fte) FAST Assessment Coordinator (1 fte) G 4 Assessment Coordinator (2 fte) G 4 West Suffolk House Bury St Edmunds Contact Services Coordinator (1 fte) G 5 6

Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Head of Service Disabled Children & Head of Children's Social Care Fieldwork David Jacobs Head of Service Disabled Children & Young People G 8 1 FTE Janet Cooper-Medrano Occupational Therapist G 6 3. 82 FTE Student Social Worker G 4 0. 5 FTE Team Manager Social Care G 7 1 FTE Mandy Murkin Team Manager Social Care G 7 2 FTE Stuart Sawyer Consultant Social Worker G 6 1. 86 FTE Social Worker G 5 3 FTE Senior Occupational Therapist G 6 1 FTE Social Worker G 5 4. 18 FTE Occupational Therapy Assistant G 4 2 FTE Social Worker G 6 3. 6 FTE Social Worker G 6 1 FTE Assessment Coordinator G 4 1 FTE Family Support Practitioner G 4 2. 5 FTE 7

County Head of Service (MASH) Seb Smith Health Unit Caroline Holt Police Unit Jim County Head of Service (MASH) Seb Smith Health Unit Caroline Holt Police Unit Jim Gooding Sergeant (1 FTE) CYP Early Help Service Anita Abram Janice Lee CYP Early Help & CAF Triage Derek Ramsay Health Visitor (2 FTE) Decision Maker (4 FTE) Mental Health Practitioner (1 FTE) Education Worker (3 FTE) Early Help CAF Triage (2. 5 FTE) Research Officers (3 FTE) MASH Police Business Coordinator ACS Social Care Unit Sarah Markham Senior Practitioners (1 FTE) Consultant Social Workers (5. 5 FTE) Missing Persons Coordinator (1 FTE) Specialist Nurse (3. 5 FTE) CYP Social Care Unit Tania Bagelman Amanda Fulcher (interim) Early Help Practitioners (2 FTE) Social Workers (2 FTE) Domestic Abuse – Police Domestic Abuse - Lighthouse Women’s Aid Research Co-ordinator (8 FTE) Social Workers (5 FTE) IMU Processors– Police 8

Suffolk Youth Offending Service Acting County Operations Manager Vacancy Acting Operations Manager Ipswich G Suffolk Youth Offending Service Acting County Operations Manager Vacancy Acting Operations Manager Ipswich G 7 Catherine Bennett Assistant Operations Manager G 6 YOS Officer G 6 2 FTE Support Worker G 4 1 FTE Base: Constantine House Ipswich Senior Officer (Effective Practice) G 6 Operations Manager Bury St Edmunds G 7 Lin Clancy Assistant Operations Manager G 6 Practitioners (Incl RJ Practitioner) G 5 (7. 6 FTE) Joint Head of Youth Offending Service Jennifer Meade Seconded Staff 1/ Police Officer 1/ Probation Officer 0. 5/ PMHW 0. 5/ Substance Misuse worker Practitioners (Incl RJ Practitioner) G 5 8 FTE Support Worker G 4 1 FTE Base: West Suffolk House Bury St Edmunds Operations Manager Lowestoft G 7 Simon Bramford Project Manager for Restorative Justice Development Cath Bennett Seconded Staff 1/ Police Officer 1/ Probation Officer 0. 5/ PMHW 0. 5/ Substance Misuse worker Seconded Staff As Ipswich with an additional 1 XFTE police officer Assistant Operations Manager G 6 YOS Officer G 6 1. 8 FTE Practitioners (Incl RJ Practitioner) G 5 6 FTE Support Worker G 4 1 FTE Base: St Margaret's moving to Marina Centre 9

Suffolk Youth Offending Service Joint Head of Youth Offending Service Belinda Clabburn County Operations Suffolk Youth Offending Service Joint Head of Youth Offending Service Belinda Clabburn County Operations Manager (Health & SSABS) G 7 Deborah Maddock County Operations Manager (Performance & QA) G 7 Delphine Munns Business Support Manager Countywide Base: Countywide Business Support Assistant Manager Ipswich G 4 Business Support Assistant Manager Bury St Edmunds G 4 Business Support Assistant Manager Lowestoft G 4 Business Support Coordinator Countywide G 4 Base: Countywide Business Support Officer Ipswich G 3 2. 5 FTE Performance & Information Manager Performance & Information Officer Based in Intel Hub Base: Constantine House Ipswich Business Support Officer Bury St Edmunds G 3 2. 25 FTE Base: West Suffolk House Bury St Edmunds Business Support Officer Lowestoft G 3 2. 0 FTE Base: St Margaret's moving to Marina Centre 10

Safeguarding & Reviewing Officer Service Director – Children and Young People Allan Cadzow Head Safeguarding & Reviewing Officer Service Director – Children and Young People Allan Cadzow Head of Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Tina Wilson County Safeguarding Manager (CP Lead) County Safeguarding Manager (LAC Lead) County Safeguarding Manager (Adolescent Lead) Zoe Sage 1. 0 FTE Alli Hassey 1. 0 FTE Chris Burton 1. 0 FTE Child Exploitation Co-ordinator Independent Reviewing Officers Independent Review Officers (4. 0 FTE + 1 Fixed term 2 year contract) (6. 5 + 1 Fixed term 2 year contract) Independent Reviewing Officers (5. 8 FTE) LADO Missing Children Co-ordinator

Fostering & Adoption Recruitment, Assessment & Matching Professional Adviser G 7 Project Manager Linda Fostering & Adoption Recruitment, Assessment & Matching Professional Adviser G 7 Project Manager Linda James (0. 61 FTE) Recruitment & Marketing Consultant Social Worker 1 FTE Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Fostering & Adoption Nathan Whitley Recruitment, Assessment & Matching Team. Practice Manager G 7 Rebecca Pipe Assessment & Matching – Adoption Consultant Social Worker G 6 1 FTE Recruitment & Marketing Social Worker 2 FTE Family Support Practitioner G 4 3 FTE 3 x Family Support Practitioner G 4 to Aug 2015 2 FTE Vacancy 1 FTE Assessment & Matching – Adoption Social Worker G 6 (5. 9 FTE) G 5 (3. 6 FTE) 1 x Social Worker to Aug 2016 1 FTE Split between G 5 & G 6 Social Workers shows the current grades of staff – not the split of G 5 & G 6 posts in the structure – when SWs move on they may not be replaced with SWs of the same grade Project Officer Assessment & Matching – Fostering Consultant Social Worker G 6 1 FTE Assessment & Matching – Fostering Social Worker G 6 (1 fte) G 5 (2 FTE) 12

Fostering & Adoption Permanence Support Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Fostering Fostering & Adoption Permanence Support Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Fostering & Adoption Nathan Whitley Permanent Fostering, Link Adoption and SGO Support Split between G 5 & G 6 Social Workers shows the current grades of staff – not the split of G 5 & G 6 posts in the structure – when SWs move on they may not be replaced with SWs of the same grade Permanence Support Team. Practice Manager G 7 Cathy Biedul South Consultant Social Worker (0. 8 FTE) West Consultant Social Worker (0. 5 FTE) North Consultant Social Worker 1 FTE Social Worker G 6 (2 FTE) G 5 (2 FTE) Social Worker G 6 (1 FTE) Social Worker G 6 (2 FTE) G 5 (1 FTE) Family Support Practitioner G 4 1 FTE Family Support Practitioner G 4 2 FTE 1 x Social Worker to Dec 2015 G 5 (0. 5 FTE) 1 FTE

Fostering & Adoption Community Fostering & Specialist Support Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Fostering & Adoption Community Fostering & Specialist Support Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Fostering & Adoption Nathan Whitley Split between G 5 & G 6 Social Workers shows the current grades of staff – not the split of G 5 & G 6 posts in the structure – when SWs move on they may not be replaced with SWs of the same grade Fostering Changes for Children Team Practice manager G 7 Gill Davies Family & Friends Consultant Social Worker G 6 1 FTE Social Worker G 6 (1 FTE) G 5 (2 FTE) Private Fostering & UASC Consultant Social Worker G 6 1 FTE Social Worker G 6 (1 FTE) G 5 (3 FTE) Social Worker G 5 1 FTE 1 x Social Worker to Sept 2016 1 FTE 14

Fostering & Adoption Short Term & Intensive Fostering Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Fostering & Adoption Short Term & Intensive Fostering Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Fostering & Adoption Nathan Whitley Split between G 5 & G 6 Social Workers shows the current grades of staff – not the split of G 5 & G 6 posts in the structure – when SWs move on they may not be replaced with SWs of the same grade Short Term & Intensive Fostering Teams Practice manager G 7 Julie Macer-Wright Short Term Fostering South Consultant Social Worker G 6 Social Worker - Ipswich G 6 (0. 8 FTE) G 5 (2. 4 FTE) Short Term Fostering West Consultant Social Worker G 6 (2 FTE) Intensive Fostering Consultant Social Worker G 6 Social Worker Vacancy (1 FTE) Clinical Psychologist Solbury Social Worker - Lowestoft G 6 (1 FTE) G 5 (1 FTE) ARG Social Worker G 5 (12 month contract) 1 FTE (12 month contract – Reserves) Family Support Practitioner G 4 2 FTE Therapeutic Support Children's Worker Education Psychologist Solbury (0. 5 FTE) Therapeutic Support Family Support Practitioner 1 FTE

Catch 22 16+ LAC and Leaving Care Service Catch 22 C & YP Strategic Catch 22 16+ LAC and Leaving Care Service Catch 22 C & YP Strategic Director Frances Flaxington SCC Children & Young People’s Services Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Catch 22 C & YP Operational Director Tom Sackville Principle Manager Wendy Wright Area Manager South (Acting) Stephanie Potter Area Manager West Nicola Hammond Area Manager North Hajnal Simon Social Workers Young Persons Advisers

Corporate Parenting Children's Homes Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Suffolk Children's Corporate Parenting Children's Homes Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Suffolk Children's Homes G 8 Sharon Aalders Registered Manager G 7 Joe Cox Registered Manager G 7 Tobias Hall Registered Manager G 7 Serena Emberley Deputy Manager G 6 Michelle Green 0. 5 FTE Donna Turpin 0. 5 FTE Deputy Manager G 6 Justin Fenn Deputy Manager G 6 Michelle Ashman Senior RCCW G 5 1 FTE Residential Childcare Workers G 4 7 FTE Residential Childcare Workers G 4 7. 5 FTE Residential Nightwake Workers G 4 6 FTE Residential Nightwake Workers G 4 3 FTE Cook 0. 65 FTE Cook Domestic Assistant 0. 5 FTE Handyperson 0. 43 FTE Housekeeper 0. 54 FTE Handyperson 0. 32 FTE 17

Corporate Parenting Children's Homes Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Suffolk Children's Corporate Parenting Children's Homes Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Head of Suffolk Children's Homes G 8 Sharon Aalders Redwood Lodge Registered Manager G 7 Lorraine Ratcliffe (Mat Leave) Sally Townes Deputy Manager G 6 Deborah Wilding Senior RCCW G 5 Registered Manager G 7 Paul Plummer Deputy Manager G 6 Natasha Nekrews 0. 5 FTE Rhiannon Clarke 0. 5 FTE Senior RCCW G 5 Residential Childcare Workers G 4 6. 5 FTE Residential Childcare Workers G 4 5 FTE Residential Nightwake Workers G 4 5 FTE 18

Corporate Parenting - Other Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Base: Endeavour House Ipswich Corporate Parenting - Other Head of Corporate Parenting Cliff James Base: Endeavour House Ipswich Central Resource Team Manager G 7 Deborah Green Fostering Panel Chair Adoption Panel Chair Corporate Parenting Board Manager G 8 Vacancy Senior Placement Officer (0. 8 fte) G 5 Placement Officer (1 fte) G 4 19

Suffolk Family Focus Service Director Children and Young People Allan Cadzow Base: Endeavour House Suffolk Family Focus Service Director Children and Young People Allan Cadzow Base: Endeavour House Ipswich Suffolk Family Focus Health Champion from Health Suffolk Family Focus Coordinator G 8 Stuart Hudson DWP / Employment Adviser from DWP Lead Clinical Psychologist – Area TBC Vacancy Senior Education Welfare Officer (1 fte) G 6 Business Support Administrator G 2 (1 fte) Technical Officer G 5 (1 fte) Lead Attendance Officer (1 fte) G 6 Child Employment Officer (1 fte) G 4 Clinical Psychologists Ipswich South & West Education Welfare Officer (Academies) G 4 (0. 6 fte) Child Missing Education Officer G 4 (1 fte) Business Support Administrator G 2 (1 Year FTC) 20

Practice Development & Quality Assurance Principal Practice Lead Vacancy Professional Adviser (Research lead & Practice Development & Quality Assurance Principal Practice Lead Vacancy Professional Adviser (Research lead & Looked After Children/Care Leavers ) G 7 1 FTE Professional Lead (Children’s Centres) G 7 1 FTE Professional Advisor (Policy & Procedures lead & Early Help/ MASH) G 7 1 FTE Base: Endeavour House Ipswich Professional Advisor (Audit lead & CP/Ci. N) G 7 1 FTE Business Support Officer – 1 FTE 21