E xtermination offaunaby human hands P oachingin Скачать презентацию E xtermination offaunaby human hands P oachingin extermination_offaunaby_human_hands.ppt Размер: 710 Кб Количество слайдов: 14 Описание презентации E xtermination offaunaby human hands P oachingin по слайдам E xtermination offaunaby human hands P oachingin Kazakhstan • 20 years agoin Kazakhstan, there were about 362 species of animals, now it’s reduced to • Now people started to hunt for fun and for sale • For example, 20 years agoin Kazakhstan, there were 78 thousandhead sof saiga • now ithas decreased by 35 thousand • people d on’t haveto worryabout whatwe leaveto our child’s , do n’t think about that’s is too one of the treasureof Kazakhstan • because of our cruelty, we do not see how our • wildlife is dying • we need tothink about it, • because without themour worldis not full • Just thinking about itit Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы просмотреть полный документ! РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ