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E-waste Recycling of KOREA
Contents EPR Introduction AEE Introduction MRC Introduction
EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) concept Activate and grant a product or waste of packing material to the producer with fixed amount of recycling duty. If this is not followed, imposition will be paid by the producer that will exceed the amount of recycling fee Related Rules Main Point ‘Act on the promotion of saving and Recycling of Resources’(2003. 1, EPR) ‘Act on resource recycling of electrical electronic equipment and Vehicles’ (2008. 1) Items Refrigerator, Washing machine, Air-conditioner, TV, PC, Audio, Mobile phone, Printer, Copying machine, Facsimile, etc (10 items) Imposition of Recycling Charges When producers fail to fulfill the duty, more than required expenses for recycling will be paid (115~130%)
Parts Roles and Duties - Manages entire EPR System Government Administration (Ministry of - Various kinds of policy establishments also obligation of recycling Environment) Local authority and operation of administration - Collects E-waste from a consumer - Stable transportation and handover to the producer R/C - Fulfill duty of recycle Producer - Duty of collect back electrical and electronic equipment when sales new goods Consumer - Proper separation of discharge according to the related rule - Defray direct/indirect discharge This policy is not for the producer to take entire responsibility but for the government administration, local authorities, producer, and consumer to play a role. This can make related person to take social duty.
Rate and Quantity of Mandatory Recycling Computation Method Number of units released during the pertinent year× Mandatory recycling rate by items percentage by item(%) Recycle Items ~ Yr. 2008 Yr. 2009~ CTV, PC 65 65 Refrigerator, Audio, Mobile phone 70 70 Washing machine, Air conditioner 80 80 Printer, Copying Machine, Facsimile 65 75 Progress of mandatory Recycling Rates for the last 3 years Recycling Rates Refrigera tor Washing machine Air- conditioner TV PC Audio Mobile. Phone 2007 0. 173 0. 242 0. 019 0. 133 0. 098 0. 131 0. 165 2008 0. 189 0. 253 0. 021 0. 145 0. 103 0. 149 0. 180 2009 0. 206 0. 261 0. 023 0. 160 0. 111 0. 155 0. 198
Collect 60% Producer Transport Recycle Logistics center Recycling Center Collection center Re-use, incinerate or landfill Re-users National sales, Export Discharge 30% Local authorities Customer Hidden flow 10% Collector Special Features Main target of EPR is collecting quantity through producer and quantity from 232 local authorities in nationwide About 10% of ‘Hidden flow' resources are gradually reducing trend
Comparison of Korea, Japan, EU Korea Related Rules Act on resource recycling of electrical electronic equipment and Vehicles Enforcement 2003. 1 items Japan E U (Netherlands) Electrical electronic equipment recycling White/Brown electrical electronic method equipment disposal method 2001. 4 TV, Refrigerator , Washing machine, etc (10 TV, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Air 1998 White electrical electronic equipment, IT products (14 items) -conditioner, etc Related Org. AEE AHEA NVMP ICT-Millieu Collector Produces and Distributor, local authorities Distributor Recycle in charge Producer and consumer Consumer Led by producer Led by consumer Led by producer Expense defrayment Remark
Outline Founded upon authorization from the Ministry of Environment in September 2000 to preserve the environment through collection and recycling of AEE E-waste and to contribute to building a resourse cycling society 2000. 9 : Founded AEE, operation of ARC 2001. 8 : Built the Chilseo Recycling Center) 2003. 6 : Built the Metropolitan Recycling Center History 2004. 7 : Opening of promotion education hall for recycling 2005. 4 : Built the Jeju Recycling Center 2008. 4 : Built the Honam Recycling Center Members Samsung, LG, etc. 66 electric and electronic product manufacturers and importers vision : The prospective Organization that offers public services through Vision the creation of values aimed at resourse circulation Objection Objection : Innovation of the collection and recycling system, New recycling technology development, Improving the information infrastructure
1 Mutual aid businesses to collect and recycle E-waste New technology development & international exchanges Build and operate the national collection and recycling system Main business Mutual aid businesses in line with the nature of EPR 3 Expand development of new recycling technologies and supply to the nation wide Exchange various international environment countermeasures such as FCCC Main Business Investigation and research of recycling statistics Establish systematic statistics for each category Investigate the actual collention and recycling levels Operation of recycling field programe 4 Operate field programs for the government, NGOs, foreign relevant institutions and children at all times Social Contribution Islands recycling campaign 2 Used mobile phone collecting campaign The activity of conservation of nature
Collection System Through nearly 70 logistics centers nationwide (about 3, 300 distributing agencies), electronic wastes are stably collected when new products are purchased Additionally, electronic wastes discharged to 232 local authorities are collected Recycling System Through advanced recycling centers in the five region nationwide and 42 recycling co-worker, we are Encouraging Environment-friendly recycling Recycling Center Region Capacity Investment (ton/year) (million dollar) Location Metropolitan Area 21, 000 20 Yongin Chungcheong 22, 000 31 Asan Yeongnam 20, 000 25 Chilseo Honam 20, 000 10 Jangseong Jeju 2, 000 2 Jocheon Total 85, 000 88 5 places
[unit: ton/yr] Item Accomplishment of recycle by year 2004 2007 2008 30, 510 36, 337 45, 029 52, 929 51, 191 W. M 20, 549 26, 261 19, 290 22, 645 21, 467 1, 301 1, 876 2, 034 2, 838 2, 330 10, 114 12, 127 14, 450 18, 445 21, 722 - 514 400 416 720 4, 959 5, 738 7, 532 9, 519 14, 858 67, 433 82, 853 88, 735 106, 792 112, 288 Air-con. T V Cellular PC Etc. Total Refrigerator 2006 Ref. Among the entire recycling quantity, refrigerator has the highest recycling quantity (45. 6%) followed by TV (19. 3%) and washing machine (19. 1%) 60, 000 2005 W. M T V Air-con. 50, 000 Unit : ton Progress of recycling by year 40, 000 TV (28. 7%)’s annual percentage of increasing rate has a higher Percentage than air-conditioner (19. 8%). 30, 000 20, 000 10, 000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 [unit : yr]
85% decrease in total volume of landfills through recycling of resources Decrease in landfill, and incineration Minimizing environmental contamination Environmental contamination was reduced to minimum through recycling and filtration of aerosol gas residue 10 million dollars per year resource saving through 100, 000 tons recycling of steel, copper and other recyclable materials Resource savings Economic benefits 450 jobs and 40 million dollars of asset were created through collection and recycling
Ares and collecting routs Establishment Outline Division Contents Refrigerator, Washing machine, Item Air conditioner etc. Capacity 21, 000 ton/year Period (Construction) Kangwon 2002. 6. ~ 2003. 6. (12 month) Seoul Area : 25, 000 m 2, Building : 5, 540 m 2 Site Reproduced materials Fe, Cu, Al, Plastic etc. Main Equipment Shredder/Separator/Urethane Compressor Gyeonggi Collecting by items, present condition for recycling (MRC, 2008 as a standard [unit : ton/year] Refrigerator Washing machine Air conditioner Audio Printer Copying machine Facsimile 11, 964 3, 557 24 3 3 15 0. 1
Refrigerator • Recovery of CFC • Motor, Compressor detachment Pretreatment (Manual) Washing Machine Air conditioner Small size home appliances • Circuit board detachment • Wire detachment Pretreatment (Manual) • Assemble parts detachment • Case detachment First Shredder Second Shredder Urethane Compressor Magnetic Separator Air Separator Al Cu Reusable materials (Fe, Cu, Al etc. ) Fe Plastic
Collection of valued reusable materials (unit : ton/year) Etc. Fe Cu Al Plastic 7, 514 226 208 4, 485 Non-Fe Etc. Fe PCBs 209 2, 071 106 Total 14, 819 Degree of purity Fe Purity 98% Cu Purity 95% Al Purity 95% Synthetic resin Purity 95% CFC (R-12) Purity 92%