- Количество слайдов: 21
E-Readers: the future of reading or short-lived gadget? Isabel Mc. Mann & Hilla Wait Nov 2010
What is an e-Reader? p p p p A device to display electronic texts in certain specific formats Generally using ‘e-ink’ reflective rather than transmissive screen technology May have wireless link to allow download/upload of texts direct from/to e-book shop or other sources New Amazon Kindle model allows web browsing May allow upload of files in pdf, txt or other formats, including sound and image formats (but not movies) May have touch screen or navigation keys/keyboard I-Pad is the exception
What formats do e-Readers support? The Tower of e-Babel: Wiki. Pedia lists 25 different formats for e-book publishing p Most readers support only a few p Most e-books only available in a few p Different formats support different features p EPUB (International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF )) may become standard p
So p Your choice of e-reader determines: n n n the range of content available to you the way that content is displayed the ways you can interact with that content (annotations etc)
Choices Dedicated e-readers – Kindle, Sony etc. p Netbooks/laptops p PC’s p Smartphones p And now the i. Pad – and future tablets p
FAQs Can I search text? p Can I cut-and-paste? p Can I print? p Can I load pdf’s? p Can I download OU e-books? p Where can I buy e-books? p Where can I get free e-books? p I want an e-reader, but which one should I buy? p
How to choose your e-reader p p Budget Purpose Range of sources available Dealbreakers n n n p Real page numbers Display preferences Formulae, graphs and diagrams Options for importing texts Ease of use Speed reading Try out a Kindle or Sony at the RSL
Kindle 2 p Text loading n p n n p p p n n Manual P or L n n n p 6 sizes (not pdf’s), Via keyboard, not pdf’s Formats Kindle (AZW) p n Weight/Screen Size n 10. 2 oz /6 inches n phttp: //paidcontent. org/table /e-reader-comparison-chart/ p Via virtual keyboard or handwritten with stylus Any document Formats n EPUB, PDF, JPEG etc Battery n n p 5 sizes–not pdfs) No text-to-speech Annotation n 7 days (current models) p Charge via mains or usb Manual P or L Zoom n p Keys Touch screen Virtual keyboard ‘Real’ page nos. Orientation n p 8 shades grey No backlight Navigation n Battery n p Keys Keyboard NO PAGE NOs Text-to-speech Annotation n p p Usb only : from PC; uses Adobe Digital Editions 7, 500 page turns Charge via mains or usb Weight/Screen Size n 12. 75 oz. /7. 1 inches Text loading n n Screen n Zoom n p p Orientation n Text loading n 16 shades grey No backlight Navigation n p Wireless (Amazon only), usb (Windows/Mac) Screen n Sony Touch Ipad n p Screen n p n EPUB; Audible; Kindle; PDF etc. Battery n n p Touchscreen keyboard Separate notes app Formats n p Includes PDFs Text-to-speech Annotation n p Auto P or L Zoom n p Touch screen Virtual keyboard ‘Real’ page nos. Orientation n p Backlit IPS Colour Navigation n p Wi-fi download Transfer from PC Uses I-tunes 11 hours Charge via mains Weight/ SCreen. Size n 1. 5 lbs. /9. 7 inches
ROAD TEST AN E-READER! Amazon Kindle 2 Sony Reader Touch [PRS-600]
Kindle 3 Read in bright sunlight p Improved, built-in PDF Reader p Free 3 -G wireless p Support for non-Latin characters p Faster page-turning p
Now lending e-readers at RSL Ask at Enquiries p Details: p n www. bodleian. ox. ac. uk/science/services/ereaders Loan period 1 week p May be a waiting list! p E-Reader survey p p http: //www. surveymonkey. com/s/Z 55 LBVN
I-Pad: the best of both worlds? Stanza
How to get content for your ereader p Buy through your supplier or bookseller n p Amazon, Apple I-Store; Waterstone's; WH Smith Download from Bodleian Libraries via Ox. LIP+ n n Now: PDF journal articles; Oxford Scholarship On-Line chapters; Soon: EBL e-books; Oxford’s Google Collection Read On-Line- IPad; PC or Laptop p Download free content p
Downloads from Oxford Scholarship On-Line
Public libraries and e-books
Free content for E-readers p p Project Gutenberg Google Project Internet Archive Intute peer-reviewed Other internet resources n Not peer-reviewed n Basic scanned older editions n Not always legal in the UK n p p Sample chapters
Internet Archive
Finding a book in the IA
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Public libraries and e-books
Further information p hilla. wait@philosophy. ox. ac. uk