Скачать презентацию e Learning Design Methodologies 1 Software Life Скачать презентацию e Learning Design Methodologies 1 Software Life


  • Количество слайдов: 68

e. Learning Design Methodologies 1 e. Learning Design Methodologies 1

Software Life Cycle Models 1950 s Code & Fix 1960 s Design-Code-Test-Maintain 1970 s Software Life Cycle Models 1950 s Code & Fix 1960 s Design-Code-Test-Maintain 1970 s Waterfall Model 1980 s Spiral Model 1990 s Rapid Application Development 2000 s Agile Methods 2

Development Methodologies (1/2) n n n Agile software development Agile Unified Process (AUP) Open Development Methodologies (1/2) n n n Agile software development Agile Unified Process (AUP) Open Unified Process Best practice Cathedral and the Bazaar, Open source Constructionist design methodology (CDM) n n n Cowboy coding Design by Use (DBU) Design-driven development (D 3) Don't repeat yourself (DRY) or Once and Only Once (O 3) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) Extreme Programming (XP) 3

Development Methodologies (2/2) n n n n Iterative and incremental development KISS principle (Keep Development Methodologies (2/2) n n n n Iterative and incremental development KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) MIT approach Quick-and-dirty Rational Unified Process (RUP) Scrum (management) Spiral model Software Scouting n n n Test-driven development (TDD) Unified Process Waterfall model Worse is better (New Jersey style) Extreme Programming (XP) You Ain't Gonna Need It (YAGNI) 4

Code-and-Fix n n n “Code-like-Hell” Specification (maybe), Code (yes), Release (maybe) Advantages ¡ ¡ Code-and-Fix n n n “Code-like-Hell” Specification (maybe), Code (yes), Release (maybe) Advantages ¡ ¡ n Disadvantages ¡ ¡ n No overhead Requires little expertise No process, quality control, etc. Highly risky Suitable for prototypes or throwaways 5

“Waterfall” Model 6 “Waterfall” Model 6

Activities by % of Total Effort NASA’s “Manager’s Handbook for Software Development” 7 Activities by % of Total Effort NASA’s “Manager’s Handbook for Software Development” 7

Potential Deliverables by Phase 8 Potential Deliverables by Phase 8

Concept Exploration n n The “Why” phase Not a “mandatory formal” phase ¡ n Concept Exploration n n The “Why” phase Not a “mandatory formal” phase ¡ n Collecting project ideas ¡ n Then the “funneling” process Project Justification ¡ ¡ ¡ n Sometimes called the “pre-project” phase ROI Cost-benefit analysis Project Portfolio Matrix Initial planning and estimates 9

Concept Exploration n Possibly includes Procurement Management: n n Gathering the initial team ¡ Concept Exploration n Possibly includes Procurement Management: n n Gathering the initial team ¡ n Including PM if not already on-board Identify the project sponsor ¡ n RFP Process Vendor selection Contract management Primary contact for approval and decision making Potential Phase Outputs: ¡ Concept Document, Product Description, Proposal, SOW, Project Charter 10

Concept Exploration n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ Lack of full commitment and leadership Concept Exploration n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ Lack of full commitment and leadership Some frustrations: n n n ¡ ¡ Management only getting rough estimates from development Development not getting enough specifics from customer Finding a balanced team Budget sign-off may be your 1 st major task Achieved via: n n n Good concept document or equivalent Demonstration of clear need (justification) Initial estimates 11

Requirements n n n The “What” phase Inputs: SOW, Proposal Outputs: ¡ Requirements Document Requirements n n n The “What” phase Inputs: SOW, Proposal Outputs: ¡ Requirements Document (RD) n n ¡ ¡ ¡ a. k. a. Requirements Specification Document (RSD) Software Requirements Specification (SRS) 1 st Project Baseline Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) Requirements Approval & Sign-Off n Your most difficult task in this phase 12

Requirements n n Perhaps most important & difficult phase Shortchanging it is a ‘classic Requirements n n Perhaps most important & difficult phase Shortchanging it is a ‘classic mistake’ Can begin with a Project Kickoff Meeting Can end with a Software Requirements Review (SRR) ¡ For Sponsor and/or customer(s) approval 13

Why are Requirements so Important? 14 Why are Requirements so Important? 14

Requirements n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ Conflict of interest: developer vs. customer Potential Requirements n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ Conflict of interest: developer vs. customer Potential tug-of-war: n n ¡ ¡ n Disagreement on Features & Estimates Especially in fixed-price contracts Frequent requirements changes Achieving sign-off Project planning occurs in parallel 15

Requirements n Requirements are capabilities and condition to which the system – more broadly, Requirements n Requirements are capabilities and condition to which the system – more broadly, the project – must conform 16

2 Types of Requirements ¡ Functional (behavioral) ¡ ¡ Features and capabilities Non-functional (a. 2 Types of Requirements ¡ Functional (behavioral) ¡ ¡ Features and capabilities Non-functional (a. k. a. “technical”) (everything else) ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Usability n Human factors, help, documentation Reliability n Failure rates, recoverability, availability Performance n Response times, throughput, resource usage Supportability n Maintainability, internationalization Operations: systems management, installation Interface: integration with other systems Other: legal, packaging, hardware 17

Requirements n Other ways of categorizing ¡ Go-Ahead vs. Catch-up n ¡ Backward-looking vs. Requirements n Other ways of categorizing ¡ Go-Ahead vs. Catch-up n ¡ Backward-looking vs. Forward-looking n n n Backward: address issues with previous version Forward: Anticipating future needs of customers Must be prioritized n n Relative to competition Must-have Should-have Could-have (Nice-to-have: NTH) Must be approved 18

Analysis & Design n The “How” Phases Inputs: Requirements Document Outputs: ¡ ¡ ¡ Analysis & Design n The “How” Phases Inputs: Requirements Document Outputs: ¡ ¡ ¡ Functional Specification Detailed Design Document User Interface Specification Data Model Prototype (can also be done with requirements) Updated Plan (improved estimates; new baseline) 19

Analysis & Design n a. k. a. Top-level design & detailed design Continues process Analysis & Design n a. k. a. Top-level design & detailed design Continues process from RD Ends with Critical Design Review (CDR) ¡ ¡ Formal sign-off Can also include earlier Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for high level design 20

Development n n n The “Do It” phase Coding & Unit testing Often overlaps Development n n n The “Do It” phase Coding & Unit testing Often overlaps Design & Integration phases ¡ ¡ To shorten the overall schedule PM needs to coordinate this 21

Development n Other concurrent activities ¡ ¡ ¡ Design completion Integration begins Unit testing Development n Other concurrent activities ¡ ¡ ¡ Design completion Integration begins Unit testing of individual components Test bed setup (environment and tools) Project plans updated Scope and Risk Management conducted 22

Development n Characteristics ¡ ¡ ¡ n Pressure increases Staffing at highest levels Often Development n Characteristics ¡ ¡ ¡ n Pressure increases Staffing at highest levels Often a “heads-down” operation Issues ¡ ¡ Last-minute changes Team coordination (esp. in large projects) Communication overhead Management of sub-contractors 23

Integration & Test n n Evolves from Dev. Phase Often done as 2 parallel Integration & Test n n Evolves from Dev. Phase Often done as 2 parallel phases ¡ n n n Partial integration & initial test Starts with integration of modules An initial, incomplete version constructed Progressively add more components 24

Integration & Test n n n Integration primarily a programmer task Test primarily a Integration & Test n n n Integration primarily a programmer task Test primarily a QA team task Integration: ¡ ¡ ¡ Top-down: Core functionality first, empty shells for incomplete routines (stubs) Bottom up: gradually bind low-level modules Prefer top-down generally 25

Integration & Test n Tests ¡ ¡ ¡ n Integration testing Black & White-box Integration & Test n Tests ¡ ¡ ¡ n Integration testing Black & White-box testing Load & Stress testing Alpha & Beta testing Acceptance testing Other activities ¡ Final budgeting; risk mgmt. ; training; installation preparation; team reduced 26

Integration & Test n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Increased pressure Overtime Integration & Test n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Increased pressure Overtime Customer conflicts over features Frustration over last-minute failures Budget overruns Motivation problems (such as burnout) Difficulty in customer acceptance n Esp. true for fixed-price contracts 27

Deployment & Maintenance n Installation depends on system type ¡ n n Migration strategy Deployment & Maintenance n Installation depends on system type ¡ n n Migration strategy How to get customers up on the system ¡ n Web-based, CD-ROM, in-house, etc. Parallel operation Deployment typically in your project plan, maintenance not 28

Deployment & Maintenance n Maintenance ¡ ¡ ¡ n n n Fix defects Add Deployment & Maintenance n Maintenance ¡ ¡ ¡ n n n Fix defects Add new features Improve performance Configuration control is very important here Documents need to be maintained also Sometimes a single team maintains multiple products 29

Deployment & Maintenance n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ ¡ Lack of enthusiasm Pressure Deployment & Maintenance n Characteristics & Issues ¡ ¡ ¡ Lack of enthusiasm Pressure for quick fixes Insufficient budget Too many patches Personnel turnover Regression testing is critical n Preferably through automated tools 30

Lifecycle Planning n n a. k. a. Lifecycle Management or SDLC Greatly influences your Lifecycle Planning n n a. k. a. Lifecycle Management or SDLC Greatly influences your chance of success Not choosing a lifecycle is a bad option Three primary lifecycle model components ¡ ¡ ¡ Phases and their order Intermediate products of each phase Reviews used in each phase 31

Lifecycle Planning n n n Different projects require different approaches You do not need Lifecycle Planning n n n Different projects require different approaches You do not need to know all models by name You should know how that if given a certain scenario what sort of SDLC would be appropriate There are more than covered here A lifecycle is not a design, modeling or diagramming technique ¡ The same technique (UML, DFD, etc) can be used with multiple lifecycles 32

Pure Waterfall n n The “granddaddy” of models Linear sequence of phases ¡ n Pure Waterfall n n The “granddaddy” of models Linear sequence of phases ¡ n n “Pure” model: no phases overlap Document driven All planning done up-front 33

Waterfall Risk n n Why does the waterfall model “invite risk”? Integration and testing Waterfall Risk n n Why does the waterfall model “invite risk”? Integration and testing occur at the end ¡ Often anyone’s 1 st chance to “see” the program 34

Pure Waterfall n Works well for projects with ¡ ¡ Stable product definition Well-understood Pure Waterfall n Works well for projects with ¡ ¡ Stable product definition Well-understood technologies Quality constraints stronger than cost & schedule Technically weak staff n n Provides structure Good for overseas projects 35

Pure Waterfall n Disadvantages ¡ Not flexible n ¡ ¡ ¡ Rigid march from Pure Waterfall n Disadvantages ¡ Not flexible n ¡ ¡ ¡ Rigid march from start->finish Difficult to fully define requirements up front Can produce excessive documentation Few visible signs of progress until the end 36

SSADM n n Only covers part of the system development process, i. e. analysis SSADM n n Only covers part of the system development process, i. e. analysis and design. It emphasises the importance of the correct determination of systems requirements. 37

SSADM Stages n Feasibility Study ¡ n Requirements Analysis ¡ ¡ n Stage 0 SSADM Stages n Feasibility Study ¡ n Requirements Analysis ¡ ¡ n Stage 0 – Feasibility Stage 1 – Investigation of current requirements Stage 2 – Business Systems Options Requirements Specification ¡ Stage 3 – Definition of Requirements 38

SSADM Stages n Logical System Specification ¡ ¡ n Stage 4 – Technical System SSADM Stages n Logical System Specification ¡ ¡ n Stage 4 – Technical System Options Stage 5 – Logical Design Physical Design ¡ Stage 6 – Physical Design 39

Spiral 40 Spiral 40

Spiral n n n Emphasizes risk analysis & mgmt. in each phase A Series Spiral n n n Emphasizes risk analysis & mgmt. in each phase A Series of Mini-projects Each addresses a set of “risks” ¡ n n Start small, explore risks, prototype, plan, repeat Early iterations are “cheapest” Number of spirals is variable ¡ Last set of steps are waterfall-like 41

Spiral n Advantages ¡ ¡ ¡ n Can be combined with other models As Spiral n Advantages ¡ ¡ ¡ n Can be combined with other models As costs increase, risks decrease Risk orientation provides early warning Disadvantages ¡ ¡ More complex Requires more management 42

Evolutionary Prototyping n Design most prominent parts first ¡ n Good for situations with: Evolutionary Prototyping n Design most prominent parts first ¡ n Good for situations with: ¡ ¡ ¡ n n Usually via a visual prototype Rapidly changing requirements Non-committal customer Vague problem domain Provides steady, visible progress Disadvantages ¡ ¡ ¡ Time estimation is difficult Project completion date may be unknown An excuse to do “code-and-fix” 43

Staged Delivery n n n Waterfall steps through architectural design Then detailed design, code, Staged Delivery n n n Waterfall steps through architectural design Then detailed design, code, test, deliver in stages Advantages n n n Disadvantages n n n Customers get product much sooner Tangible signs of progress sooner Problems discovered earlier Increases flexibility Reduces: status reporting overhead & estimation error Requires more planning (for you the PM) More releases increase effort (and possible feature creep) How’s this differ from Evolutionary Prototyping? 44

V Process Model 45 V Process Model 45

V Process Model 46 V Process Model 46

V Process Model n Designed for testability ¡ n n Variation of waterfall Strengths V Process Model n Designed for testability ¡ n n Variation of waterfall Strengths ¡ n Encourages V&V at all phases Weaknesses ¡ ¡ n Emphasizes Verification & Validation Does not handle iterations Changes can be more difficult to handle Good choice for systems that require high reliability such as patient control systems 47

RAD n n Rapid Application Development Popular in the 80’s ¡ ¡ ¡ 1. RAD n n Rapid Application Development Popular in the 80’s ¡ ¡ ¡ 1. Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) 2. Joint Application Design (JAD) 3. Construction n n ¡ n Heavy use of tools: code generators Time-boxed; many prototypes 4. Cutover Good for systems with extensive user input available 48

XP: e. Xtreme Programming n n n n Not a Microsoft product Part of XP: e. Xtreme Programming n n n n Not a Microsoft product Part of movement called “Agile Development” A “Lightweight” methodology A bit counter-culture Currently in vogue Motto: “Embrace Change” Highly Incremental / Iterative 49

e. Xtreme Programming 50 e. Xtreme Programming 50

e. Xtreme Programming n n n n Suitable for small groups Attempts to minimize e. Xtreme Programming n n n n Suitable for small groups Attempts to minimize unnecessary work Uses an “on-site” customer Small releases Pair programming Refactoring Stories as requirements You want good developers if you use this 51

Other “Agile” Methodologies n n n Agile here means “lite”, reduced docs, highly iterative Other “Agile” Methodologies n n n Agile here means “lite”, reduced docs, highly iterative Agile Software Development SCRUM ¡ n Features 30 -day “Sprint” cycles Feature Driven Development (FDD) ¡ XP with more emphasis on docs and process 52

Other “Agile” Methodologies n n Adaptive Software Development (ASD) Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) Other “Agile” Methodologies n n Adaptive Software Development (ASD) Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) ¡ n Popular in Europe Homegrown: developers often hide their “agile adventures” from management 53

Other “Agile” Methodologies n Pros ¡ ¡ ¡ n Similar to XP, can reduce Other “Agile” Methodologies n Pros ¡ ¡ ¡ n Similar to XP, can reduce process overhead Responsive to user feedback Amenable to change Cons ¡ ¡ ¡ Requires close monitoring by PM May not “scale” to large projects Often requires better quality developers 54

Rational Unified Process n n n n RUP From Rational Corporation “Generic” version is Rational Unified Process n n n n RUP From Rational Corporation “Generic” version is the Unified Process Commercial Extensive tool support (expensive) Object-oriented Incremental Newer 55

Rational Unified Process 56 Rational Unified Process 56

Rational Unified Process n n n n n Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Uses UML Rational Unified Process n n n n n Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) Produces “artifacts” Use component-based architecture Visually model software Complex process A “framework” Suitable for large scale systems 57

Choosing Your Lifecycle n n n Varies by project Opt for “iterative” or “incremental” Choosing Your Lifecycle n n n Varies by project Opt for “iterative” or “incremental” How well are requirements understood? What are the risks? Is there a fixed deadline? How experienced is the team or customer? 58

IEEE 1074 n A standard for developing software processes ¡ ¡ ¡ Lifecycle model IEEE 1074 n A standard for developing software processes ¡ ¡ ¡ Lifecycle model selection Project management process Predevelopment processes Development processes Post-development processes Integral process 59

Unified Modelling Language 60 Unified Modelling Language 60

Use cases diagram UML 2 Use cases diagrams describes the behavior of the target Use cases diagram UML 2 Use cases diagrams describes the behavior of the target system from an external point of view. Use cases describe "the meat" of the actual requirements. n Use cases. A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse. n Actors. An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or more interactions with your system. Actors are drawn as stick figures. n Associations between actors and use cases are indicated by solid lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved 61 with an interaction described by a use case.

Use cases diagram 62 Use cases diagram 62

Use cases diagram 63 Use cases diagram 63

Use cases diagram 64 Use cases diagram 64

Class diagram UML class diagrams show the classes of the system, their inter-relationships, and Class diagram UML class diagrams show the classes of the system, their inter-relationships, and the operations and attributes of the classes n n n Explore domain concepts in the form of a domain model Analyze requirements in the form of a conceptual/analysis model Depict the detailed design of object-oriented or object-based software 65

Class diagram 66 Class diagram 66

Class diagram 67 Class diagram 67

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