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E-Government 2002 Presented by Donna Scheeder Knowledge. Nets New York, May 15, 2002
Accenture study found: b U. S. third in progress behind Canada and Singapore b Though cross-agency initiatives are being pushed in many nations, a lack of collaboration is a barrier b Governments more savvy in measuring progress
Accenture findings continued: b Public-private collaborations are increasing and becoming better focused b Governments doing more marketing to foster acceptance b Gaps between highest and lowest ranking nations widened
Factors driving e-gov in the U. S. b Massive increase in citizen interest b President and OMB have made e-gov a high priority b September 11 th and the anthrax attack
Quicksilver project goals b Strategically manage human capital b Allow for competitive sourcing b Expand electronic government b Improve financial management Integrate budget and performance b Provide single points of access for citizens
Quicksilver goals continued b Share information with state and local governments b Automate to increase internal efficiencies and reduce costs.
Projects in 4 business lines b G 2 G: Government to Government b G 2 C: Government to Citizen b G 2 B: Government to Business b IEE: Internal Efficiencies and effectiveness. b Complete list of projects at http: //egov. gov/egovreport 3. htm
Project examples: b G 2 C: Recreation One-stop, Eligibility Assistance On-line b G 2 G: Geo-spatial Information One-stop, EVital, E-Grants b B 2 B: One-stop business compliance information, International trade process streamlining
Other important developments: b Value measuring Methodology b State initiatives such as on-line business court, cybercasting public meetings, Digital construction approval
Issues Effecting the Future: b Will government portals become obsolete? b Privacy b Use of XML in government b Security