- Количество слайдов: 51
E-commerce Usaha Kecil Menengah Onno W. Purbo onno@indo. net. id
Fokus n n Universitas – sumber pengetahuan Masyarakat – partner ekonomi
Lokasi Materi n n n n http: //louis. idaman. com/idkf/ http: //louis. regex. com/idkf/ http: //portal. detik. com ftp: //ftp. mikrodata. co. id Warta-e-commerce@egroups. com Mastel-e-commerce@egroups. com E-commerce@itb. ac. id
Sedikit Filosofi-nya
Strata Informasi n n Data Informasi Pengetahuan (knowledge) Kebijakan (wisdom)
Transaksi di e-commerce n n Transaksi uang barang informasi pengetahuan / jasa
Filosofi-nya n n Rizki & pahala – sesuai dengan amal & ibadah. Dunia elektronik mengeffisienkan amal & ibadah untuk orang banyak.
Pemberdayaan UKM (SME) n n n Model Teknologi Network Knowledge Management Support Konsekuensi-nya e-commerce n n n E-Commerce sederhana E-Commerce Bisnis to Customer E-Commerce Bisnis to Bisnis
Resource By Region Type By Expertise By
Some References n Http: //ctn. nrc. ca/ (Canada Technology Network) n http: //astec. gov. au/astec. html (Australian Science & Technology Council) n http: //ntd. intro. nus. sg/ (National Technology Data. Bank) n http: //www. nalusda. gov/ttic/ (Technology Transfer Information Center)
Knowledge Economy n n What is knowledge? Knowledge Management
What is Knowledge? n n Building block of a modern organization. Knowledge is Perishable. Becomes Obsolete Quickly. Always changing. Renewing is key to competitive advantages. Knowledge = Power. Share it and it will multiply.
The Three Types Of Knowledge Search and delivery Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Potential knowledge People Collaboration Content Mgmt. Analysis People Information Data Tracking
Mencari Model Sederhana
Kondisi Ideal
Digital Library n n n http: //digital. lib. itb. ac. id digilib@itb. ac. id ismail@itb. ac. id
Model Sederhana
Knowledge Commerce n n Mempercepat Perputaran Pengetahuan Memajukan Pengetahuan Percepatan menjadikan Pakar. . Pendidikan Informal
E-Comm Teori-nya. . .
Strategi Perdagangan n Harga Bersaing Mutu Tinggi Ketepatan Waktu sampai ke Pasar
Tipe e-commerce n Business-to-Business (B 2 B) n n n 80% transaksi e-commerce. Business-to-Customer (B 2 C) Business-to-Government (B 2 G) Business-to-Partners Community-to-Community (C 2 C) Citizen-to-Citizen (C 2 C)
E-Commerce sederhana
Langkah Sederhana n n Shopping, Buka Wawasan & Kenali Medan. Fokus yang di suka / di kuasai. Silaturahmi, Community Building. Transaksi e-commerce sederhana. n n Ganti telp, fax e-mail. Transaksi elektronik informasi / pengetahuan. Transaksi fisik - barang. Transaksi fisik - duit manual . .
Kenali Medan n Search Engine n n n http: //www. yahoo. com http: //www. infoseek. com Keyword n n FAQ, whitepapers, hal yang disukai. Mailinglist community.
Community Building n Aktif di mailing list n n Subscribe via: n n E-commerce@itb. ac. id Mastel-e-commerce@egroups. com Warta-e-commerce@egroups. com *-subscribe@egroups. com Responds responds n n Rizki equivalent dengan kecepatan meresponds. Silaturahmi & community building.
Produksi Informasi n n n Tulis artikel Tulis buku Terbitkan di: n n n Detik. com Astaga!com Kompas. com
E-Commerce Rumit
Isu utama e-commerce n n n Payment Method Certificate Authority (CA) Internet Infrastructure n n n Web. e-mail. Regulasi – cyberlaw.
Payment Method n n n Transaksi model ATM. Pembayaran 2 pihak tanpa perantara. Pembayaran 2 pihak dengan perantara. Micropayment. Anonymous Digital Cash.
Business-to-Customer n Biasanya Web.
Bisnis-2 -Customer GUI (Web Browser) Shopping Cart Order Processor CA Merchant Bank Customer Bank Transaction Server Product Search Product Database Delivery Service
Start e-Commerce Indonesia n http: //www. telkom. net. id (Commerce. Net) n Indosat. Com n EDI Indonesia Luar Negeri n http: //store. yahoo. com n http: //www. ipservices. att. com/wss/ n http: //www. wcom. net/commercehost/ n http: //www. bbn. com/
Standard e-Commerce n n Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) n n Open Trading Protocol (OTP) n n n Sun, IBM, Oracle Open Profiling Standard (OPS) Socket Secure Layer (SSL) n n http: //www. openbuy. org (Microsoft) Netscape Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) n Visa & Master. Card
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange X. 21 UN/EDIFACT
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange
Example of EDI Message ST*850*00001 BEG*00*SA*EDI-9966***850816 TAX*5 -6777867 N 1*ST*THE CORNER STORE*09*0799332120001 N 3*601 FIRST STREET N 4*CROSSROADS*NY*10016 N 3*900 EASY STREET PER*PD*JOHN JONES**TE*415 -744 -8666 ITD*01*03*2. 000***10**30 FOB*CC*****OR DTM*002*851018 PO 1*1*16000. 00*LB*1. 25000*QT*PN*100020167557 CTT*2*36000. 00 SE*22*00001
Example of EDI Message ST*850*00001 BEG*00*SA*EDI-9966***850816 TAX*5 -6777867 N 1*ST*THE CORNER STORE*09*0799332120001 ASCII Text Message N 3*601 FIRST STREET Easy To N 4*CROSSROADS*NY*10016 Transport via E-mail N 3*900 EASY STREET Easy to Transport via Internet PER*PD*JOHN JONES**TE*415 -744 -8666 ITD*01*03*2. 000***10**30 Easy to Protect, say using PGP, PEM etc. FOB*CC*****OR DTM*002*851018 PO 1*1*16000. 00*LB*1. 25000*QT*PN*100020167557 CTT*2*36000. 00 SE*22*00001
Practical Implementation n W. Houser, J. Griffin & C. Hage, “Request for Comments: 1865: EDI Meets the Internet - Frequently Asked Questions about Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on the Internet”, January 1996.