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DWQ Web Transformation 2009 Into the 21 st Century
Basic Plan l Part of the DENR IT structure and housed on their server. l Liferay content management program - an open source program that will be supported by DENR IT. l DWQ will do design and day-to-day management of the Web site. l DENR Creative Services is helping with the graphic design and building of templates.
Basic Plan (con’t. ) l The Liferay program is totally removed from our current authoring program – the new site will completely replace the old. l Members of the current Web team are tasked with learning the new program and participating in the migration of information to the new site. l All Web team members will need to take at least one 2 -hour training session. DENR IT will provide the training.
Basic Plan (con’t. ) l Some team members will receive more intensive training and will be 1 st Responders for team members who need advice on the program. l A Web Team Intranet site with a message board will be established so that team members can share experiences with problems, fixes and short-cuts. l DENR IT staff has been very available to us. We will eventually have an IT person assigned as our primary resource for any program problems. l DENR Creative Services will also be able to offer support for Web site design and functions.
Liferay (http: //www. liferay. com) l “Liferay is a leading provider of open source enterprise portal and social collaboration software. ” Their ad. l Portal – a management system with role-based authorizations. l Authoring ability accessible from any computer - including the Regional Offices - once site-area permissions have been established. Please identify regional staff who would want to join the Web team. l Underlying structure includes a document library and an image gallery.
Liferay (http: //www. liferay. com) l Pages are built from a set of portlets – predesigned sub-programs with specific functions. Some of the available functions are: Journal articles – most narrative content. Can Data presentation – Retrieves data from Navigation – Hierarchically displays current and Poll or Web form data collection – displays a Calendar – Displays a calendar of events that can Also RSS feeds, blogs, Wiki, calculator, clock, message board and custom applications search all articles in the community. Can filter and display a set of articles. internal or external sources and reformats the data for display in the portal. next level pages. question or questions and answer fields with Site map – Expands and display all levels of pages results that are displayed, collected in a spreadsheet document or e-mailed. for the current community. be timed to appear and disappear.
Training l The Liferay program has recently been upgraded. IT is in the process of updating the user’s manual and it should be available by the second week in February. l Training is scheduled to begin the third week of February. A calendar is now available for the team to sign-up. l Training will start with each Web team member attending a 2 -hour session. We will evaluate if more sessions are needed for basic-level group. l Further training will be available for the advanced group.
Design Team l Task no. 1 – Naming conventions and journal library hierarchy – these are needed to begin migration of documents. l Priorities for the site include: l Emphasize opportunities for public involvement and education. l Elevate Regional Office profile – clear and direct connection from Home page, and creation of DWQ Regional Office Web pages. l Improve design and accessibility of Employment / Employee information. l Improve navigation for general public and professional customer base. l Accurate and detailed site map linked to every page footer.
Timeline l Have naming conventions and library hierarchy determined in next three weeks. l Begin training. l Establish library on test Web site and begin migrating documents to folders based on DWQ organizational structure. l Determine site architecture. l Have home page, first and second tier pages and templates for review / comment. l Build site. Test it. l Swap sites
Odds and Ends l May change URL to: ncwaterquality. gov or NCDWQ. gov l Look at the revamped EPA site (www. epa. gov). We may adopt some of the approaches to public involvement and Employment interfaces. l Check into site’s progress on the DWQ Intranet portal accessible through the DENR Web site. l Questions?