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dwcpd Department: Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 5 Year Departmental Strategy Presentation to: Parliament Portfolio Committee for Women Children and Persons with Disabilities March 2010
Contents Minister’s Statement Legislative Framework Mandate, Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Objectives and Core Functions Broad 5 Yr Priorities Departmental Improvement Plan Branch Implementation Plans Human Resource, Physical and Financial Acquisition Plan Statutory Bodies MTEF & Accountability Framework Performance Indicators and outcomes: 2014
Minister’s Statement The rationale for establishing, locating the OSW, ORC and OSDP in The Presidency and why this approach did not yield desired results Establishment of dwcpd in May 2010 and strategies to effect mandate implementation efficiencies and programme impact Establishment of dwcpd and other new Departments a critical part of Gov’s goal to align the electoral mandate, governance structures and developmental challenges that need to receive immediate and urgent attention from government Clarification of purpose of the 5 Yr Departmental Strategy
Legislative Framework National, Continental and International levels Reflects on the Constitutional mandate and the myriad of legislation it gave rise to - including the reconstruction and development, transformation and public service acts that stipulate performance norms and standards Gender equality, children’s rights and disabilities acts and Bills Continental and International instruments signed by South Africa Department specific imperatives arising from national and international obligations
Mandate, Vision and Mission Mandate: Facilitate compliance and exercise oversight on South Africa’s delivery against the Constitutional, electoral, Continental, International, Development and Transformation Mandates on the socio-economic, development and cultural rights of women, children and persons with disabilities. Vision: A non-sexist, discrimination free, equity and gender equality oriented and inclusive society that cares for, protects and develops the human potential of its women, children and persons with disabilities. Mission: to create an enabling environment to facilitate the translation of Constitutional, Continental and International obligations into programmes that will advance the rights and socio-economic and cultural development of women children and persons with disabilities.
Core Functions Promotion and protection of the rights of wcpd - including acceleration of implementation on constitutnal & intnational obligs on the rights of wcpd and catalytic projects in the 3 sectors. Coordination and facilitation of collaboration in 3 sectors to ensure mainstreaming of gender, disability and children’s rights considerations in key governance and programme frameworks - including strengthening of public private partnerships Setting of rights and development oriented norms and standards for political and socio-economic transformation necessary to achieve incremental women empowerment/gender equality, children’s rights and equalisation of development opportunities for persons with disabilities. Monitoring and evaluation of delivery on agreed targets in the three sectors. This will culminate in disaggregated rights delivery databases, issues specific research findings and national efficiencies for comprehensive reporting at country and international levels. Advancement of international cooperation and partnerships to promote, and protect socioeconomic and cultural rights of women, children and persons with disabilities.
Strategic Objectives To facilitate compliance with national, regional, continental and international instruments for the advancement of equity and access to development opportunities by women, children and persons with disabilities To mainstream women, children and disabilities considerations in key governance systems and initiatives at national and international levels. To exercise oversight on the national women, children and disabilities sectors and to report comprehensively at national, continental and international levels To facilitate planning, implementation progress tracking and agreement on strategies for continuous improvement in the three sectors. To lead - on behalf of Government in South Africa’s - in women, children’s rights and disabilities initiatives at national, continental and international levels.
Broad Departmental 5 Yr Priorities 2009/2014 National Priorities Economic Growth and Sustainable Livelihoods Education Health Rural Development Fight against Crime Relevant Lead Depts have individual and collective implementation responsibilities Related priorities of the dwcpd Mainstrming of g/equality, CR and disabilities considerations into key progms of relevant Lead Depts Leadship in devlpment of related implementation n/stds, rights/responsibility, targets, transformation, dev, M&E & co-ordination indicators Facilitation of integrated action to advance wege, CRn. R & RPw. D (Catltic Projs. )
Mandate Implementation Improvement Plan Strengthening of family life Alignment of understanding in Gov on mandate of the dwcpd Maximisation of invaluable experience of The Presidency over the years on gender equality, children’s rights and empowerment of persons with disabilities Strengthening of strategic Public private partnerships to advance the rights of wcpd Alignment of OSW, ORC and OSDP programmes at three spheres of Government with the strategic thrust of the dwcpd
Key National Achievements to Date: Human rights based national Constitutions Parliament Portfolio Committee on WCPD S. A ratification of key g/equality, CR and disabilities continental and international instruments Public Private Partnerships Submission of sector specific AU and UN Reports & emerging concern Observance of key annual sector specific days DWCPD SA visibility at international level in the three sectors
Branch Mandate Implementation Plans Narrative Refers
Recommended Way Forward 1. 2. 3. Integration of gender equality, children’s rights and disabilities considerations in key activities of Government Priorities Lead Departments Facilitation of sectoral agreements on 3 Yr and incremental annual targets, indicators, planning, implementation, performance tracking as well as reporting mechanisms Sector specific knowledge management to ensure continuous performance improvement in the three sectors
Anticipated Outcomes: 2014 Deptmental leadership in SA compliance with relevant Constitutional mandates and international instruments Alignment in Gov on the understanding, interpretation and application of the national agenda on g/equality, CRn. R and RPw. D Incremental access to human rights and development opportunities by women, children and persons with disabilities Strategic catalytic projects in the three sectors Departmental mainstreaming, coordination, oversight and comprehensive reporting efficiencies
Human Resources Plan & Physical and Financial Acquisition Plan HR DPSA concurrence with the departmental structure & implications of this development Composition of the Department’s interim personnel team Physical and Financial Acquisition Plan Acquisition of the Department’s operating premises and related electronic systems and material, office equipment, essential supplies and other basic requirements necessary to effect the Department’s functionality make the Statutory Bodies CGE
Medium Term Expenditure Framework Department’s zero based budgeting approach and motivation on: Physically establishment of the new Department Mandate implementation plan for three years beginning April 2010. The need for critical capability in the dwcpd to deliver on the Department’s mandate. Personnel compensation SA influence in the three sectors at international level Final allocation of R 145 m over three years Refer to Narrative
Allocation Consequences The budget allocation that is currently the reality of the dwcpd is going to make it very difficult for the Department to achieve critical capabilities to deliver on its mandate
Accountability Framework President/ Cabinet National Women’s Sector National Children’s Sector Parliament DWCPD National Disabilities Sector SA Nation Relevant AU structures Relevant UN Structures
Kgotso!!! dwcpd Department: Women Children and Persons with Disabilities REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA