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Drug addiction
Definition Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence.
Drug Addiction in the world Drug use is a worldwide phenomenon, and drug use occurs in al- most every country. The specific drug or drugs used varies from country to country and from region to region. Worldwide, the three main drugs of use are cannabis (such as marijuana), opiates (such as heroin), and cocaine. Although individual countries have their own drug laws, in general, drug possession, sale, and use are ille- gal. Unfortunately, laws are not always equally enforced in countries around the world.
Throughout the 1990 s, the use of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) increased dramatically worldwide. The main regions of use of ATS are in North America, Western Europe, and Asia. By the end of the 1990 s, ATS use had stabilized or declined in North America and Western Europe. By contrast, use has continued to increase in Asia is the leading region for use and manufacture of ATS, and the potential for spreading the problem to other regions continues.
Drug Addiction in Kazakhstan Drug addiction continues to increase in Kazakhstan from year to year; 51 366 narcotic drug users were registered as of 2010. This spread of drug addiction poses a threat to the socioeconomic development of Kazakhstan. The problem of drug dependence is related to several socioeconomic and socio-psychological factors and the threat of the Afghan opiate expansion. Up to 15% of narcotic drugs produced in Afghanistan transit through the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan to Russia and further on to Europe The second factor affecting the drug situation in Kazakhstan is the availability of huge areas used for the cultivation of drug-containing substances. Cannabis growing areas alone account for approximately 140 thousand hectares.
No special study on the prevalence of social problems related to drug use has been conducted to date in Kazakhstan, but the majority of registered and treated drug users, mainly heroin users, have psychic and behavioural disorders either caused by drug use or having led to drug use. 84% thereof had secondary and secondary vocational education, 78% were unemployed. The reason for starting with drug use was ‘curiosity’ (68%) or group pressure (17%). Drug injection is associated with a high risk of contracting viral infections such as HIV or Hepatitis. HIV prevalence is still low at 4, 2%, yet 61% of these HIV infections are caused by drug injection. Hepatitis C prevalence also remains low at 8, 7%.
Solutions 1. Social advertisement on TV radio 2. Strong government control for drugs traffic 3. Strong control of drug abuse in schools, universities and other institutions 4. Children should be well informed about consequences and treat in way that drugs is very bad 5. Increase the number of institution which help for people to kick habits 6. Program “Sport against Drugs”
1. Social Advertisement The Ministry of Communications and Information organized the production of 6 video clips, 6 radio commercials, a feature film, 3 documentary films, and 3 series of animated cartoons. These video products were broadcast on the republican television channels from September 2010 to February 2011.
2. Government Control The main directions of the activity regarding the prevention of drug consumption are stipulated by Government Decree No. 784 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated May 27, 2009, “On the Programme for Countermeasures against Drug Abuse and the Drug Trade in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Period 2009 -2011”. In addition, Regional Programmes for Countermeasures against Drug Abuse and Drug Trading have been adopted in every region of the country; such programmes are reviewed on an annual basis. Both the National Programme and Regional Programmes are fundamental documents in the field of the prevention of drug addiction and drug consumption among various segments of the population.
3. Prevention in schools and universities In the 2011 -2012 school year, 7, 561 psychologists, 3, 643 counsellors, and 1, 601 school police inspectors worked in the comprehensive schools of the country. Institutions of higher education conducted 189 round table discussions, 206 educational training seminars, and 152 public events, issued 210 leaflets, and produced 22 video films on the harm and consequences of drug use.
4. Awareness of children Consultations for parents called “Let’s think together” function in the schools of the country with the participation of narcologists, inspectors of law enforcement bodies, psychologists, and social pedagogues. These specialists provide consultations to the parents on issues related to the prevention of substance consumption in the family.
5. Drug institutions Today amount of different clinics and rehabilitation centers, which help drug abused people to struggle with this terrible disease increased. Government is very concern about this. They try to invest as much money as possible. For example: in 2011 government invest about 500000 $ for treatment and helping for drugs addicted people. CADAP one of the organization which assist and help Asian countries in fight with drugs abuse
6. Sport against drugs Systematic measures for the prevention of drug use are taken using the means of physical fitness and sports. Sport events under the “Sport against drugs” and “Tourism against drugs” banners are conducted in educational institutions on a systematic basis. According to the data of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, special attention is paid to the development of youth sports as an alternative to the consumption of drugs and alcohol among young people. At present approximately 29 thousand sports clubs, 7, 133 gyms, 31, 266 sports centres, 251 stadia, and 423 ice hockey rinks are functioning in the country. Approximately 30% of the population and approximately 20% of all students visit these sports institutions every year.
Funny solution To growth new type of bugs which eat cannabis and poppy and in such way dry to destroy plantation of forbidden plants