Drinks made by ermakova dina
Strong Drinks Strong drinks - alcohol, especially spirits
Wines Wine – an alcoholic drink made from grapes
Types of wine on the shutter speed, color and content of sugar Red wine White wine Rose wine Sweet wine Semi-sweet wine • Dry vine • Semi-dry wine • • •
Different species of wine
Port(wine) It’s a strong sweet wine that people sometimes drink at the end of a meal
Champagne /ʃamˈpeɪn/ Synonyms • Sparkling wine • Sparkler • Champers (Br. E Inf) • Bubbly (Am. E) It’s a type of French wine that people often drink to celebrate special occasions
Cider /ˈsʌɪdə/ This is an alcoholic drink made from apples
Vermouth /ˈvəːməθ/ This is a type of strong white wine that is often mixed with other alcoholic drinks
Martini /mɑːˈtiːni/ It’s a type of vermouth produced in Italy
Brandy /ˈbrændi/ This is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice
Cognac /ˈkɒnˌjæk/ This is a high-quality brandy made in France
Sherry /ˈʃeri/ This is a strong wine from southern Spain, often drunk before a meal
Hock/Hough /hɒk/ This is a type of white wine from Germany.
Mulled (vine)/Negus /mʌld/, /ˈniːgəs/ a hot drink of port, sugar, lemon, and spice.
Phrases and expressions • Plonk = thin wine – a cheap wine of low quality • Green wine = new wine • House wine – the least expensive wine in a restaurant, which appears on the wine list without its usual name • Fortified wines – an alcoholic drink made by adding a small amount of brandy or other alcoholic drink. Sherry and port are fortified wines • Table wine – an ordinary wine that is not very expensive and that is drunk with meals • Dessert wine – a sweet wine that you drunk with a dessert
• To take wine with smb = exchange of toast with someone • Elderberry wine = a small round black fruit that grows on an elder tree • In wine = drunk • Good wine needs no bush = there’s no need to advertise or boast about something of good quality as people will always discover its merits • Wine, women, and song = the hedonistic life of drinking, sexual pleasure, and carefree entertainment proverbially required by men
Punch/toddy /pʌn(t)ʃ/ Grog – a type of punch made with rum, water, sugar, and lemon juice, often served hot This is an alcoholic drink made of whisky with hot water and sugar
Rum /rʌm/ This is a strong alcoholic drink made from sugar cane -Light-boiled -Middle-boiled -Heavy-boiled -White/light/silver/blanca/blanc rum – clear rum -Golden rum - historically it gets more dark color in wooden barrels -Dark/black/negro rum - it’s darker than gold rum
Whisky It’s a strong alcoholic drink produced in Scotland, made from barley /ˈbɑːli/
Spelling help and expressions • When referring to the alcoholic spirit from Scotland, use the spelling whisky. Whiskey with an e, is the spelling used in Ireland America. • Bourbon /ˈbɔːbɒn/- a kind of American whisky distilled from maize and rye • Firewhisky
Liqueur /lɪˈkjʊə/ It’s a sweet strong alcoholic drink that you have at the end of a meal. Interesting facts: Commercial production of liqueurs began in the Middle ages, when the alchemists and doctors searched for the elixir of life.
Gin • London dry gin – the most common type of gin, typically used for cocktails • Jenevers – Dutch or Belgian gin • Plymouth gin • Old Tom gin Note: It’s confirmed that distillation is carried out according to technologies of the 18 th century It’s a clear alcoholic spirit distilled from grain or malt and flavoured with juniper berries
Beer It’s an alcoholic drink made from yeastfermented malt flavoured with hops Ale – a type of darkcoloured beer without bubbles in England
Phrases • Cart beer = draft beer Br. E= draught beer Am. E=unbottled beer • Brewery • Beer and skittles - [often with negative] British - amusement or enjoyment: life isn’t all beer and skittles
Tequila /tɪˈkiːlə/ It’s a strong, clear or yellow alcoholic drink from Mexico
Cocktail /ˈkɒkteɪl/ This is a drink, usually with a lot of alcohol in it, made by mixing different drinks together
Some kinds of cocktails • Champagne cocktail – cold drink, consisting of a mixture of wine, liquor or syrup and different fruit juice. • Bloody Mary – an alcoholic drink made by mixing vodka and tomato juice • Mojito /mə(ʊ)ˈhiːtəʊ/ - an alcoholic drink made from rum or vodka and lime juice
• Margarita /ˌmɑːgəˈriːtə/ an alcoholic drink made from tequila and fruit juice • Pina Colada /ˌpiːnə kəˈlɑːdə/ - an alcoholic drink made by mixing rum with pineapple juice and coconut • B-52 – a cocktail consisting of three layers of liquor
Absinthe /ˈabsɪnθ/ It’s a very strong green alcoholic drink with a bitter taste. Absinthe got the nickname «the Green fairy» and «Green witch»
Moonshine/Vodka • Moonshine - mainly American a strong alcoholic drink that is produced and sold illegally. • Vodka – a strong clear alcoholic drink from Russia and Poland
Soft drinks
Tea • Black tea – tea of the most usual type, that is fully fermented before drying • Green tea – a type of tea that is pale green colour and comes maily from China or Japan • Karkade /kæɾkæˈdeː/ sweet’n’sour tea drink bright-red colour, made from herbs It’s a hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water
Phrases and expressions • Herbal /ˈhəːb(ə)l/ tea – tea which connected with herbs or made from herbs • Iced tea – a drink made from tea with ice, and sometimes lemon or sugar • Brew /bruː/– an amount of tea brewed at one time and served in a pot • Brew up – (British informal) make tea • Tea bag – a small paper bag with tea leaves inside that you put boiling water over to make tea • Tea leaf – a leaf from the tea plant that is dried, cut into small pieces and used for making tea
• Not for all the tea in China = formal there is nothing at all that could induce one to do something: I wouldn’t do that girl’s job—not for all the tea in China • tea and sympathy - informal kind attentive behavior towards someone who is upset or in trouble: they need a plan of action rather than tea and sympathy
Coffee It’s a hot, slightly bitter drink made by pouring hot water over brown powder consisting of coffee beans that have been ground (=crushed into very small pieces). Coffee served without milk is called black coffee, and coffee with milk is white coffee
Types of coffee • Irish coffee - a hot drink made with coffee, Irish whiskey, and cream • Turkish coffee - very strong coffee served without milk and usually with sugar • Espresso – strong Italian coffee • Americano a cup of coffee made by pouring a little espresso (=strong Italian coffee) on top of hot water • Cappuccino /ˌkæpəˈtʃiːnəʊ/strong coffee made with hot milk and often with cinnamon or chocolate powder on top
• Mocha /ˈmɒkə/ - a drink made by mixing coffee and chocolate together • Macchiato /ˌmækiˈɑːtəʊ/ - a cup of espresso with a little hot frothy milk added to it
Cocoa /ˈkəʊkəʊ/ It’s a brown powder made from cocoa beans that is used for making chocolate or chocolate-flavoured foods and drinks.
Hot chocolate It’s a drink made by mixing hot milk or water with chocolate powder
Juice It’s the liquid that comes out of fruit or vegetables when you squeeze them and is often used as a drink (cranberry juice, birch /bɜː(r)tʃ/ juice) Phrase *Someone’s competitive/c reative etc juices - the feelings that someone has of wanting to compete, create etc something
Lemonade This is a drink made from lemons, sugar, and water
Cola /ˈkəʊlə/ This is a sweet brown fizzy drink (=with gas in it)
Soda water This is a carbonated water drunk alone or mixed with alcoholic drinks or fruit juice
Stewed fruit It’s dessert dish that represents the broth fruit in syrup.
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