Dr Thomas Chaize 150 YEARS OF OIL 3 record 100$ www. dani 2989. com
1864, First wave of up to $ 100 Reasons : replacement of oil by whale oil for lighting
1980, second wave of up to $ 100 Reasons : Iran / Iraq War, 10%: drop of world oil production
2008, third wave of up to $ 100 Reasons : Speculation? The two previous increases since 150 years were caused by major changes in supply and demand. But in 2008, the only explanation given by TV and newspapers is speculation. . . The economic information was probably better in 1864. . .
Summarizes the causes : - 1864: sharp increase in demand insufficient supply. - 1980: Decline of 10% of supply - 2008: Stagnation of supply causes the rise in oil prices. It is not speculation, it is oil, no bank.
The purpose of this document is not to discuss the quality of economic information, or reasons for the increase in July 2008. It is put into perspective the rise in 2008, the record of $ 145, falling to $ 35 a barrel hides the average price of a barrel of oil to $ 100. It happened 3 times last century and a half.
When the next wave of rising oil prices will bring the annual average prices above 100 dollars in a period less than 28 years, this indicates that crises are becoming closer and that the offer took less and less demand.
At that moment, forget the explanation of speculation and think of oil peak … « Believe with oil, fall is not a reason to fear but an opportunity to buy » John Davison Rockefeller Par le Dr Thomas Chaize www. dani 2989. com The dissemination of this presentation by email, messaging, is strongly encouraged by the author.