
  • Количество слайдов: 36


OUTLINE 1. History 2. Recommendations 3. Properties of Breast Milk 4. Benefits of Breastfeeding OUTLINE 1. History 2. Recommendations 3. Properties of Breast Milk 4. Benefits of Breastfeeding 5. Harmful Effects of Formula Milk

6. Why Some Mothers Choose Formula Vs. Breast Milk 7. Other Options (Contraindication) 8. 6. Why Some Mothers Choose Formula Vs. Breast Milk 7. Other Options (Contraindication) 8. Additional Resources

OBJECTIVE q. To increase awareness about breastfeeding. q. To educate about the benefits of OBJECTIVE q. To increase awareness about breastfeeding. q. To educate about the benefits of breastfeeding. q. To educate about the basics of breastfeeding. q. To educate about the harms associated with formula feeding. q. To advocate for breastfeeding and empower parents to make an informed choice.

HISTORY v. Artificial feeding becomes readily available at turn of century v. By 1940’s HISTORY v. Artificial feeding becomes readily available at turn of century v. By 1940’s control of birth & feedings given to doctors v. By 1970, historical low in breastfeeding rates in western world v. Rates peak in 1980 s v. Duration rates still generally low

RECOMMENDATIONS q Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age q Introduce complimentary foods with RECOMMENDATIONS q Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age q Introduce complimentary foods with continued breastfeeding q Optimum to breastfeed for 2 years or longer

PROPERTIES OF BREASTMILK q Biologic specificity => Longchain omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and AA) PROPERTIES OF BREASTMILK q Biologic specificity => Longchain omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and AA) q Important for brain and retinal development q Higher IQs

IMMUNOLOGIC SPECIFICITY Protection against pathogens & allergens Kills pathogenic organisms or modifies their growth IMMUNOLOGIC SPECIFICITY Protection against pathogens & allergens Kills pathogenic organisms or modifies their growth Stimulates epithelial maturation for future defence First immunization Protection against common respiratory and intestinal diseases

IMMUNOLOGIC SPECIFICITY Colostrum = Baby’s first vaccination Less risk of illness such as: Ear IMMUNOLOGIC SPECIFICITY Colostrum = Baby’s first vaccination Less risk of illness such as: Ear infections, Allergies, Asthma and Eczema Diabetes, Pneumonia, Crohn’s disease and other bowel illnesses and childhood Cancers, Arthritis, …. .

PERFECT FOOD FOR BABIES q Just the right amount of nutrients in the right PERFECT FOOD FOR BABIES q Just the right amount of nutrients in the right proportions q Over 200 components in human milk Composition of breast milk: Ø Live cells, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals Ø Less fat than most other mammals Ø More lactose than other mammals

BREAST MILK COMPOSITION Fat: (4% concentration provides up to 50% of caloric needs, cholesterol BREAST MILK COMPOSITION Fat: (4% concentration provides up to 50% of caloric needs, cholesterol levels constant, lipolytic enzymes aid in fat digestion) Carbohydrates: (lactose = milk sugar predominantly in human milk, 7% concentration provides up to 40% caloric needs, essential for development of CNS, enhances calcium & iron absorption)

ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BREAST MILK Contains variety of heterogeneous agents with this activity- gives ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BREAST MILK Contains variety of heterogeneous agents with this activity- gives benefits like ; Ø This persist through-out lactation. Ø Resist digestive enzymes in digestive tract. Ø Acts at mucosal surfaces ( e. g GIT, Resp, Urinary tracts )

ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BREAST MILK Protein -Lactoferin : Inhibits bacterial growth by depriving them ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BREAST MILK Protein -Lactoferin : Inhibits bacterial growth by depriving them of iron necessary for their growth. § Immunoglobulin: Ig. G , Ig. A ; • Important role by enhancing mucosal immunity and, thus, protecting the GI tract from foreign antigens or microorganisms. • Protects against infections like E. coli, polio, tetanus, measles and etc.

ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BREAST MILK Carbohydrates (Bifidus factor = growth factor present only in ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BREAST MILK Carbohydrates (Bifidus factor = growth factor present only in human milk required for establishing an acidic environment in the gut to inhibit growth of bacteria, fungi and parasites)

BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING Ecological: -Saves resources -Less waste -No refrigeration -No manufacturing -No bottles, BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING Ecological: -Saves resources -Less waste -No refrigeration -No manufacturing -No bottles, cans -No trucking -No handling

BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING For Society - Smarter - Healthier - Less cost to healthcare BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING For Society - Smarter - Healthier - Less cost to healthcare system - Stronger families

BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING To Families -Less trips to doctors, hospitals -Less prescriptions -Less stress BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING To Families -Less trips to doctors, hospitals -Less prescriptions -Less stress -Less illness -More bonding -Inexpensive

BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING Benefits to baby: -Better dental health -Increased visual acuity -Decreased duration BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING Benefits to baby: -Better dental health -Increased visual acuity -Decreased duration and intensity of illnesses -Less allergies -Better health & less risk of illnesses

BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING Benefits to mother: -Psychological (Attachment, bonding, security, skin to skin, fulfillment BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING Benefits to mother: -Psychological (Attachment, bonding, security, skin to skin, fulfillment of basic needs, relationship) -Easier weight loss -Decreased risk of illness (breast cancer, osteoperosis, hemmorhage, ovarian cancer) -Birth control -Pride, empowerment, fulfillment

INITIATION OF BREAST FEEDING q Should be started within 30 min. of delivery. q INITIATION OF BREAST FEEDING q Should be started within 30 min. of delivery. q Baby should be fed on demand. q With-in 4 -6 weeks baby goes into routine. q Breast Feeding should be given for 5 -15 minutes. q Both breast should be offered.

SIGNS FOR ADEQUATE BREASTFEEDING q A satisfactory weight gain of baby. q Baby looks SIGNS FOR ADEQUATE BREASTFEEDING q A satisfactory weight gain of baby. q Baby looks active and well. q Passes frequent but normal stools. q Urinates a number of times/ daily without any sinister signs.

WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding 1. Have a written breastfeeding policy communicated to WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding 1. Have a written breastfeeding policy communicated to all health care staff. 2. Train all health care staff to implement this policy 3. Inform all pregnant women about benefits of breastfeeding 4. Initiate the breastfeeding within the first hour 5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation 6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated 7. Allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hour a day 8. Encourage breast feeding on demand 9. Give no artificial nipples or pacifiers to breastfeeding infants 10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from hospital


WHY SOME MOTHERS CHOOSE FORMULA VS. BREAST MILK Distressed by physical discomfort of early WHY SOME MOTHERS CHOOSE FORMULA VS. BREAST MILK Distressed by physical discomfort of early breastfeeding problems. Convenience issues Pressures of employment/school Worries that breast shape will change Formula manufacturers manipulate people through their advantages Doctors and nurses need more lactation training www. hasslefreeclipart. com/. . . /baby_crying. gif

WHY SOME MOTHERS CHOOSE FORMULA VS. BREAST MILK q Moms given very little time WHY SOME MOTHERS CHOOSE FORMULA VS. BREAST MILK q Moms given very little time to adjust to changes of postpartum q Family demands q Non-supportive family/health professionals q Embarrassment q Lack of confidence in self q Feeling that one cannot produce enough milk www. dreamstime. com/ thumb_27/11304631444 p. J 47 D. jpg

MOTHER’S MILK VS. FORMULA MILK Formula milk for 3 days old babies is no MOTHER’S MILK VS. FORMULA MILK Formula milk for 3 days old babies is no different than formula milk for 3 months old infants. store. enfamil. com/ media/pr_prosobee_lipil. jpg Breast milk is ingeniously different every single day; adapted to the changing needs of the baby. breastfeeding. 8 k. com/ Resources/breastfeeding. jpeg

MOTHER’S MILK VS. FORMULA MILK Human milk is designed to support the development of MOTHER’S MILK VS. FORMULA MILK Human milk is designed to support the development of large brains, capable of processing and storing lots of information. www. babymall. com. au/ images/readingroomcartoon. gif Cows milk is designed to support functions, like constant grazing. myxo. css. msu. edu/danimal/ quiz/cow_picture. png

FORMULA MILK ILLNESS “RELATIVE RISK” q. Allergies, eczema 2 to 7 times q. Urinary FORMULA MILK ILLNESS “RELATIVE RISK” q. Allergies, eczema 2 to 7 times q. Urinary tract infections 2. 6 to 5. 5 times q. Inflammatory bowel disease 1. 5 to 1. 9 times q. Diabetes, type 1 2. 4 times q. Gastroenteritis 3 times q. Hodgkin's lymphoma 1. 8 to 6. 7 times q. Otitis media 2. 4 times q. Haemophilus influenzae meningitis 3. 8 times q. Necrotizing enterocolitis 6 to 10 times www. geocities. com/. . . / Canopy/4116/stalk. gif

FORMULA MILK ILLNESS “RELATIVE RISK” q. Pneumonia/lower respiratory tract infection 1. 7 to 5 FORMULA MILK ILLNESS “RELATIVE RISK” q. Pneumonia/lower respiratory tract infection 1. 7 to 5 times q. Respiratory syncytial virus infection 3. 9 times q. Sepsis 2. 1 times q. Sudden infant death syndrome 2. 0 times q. Industrialized-world hospitalization 3 times www. mamashealth. com/ images/lungs 1. gif

RISK REDUCTION OF BREAST MILK Diabetes: Up to a 30% reduction in the incidence RISK REDUCTION OF BREAST MILK Diabetes: Up to a 30% reduction in the incidence of type 1 DM is reported for infants who exclusively breastfed for at least 3 months. Childhood leukaemia: A reduction of 20% in the risk of acute lymphocytic leukaemia and 15% in the risk of acute myeloid leukaemia in infants breastfed for 6 months or longer. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): A 36% reduction in risk of SIDS

BARRIERS TO BONDING q A Bottle places a physical barrier between mom and baby. BARRIERS TO BONDING q A Bottle places a physical barrier between mom and baby. q Less skin to skin contact. q Less eye contact. q The hormonal connection between the breastfeeding mother and baby cannot be experienced by the bottle feeding mother www. photohome. com/. . . / mom-and-baby-1 a. jpg

CONTRAINDICATION OF BREAST FEEDING q Mothers who are positive for HIV q Untreated brucellosis CONTRAINDICATION OF BREAST FEEDING q Mothers who are positive for HIV q Untreated brucellosis q Active or untreated tuberculosis (use expressed milk) q Active herpes simplex on her breast (use expressed milk) q Mothers with H 1 N 1 influenza, temporarily be isolated until become afebrile Infant with galactosaemia

OTHER OPTIONS IF BREASTFEEDING IS NOT POSSIBLE Mom can still use her milk, even OTHER OPTIONS IF BREASTFEEDING IS NOT POSSIBLE Mom can still use her milk, even if she decides not to breastfeed: q q q Use a breast pump (electric/manual) Cup or bowl feeding Spoon feeding Eyedropper or feeding syringe Nursing supplementer graphics. iparenting. com/. . . /womanpumping. jpg

THE END There is no freedom of choice for humans if it has been THE END There is no freedom of choice for humans if it has been taken away from them at the beginning. Breast-feeding is not a choice, but an obligation to the choice, Give your child the freedom of choice. www. 13. waisays. com/ image 006. jpg

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES World Health Organization Community Health Nurses Lactation Consultants Public Health Agency of ADDITIONAL RESOURCES World Health Organization Community Health Nurses Lactation Consultants Public Health Agency of Canada THANK YOY

REFERENCES Up-to-date , recently updated 2013. WHO Exclusive Breast Feeding 2011. Pat H , REFERENCES Up-to-date , recently updated 2013. WHO Exclusive Breast Feeding 2011. Pat H , David T. Breast Feeding. BMJ. 2008 April 19; 336(7649): 881– 887. Mohrbacher, Nancy, and Stock, Julie. The Breastfeeding Answer Book, 3 rd Edition. Illinois: La Leche Leage International, 2003. Section on Breast Feeding and use of Human Milk. Pediatrics 2012; 129: 827. World Health Organization. Evidence for the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Geneva: WHO, 1998. Google Images http: //www. fda. gov/FDAC/features/895_brstfeed. html http: //medicalreporter. health. org/tmr 0297/breastfeed 0297. html http: //www. mamadearest. ca/en/info/benefits_breastfeeding. htm http: //www. lambtonhealth. on. ca/infant/benefits. asp http: //www. babyfriendly. org. uk/health. asp http: //www. phac-aspc. gc. ca/rhs-ssg/factshts/brstfd_e. html http: //www. caaws. ca/mothersinmotion/baby/feeding_benefits_e. html www. ahrq. gov/downloads/pub/evidence/pdf/brfout. pdf (Accessed on October 02, 2008).