- Количество слайдов: 17
Dr. Herbert-Michael Zapf President and CEO International Post Corporation Post. Europ, Kiev, 4 September 2006 The Importance of Cross-Border Quality in a Globalised and Liberalised World
Globalisation of the Economies n n n New rule setters The mature markets are shrinking Tremendous technological and logistical progress The way globalisation works is different, not globalisation in itself
Liberalisation of the Postal Markets and Regulation n n In the economic sense, the postal industry is not a network industry, but is regulated that way The USO has lost its importance, though this is not recognised Increasing pressure on Postal operators Greater need for cooperation between Postal operators because of liberalisation
International Post Corporation n A cooperative association of 23 national Postal operators from North America, Europe and the Pacific Our corporate mission is the provision of assistance and expertise to facilitate the development and improvement of postal services IPC members deliver − − More than 330 billion letters a year Almost 4/5 th of the world’s mail volume
IPC’s Core Activities n n n Project management for quality of service improvement Performance Centre Support for postal operations: − − − n n Tray pool management Operational surveys Certification scheme for international mail processing centres International customer service – Internetbased system linking call centres REIMS / inter-Postal operator payments
IPC Performance Measures n Letters − − UNEX end-to-end monitoring of cross-boarder letters Test letters reflect real mail flows RFID transponders track test letters at specific points in the mail pipeline IPC systems calculate performance results and provide feedback to members
IPC Performance Measures n Bar-coded mail products: − − n n Registered letters Exprès letters EMS Parcels Barcodes scanned at each point along the delivery pipeline IPC systems calculate performance results and provide feedback to members
UNEX Europe Letters J+3 End-to-End 1994 100 I BE NL SE GB FI LU IS DE 80 n 70 b 60 o u n d PT 50 FR IE ES 40 GR 30 IT 20 10 DK NO 90 20 30 40 50 1994 objective 80% 60 70 Outbound 80 90 100
UNEX Europe Letters J+3 End-to-End 2005 1994 100 90 I 80 n 70 b 60 o u n d 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Outbound 1994 objective 80% 2005 objective 85% > 90% AT BE CH ES DE DK FI FR GB IE IS IT LU NL NO PT SE 100
UNEX Europe Letters J+3 End-to-End 2005 1994 100 EE 90 I LT PL 80 n SI 70 b MT 60 o u n d LV HU SKCZ CY 50 RO 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Outbound 1994 objective 80% 2005 objective 85% > 90% 100
UNEX Europe-18 End-to-End Priority/First Class Letters % Delivered 100 EU Speed Objective 85% EU Reliability Objective 97% Europe-29 93 94 79 80 96 92 84 99. 6 99. 7 99. 8 98 99 99. 3 99. 6 Big drop in tail 80% more by more in 2 days day >J+3 31% to 6% 10% 69 5 day objective in>J+4 16% to 2% than in 3 before 4 days >J+5 8% to 1% 2 nd 60 44 40 36 63 20 26 15 0 99. 3 99 98 8 15 16 J+1 8 J+2 1994 J+3 4 J+4 2005 1 J+5 4 0. 4 2 0. 3 1 0. 4 0. 1 0. 3 0. 0 J+6 J+7 J+8 J+9 J+10 Cumulative 1994 Cumulative 2005
Mathematics of Quality Collection 99% Sorting 95% 94% Exchange Office 95% 89% Airport & Airline 95% 85% Exchange Office 95% 81% Sorting 95% 77% Delivery 95% 73%
Further Thoughts on Quality of Service n n n Cross border mail is a growing market Customers do not complain; they move their business if the service and price are not right Posts are a logistical network − − n Market liberalisation due 2009 in EU − n Only as strong as the weakest link High performance needed from all Effect on states around EU Tools and processes are available
IPC Tools for Service Improvement n Letters − − n Upgrading processes for target setting and monitoring achievement UNEX measures for assessing progress Tray pool operation Transport network operation Bar-coded mail products - projects − − − Registered & Exprès letters - PRIME Parcels - EPG Courier - EMS
IPC Cooperation with Post. Europ n CAPERS (CAPE for Eastern Europe) − n UNEX − n Electronic pre-advice and confirmation of receipt for receptacles in mail exchanges Measurement of letter service end-to-end and segment-level performance in UNEX Lite and from 2005 in full system REIMS-EAST − − − Terminal dues in line with the EU postal directives Quality of service link Cost based
Complementary Capabilities n Post. Europ − − − n IPC − − − n Wide membership Restricted Union of UPU with access to Quality of Service Funds Access to EU funding too Centre of postal technical excellence Quality of Service improvement track record Running systems provide the tools Location − Sharing same building with easy coordination
Conclusion n n n Globalisation and liberalisation Pressure on Postal operators Cooperation more important Quality of service the key to success Management of the whole quality process essential Join us in UNEX and profit from the benefits of cooperation