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DOWNTOWN MOTORPOOL Director Michelle Mitchell Presented by James Tillman February 3, 2010 Cost Savings, Improved Service
Motorpool Organization Fleet Finance Department 1 Fleet Finance Motorpool Department 2 Department 3 Motorpool Division Pool Division Pool Motorpool Coordinator Cars Cars Users Users Cars Users
Downtown Motorpool Business As Usual Older vehicles with low Current Vehicle Subset Statistics utilization, poor fuel efficiency, # of Vehicles and high maintenance cost Utilization Per Vehicle Cost Breakdown Vehicle Capital Cost 29% 61% Annual Mileage/Vehicle Parking Fees 19% Maint & Operation 34% 25% Fleet Peak Utilization % Fuel 8% Attendant labor 10% 65 4, 486 Maintenance Cost Per Vehicle $ 1, 882 Maintenance $ Per Mile $ 0. 42 Average Age/Vehicle 11. 28 Average Odometer/Vehicle 70, 077
Downtown Motorpool New consolidated downtown motorpool paradigm: Consolidate pools, increase utilization, decrease costs, introduce new reservation technology Reduce motorpool size 34%, scalable plan that works whether we start with 100 or 25 vehicles Key System 2% Cost Breakdown Vehicle Capital Cost 54% Purchase more vehicles for younger, cheaper, greener fleet Less cars, More user friendly, Less Cost, More value Key System Annual Charges 4% Parking Fees 11% Fuel 5% Maint & Operation 15% Attendant labor 9%
Motorpool v. Business As Usual – Annualized Cost $ 334, 919. 93 TOTAL COST $ 391, 032. 08 $ 177, 070. 01 Vehicle Capital Cost $ 109, 365. 19 $ 42, 127. 15 Attendant labor $ 58, 589. 05 $ 46, 439. 84 Maintenance & Operation $ 122, 308. 34 $ 16, 190. 02 Fuel $ 30, 773. 99 $ 33, 455. 52 Parking Fees $ 69, 995. 52 $ 19, 637. 39 Key System $$- Motorpool BAU $ 50, 000. 00 $ 100, 000. 00 $ 150, 000. 00 $ 200, 000. 00 $ 250, 000. 00 $ 300, 000. 00 $ 350, 000. 00 $ 400, 000. 00 $ 450, 000. 00
Downtown Motorpool Savings & Scale $3, 000 $2, 500, 000 Dollars $ $2, 000 $ 1, 715, 809 $1, 500, 000 $ 1, 268, 206 $1, 000 $500, 000 $0 35 -24 48 -32 65 -43 83 -55 100 -65 5 -yr Present Value Savings $ 137, 886 $ 227, 855 $ 241, 322 $ 369, 152 $ 499, 710 10 -yr Present Value Savings $ 309, 806 $ 480, 356 $ 540, 417 $ 754, 740 $ 977, 767 25 -yr Present Value Savings $ 721, 599 $ 1, 085, 131 $ 1, 268, 206 $ 1, 704, 941 $ 2, 164, 683 5 -yr Actual Savings $ 149, 528 $ 245, 214 $ 260, 069 $ 395, 835 $ 534, 805 10 -yr Actual Savings $ 356, 074 $ 548, 575 $ 619, 555 $ 858, 761 $ 1, 108, 352 25 -yr Actual Savings $ 976, 349 $ 1, 459, 534 $ 1, 715, 809 $ 2, 290, 028 $ 2, 896, 178 Consolidating 65 vehicles into downtown motorpool of 43 fuel efficient vehicles with web based 24 -hour check out system has payback period of 1 year
Downtown Motorpool (Vehicle Quality) Less cars, but increased ratio of new vehicles with low mileage 90, 000 Motorpool Vehicle Mileage. Average Odometer BAU Average Odometer 80, 000 70, 000 60, 000 50, 000 40, 000 30, 000 20, 000 10, 000 - FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 More fuel efficient vehicles 48% less GHG emissions 180 160 BAU Motorpool GHG Emissions 140 Tons Per Year 120 100 80 60 40 20 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20
Downtown Motorpool (User Friendly) Car Pool Management System 24 hour web based checkout system No more vehicle logs; monitors mileage, drive time, operator Safe and secure w/ Immobilizer 35 -24 11 Less More Parking: Less Spaces Used Parking Spaces 48 -32 16 65 -43 22 83 -55 28 100 -65 35 0 Additional benefits Less parking spaces and administration 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Downtown Motorpool (Maintenance) Current motorpools consist of many old and underutilized vehicles leading to: Maintenance Cost Per Vehicle $ 2, 500 BAU Average Maintenance Cost Motorpool Average Maintenance Cost $ 2, 000 High maintenance costs Extremely high cost per mile High tie-up rates Poor gas mileage More parking spaces required Consolidated motorpool of younger vehicles reduces these costs $ 1, 500 $ 1, 000 $ 500 $FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 Cost Per Mile $ 0. 50 $ 0. 45 $ 0. 40 $ 0. 35 $ 0. 30 $ 0. 25 $ 0. 20 $ 0. 15 $ 0. 10 $ 0. 05 $- BAU Maintenance $ Per Mile Motorpool Maintenance $ Per Mile FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20
Downtown Motorpool (Logistics) Performance Measurement Car Pool Management System will automatically track vehicle use, mileage, downtime and operators Actual utilization data will make future pool size decisions easy Chargeback Rates Chargeback for use is recommended, with free use initially to test With actual usage data, we can then determine actual chargeback rates, whether by time, mileage, or a hybrid mechanism Theoretical Rates to Fully Recover Costs Rate $/Hour BAU $ Motorpool 7. 79 $ 3. 90 $/Half-Day $ 31. 17 $ 15. 59 $/Day $ 62. 34 $ 31. 19 $/Mile $ 0. 91 $ 0. 47 $/Hour $ 10. 92 $ 8. 66 $/Mile $ 1. 28 $ 1. 04 Rate with Capital Cost
Downtown Motorpool Thank You
Vehicle Stats by Location Dept Vehicle Count Average of Age Average of Condition Average of Meter Average of Usage 611 Walker 22 8. 27 2. 86 47, 259 5, 873 City Hall Annex Tranquility 1 Gold Tranquility 2 Aqua Tranquility 2 Teal Tranquility 3 Brown Tranquility 3 Pink 16 9. 56 2. 50 56, 314 5, 925 18 7. 33 3. 17 55, 369 5, 588 14 5. 21 3. 64 21, 952 4, 854 56 10. 14 2. 48 86, 327 5, 575 7 10. 71 2. 14 97, 606 6, 276 3 13. 00 1. 67 26, 680 1, 963 Grand Total 136 8. 99 2. 72 65, 017 5, 555 Average of Maint $ $ 1, 758. 51 $ 1, 553. 66 $ 1, 871. 90 $ 641. 89 $ 1, 805. 42 $ 1, 577. 22 $ 1, 224. 92 $ 1, 645. 30
Vehicle Stats by Department Dept Vehicle Count Average of Age Average of Condition Average of Meter Average of Usage PL 3 2. 33 3. 67 23, 282 7, 707 AAD 7 8. 86 2. 86 82, 188 4, 331 ARA 13 5. 15 3. 46 35, 402 7, 418 FIN 3 6. 33 3. 67 27, 971 6, 760 GSD 10 8. 50 2. 90 45, 223 7, 032 ITD 8 7. 88 2. 75 53, 312 2, 987 LGL 6 8. 17 2. 67 34, 088 5, 735 MYR 5 12. 40 2. 20 78, 133 3, 307 PWE 72 9. 94 2. 57 76, 257 5, 600 HR 3 12. 00 64, 823 3, 785 SWM 6 9. 33 2. 33 82, 353 6, 458 Grand Total 136 8. 99 2. 72 65, 017 5, 555 Average of Maint $ $ 362. 72 $ 783. 76 $ 982. 97 $ 1, 037. 62 $ 1, 604. 25 $ 610. 34 $ 650. 59 $ 2, 088. 09 $ 2, 099. 19 $ 987. 44 $ 1, 626. 19 $ 1, 645. 30
Downtown Motorpool Vehicles in Garages on: New Year’s Eve 8 a. m. (Non-Peak) Pool and Assigned Vehicles Dept Count AAD 7 ARA 14 FIN 3 GSD 10 HR 3 ITD 8 LGL 6 MYR 5 PL 3 PWE 95 SWM 6 Grand Total 160 Pool and Assigned Vehicles Dept Count AAD 4 ARA 12 FIN 3 GSD 12 HR 2 ITD 3 LGL 4 MYR 5 PL 3 PWE 80 SWM 7 Grand Total 135 Take Home Vehicles Dept Count GSD 4 HR 1 PWE 10 Grand Total 15 Take Home Vehicles Dept Count GSD 4 HR 3 PWE 15 Grand Total 22 Thurs, Jan. 28, 11 -11: 45 a. m (Peak)
Downtown Motorpool
Downtown Motorpool