- Количество слайдов: 15
DOUBLE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CROSS-SECTIONS OF (p, xp) AND (p, x ) REACTIONS ON 59 Co NUCLEUS AT EP=30 Me. V «SPECTRA OF LIGHT PARTICLIES FROM INTERACTION OF 50. 5 Me. V 3 He IONS WITH 27 Al » Zholdybaev T. K. , Duisebaev A. , Duisebaev B. , Sadykov B. M. , Ismailov K. M. Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
GOAL Investigation of the inclusive reaction cross sections of nuclide 3 He with the material of structural elements of nuclear energy systems for transmutation of radioactive waste, energy recovery and verification of the computer codes
Set-up for the transport of accelerated particles to the scattering chamber Л - quadrupole lenses, М-1, М-2 - bending magnets, М-3 - Diluting magnet, КМ - corrective magnets, РК – scattering chamber
Main characteristics of the telescope and target Thickness Telescope ΔЕ-Е of detector ΔЕ, μm Thickness of Е detector, mm Detected particles Si-Cs. I(Tl) 100 -200 2500 protons deutrons tritons Si-Si 25 -50 2 -particles Registration angle, Δθ=150 150÷ 1500 Isotope 27 Al 59 Co Thickness, mg/cm 2 3. 65 2. 3 Enrichment, % 100
Block Scheme of Registration System E ADC#1 Amp. #1 Counter #1 SCA#1 E Coinc ADC#2 Amp. #2 SCA#2 Amp. #1, 2 - spectroscopic amplifier; SCA#1, 2 - single channel analyser; Coinc. - scheme of coincidences; Counter - counter scheme; ADC#1, 2 - analog-digital converter.
Experimental integral cross sections of 27 Al(3 He, x) reaction, at E 3 He=50, 5 Me. V
Contributions of different processes to formation of inclusive spectra Bertrand-Peele, Phys. Rev. C 8, 1045 (1973)
Two-component exciton model Basic statement: • The atomic nucleus is considered as a system of fermions with a weak twoparticle residual interaction • The excited states are classified by the number of excitons n (n = p + h - the total number of excited particles p and holes n) • All states with the same number of excitons and a priori considered to be identical • Δn = 0, ± 2 Equilibration of the composite nucleus
Comparison of experimental integral cross sections of 27 Al(3 He, xp) reaction with the calculations in the frame of exciton model
Comparison of experimental integral cross sections of 27 Al(3 He, xd) reaction with the calculations in the frame of exciton model
Comparison of experimental integral cross sections of 27 Al(3 He, xt) reaction with the calculations in the frame of exciton model
Comparison of experimental integral cross sections of 27 Al(3 He, x ) reaction with the calculations in the frame of exciton model
Contributions of various mechanisms forming the integral cross-sections of reactions (3 He, xd), (3 He, xt) и (3 He, x ) on 27 Al nucleus at E 3 He = 50, 5 Me. V Reaction Energy range, Me. V (3 He, xp) Nuclear reaction mechanisms direct, mb Preequilibrium, mb Equilibrium, mb sum, mb 2 – 45 18, 0 (2%) 334. 0 (36, 7%) 557, 0 (61, 3%) 909, 0 (100%) (3 He, xd) 2 – 43 25, 3 (9%) 170 (60%) 88, 4 (31%) 283, 7 (100%) (3 He, xt) 2 – 36 14, 3 (44, 5%) 10, 9 (34%) 6, 9 (21, 5%) 32, 1 (100%) (3 He, x ) 3 – 40 12, 1 (9, 7%) 47, 8 (38, 5%) 64, 4 (51, 8%) 124, 3 (100%)
Experimental double-differential cross-section of reactions 59 Co(p, xp) at E =30. 0 Me. V p
Comparison of experimental integral cross sections of 59 Co(p, xp) reaction with the calculations in the exciton model