Скачать презентацию Doing Research in Economics 1 Agenda 2 Скачать презентацию Doing Research in Economics 1 Agenda 2


  • Количество слайдов: 185

Doing Research in Economics 1 Doing Research in Economics 1

Agenda 2 Agenda 2

1. What is research? 3 1. What is research? 3

The construction of knowledge 4 The construction of knowledge 4

How are arguments evaluated? 5 How are arguments evaluated? 5

The scientific method 6 The scientific method 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12

Step 2: Surveying the literature 13 Step 2: Surveying the literature 13

Step 3. Selecting one theory 14 Step 3. Selecting one theory 14

Step 4: Analysing the problem 15 Step 4: Analysing the problem 15

Step 5: Testing your analysis (1) 16 Step 5: Testing your analysis (1) 16

Step 5: Testing your analysis (2) 17 Step 5: Testing your analysis (2) 17

Step 5: Testing your analysis (3) 18 Step 5: Testing your analysis (3) 18

19 19

20 20

What is good research? 21 What is good research? 21

22 22

Writing a research proposal 23 Writing a research proposal 23

3. Surveying the literature 24 3. Surveying the literature 24

25 25

The quality hierarchy 26 The quality hierarchy 26

Where to search? 27 Where to search? 27

How to search? 28 How to search? 28

Browsing 29 Browsing 29

Keyword Searching 30 Keyword Searching 30

A basic search strategy 31 A basic search strategy 31

Obtaining the material 32 Obtaining the material 32


34 34

35 35

36 36

Writing to learn 37 Writing to learn 37

38 38

39 39

40 40

41 41

42 42

43 43

44 44

Logical fallacies (1) 45 Logical fallacies (1) 45

Logical fallacies (2) 46 Logical fallacies (2) 46

Logical fallacies (3) 47 Logical fallacies (3) 47

Examining an argument 48 Examining an argument 48

Three types of reasoning (1) 49 Three types of reasoning (1) 49

Three types of reasoning (2) 50 Three types of reasoning (2) 50

Three types of reasoning (3) 51 Three types of reasoning (3) 51

52 52

53 53

54 54

An important caveat 55 An important caveat 55

56 56

Writing as a product 57 Writing as a product 57

What is economic writing? 58 What is economic writing? 58

Writing steps 59 Writing steps 59

Writing the first draft 60 Writing the first draft 60

The first draft 61 The first draft 61

62 62

63 63

64 64

65 65

Revising the paper 66 Revising the paper 66

Is thesis clear? 67 Is thesis clear? 67

Is the paper well organised? (1) 68 Is the paper well organised? (1) 68

Is the paper well organised? (2) 69 Is the paper well organised? (2) 69

70 70

71 71

Writing style 72 Writing style 72

Strive for clarity 73 Strive for clarity 73

Use of active voice 74 Use of active voice 74

Describe action with a verb 75 Describe action with a verb 75

Be precise and concise 76 Be precise and concise 76

Let Microsoft Word help you 77 Let Microsoft Word help you 77

Dictionary and thesaurus 78 Dictionary and thesaurus 78

Writing mechanics 79 Writing mechanics 79

Use complete sentences 80 Use complete sentences 80

Don’t let sentences run on 81 Don’t let sentences run on 81

Proof-reading 82 Proof-reading 82

83 83

84 84

Understanding format 85 Understanding format 85

86 86

The introduction 87 The introduction 87

The theoretical analysis 88 The theoretical analysis 88

The empirical analysis 89 The empirical analysis 89

The concluding sector 90 The concluding sector 90

91 91

92 92

93 93

Evaluating published research 94 Evaluating published research 94

95 95


97 97

98 98

99 99

100 100

101 101

What is theorising? (1) 102 What is theorising? (1) 102

What is theorising? (2) 103 What is theorising? (2) 103

Narrative reasoning 104 Narrative reasoning 104

Mathematical reasoning 105 Mathematical reasoning 105

106 106

107 107

108 108

Data and empirical research 109 Data and empirical research 109

Data creation 110 Data creation 110

Data construction 111 Data construction 111

Sample data 112 Sample data 112

The structure of economic data 113 The structure of economic data 113

Characteristics of data sets 114 Characteristics of data sets 114

115 115

Major primary data collections 116 Major primary data collections 116

117 117


9. Putting together your data set 119 9. Putting together your data set 119

120 120

Data manipulation 121 Data manipulation 121

Different forms of data 122 Different forms of data 122

123 123

Key issues of research design 124 Key issues of research design 124

Validity 125 Validity 125

Empirical testing (1) 126 Empirical testing (1) 126

Empirical testing (2) 127 Empirical testing (2) 127

How does one analyse data? 128 How does one analyse data? 128

129 129

130 130

Casual empiricism 131 Casual empiricism 131

Descriptive statistics 132 Descriptive statistics 132

Major problems in data analysis 133 Major problems in data analysis 133

134 134

Statistical methods 135 Statistical methods 135

Level of significance (1) 136 Level of significance (1) 136

Level of significance (2) 137 Level of significance (2) 137

138 138

Confounding variables 139 Confounding variables 139

Casual validity 140 Casual validity 140

141 141

Steps in regression analysis (1) 142 Steps in regression analysis (1) 142

Steps in regression analysis (2) 143 Steps in regression analysis (2) 143

Steps in regression analysis (3) 144 Steps in regression analysis (3) 144

Step 1: State the hypotheses 145 Step 1: State the hypotheses 145

146 146

Step 3. Test the hypothesis 147 Step 3. Test the hypothesis 147

148 148

149 149

150 150

151 151

152 152

Step 6: Evaluate the test results 153 Step 6: Evaluate the test results 153

Some additions 154 Some additions 154

155 155

Writing the research report 156 Writing the research report 156

The purpose of a written report 157 The purpose of a written report 157

158 158

Introduction (1) 159 Introduction (1) 159

Introduction (2) 160 Introduction (2) 160

Introduction (3) 161 Introduction (3) 161

Introduction (4) 162 Introduction (4) 162

The written literature review (1) 163 The written literature review (1) 163

The written literature review (2) 164 The written literature review (2) 164

Writing the literature review (1) 165 Writing the literature review (1) 165

Writing the literature review (2) 166 Writing the literature review (2) 166

Theoretical analysis (1) 167 Theoretical analysis (1) 167

Theoretical analysis (2) 168 Theoretical analysis (2) 168

Empirical testing of the model 169 Empirical testing of the model 169

Conclusions (1) 170 Conclusions (1) 170

Conclusions (2) 171 Conclusions (2) 171

Conclusions (3) 172 Conclusions (3) 172

Other components of the paper 173 Other components of the paper 173

Presenting research orally 174 Presenting research orally 174

The seminar 175 The seminar 175

176 176

Preparing the presentation (1) 177 Preparing the presentation (1) 177

Preparing the presentation (2) 178 Preparing the presentation (2) 178

Use of visual aids 179 Use of visual aids 179

Practicing the presentation 180 Practicing the presentation 180

Giving the presentation 181 Giving the presentation 181

The role of the discussant (1) 182 The role of the discussant (1) 182

The role of the discussant (2) 183 The role of the discussant (2) 183

The role of the discussant (3) 184 The role of the discussant (3) 184

The role of the discussant (4) 185 The role of the discussant (4) 185