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DOCUMENT #: GSC 15 -PLEN-51 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: ITU AGENDA ITEM: Plenary 6. 10 DOCUMENT #: GSC 15 -PLEN-51 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: ITU AGENDA ITEM: Plenary 6. 10 CONTACT(S): Reinhard. Scholl@itu. int Conformance and Interoperability Testing Reinhard Scholl ITU Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

Highlight of Current Activities (1/3) § ITU-T SG 11: Lead study group on test Highlight of Current Activities (1/3) § ITU-T SG 11: Lead study group on test specifications § ITU-T SG 15: Has extensive testing ecosystem § ITU-T SG 16: its IPTV standards (H-series) was put to test in ITU-T’s first interop event (20 -23 July) • 3 IPTV testing specs approved; others further developed § ITU-T SG 17: Lead study group on languages and description techniques • Also: Q 14/17 on Testing methodology, specification language and Generic test suites for CIT 2

Highlight of Current Activities (2/3) § ITU-T JCA-CIT: Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Highlight of Current Activities (2/3) § ITU-T JCA-CIT: Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Interoperability Testing • Works with all Study Groups to: § address the topics relevant to conformance and interoperability testing § enhance the quality of ITU-T Recommendations • Eliminate errors, ambiguities unverified behaviours • Include sufficient detail for implementation and testing • Include interfaces needed for interconnection and testing § develop methodologies and frameworks for testing 3

Highlight of Current Activities (3/3) § Regional ITU consultations on conformance assessment and interoperability Highlight of Current Activities (3/3) § Regional ITU consultations on conformance assessment and interoperability • Quito, 8 July 2010 • Nairobi, 30 -31 July 2010 • Sydney, 16 -17 Sep. 2010 § Pilot conformity database developed § ITU Interop started • IPTV (July in Geneva; Sep. in Singapore; Dec. in India) • Home networking 4

Strategic Direction § WTSA-08 Res. 76 on conformance & interop § … supported & Strategic Direction § WTSA-08 Res. 76 on conformance & interop § … supported & complemented by WTDC-10 Res. 47 (ITU-D) § ITU Council-09 mandated • • a pilot conformity assessment database interoperability events human resources capacity building assistance in the establishment of test facilities in developing countries • a business plan for long-term implementation 5

Challenges § Regional ITU consultations on conformance assessment and interoperability are a useful discussion Challenges § Regional ITU consultations on conformance assessment and interoperability are a useful discussion platform, see e. g. • Presentations at Kenya workshop, in particular § TSB’s overview presentation on status of implementation of WTSA-08 Res. 76 6

Next Steps/Actions § Continue implementing steps outlined under “Strategic directions” § Study groups to Next Steps/Actions § Continue implementing steps outlined under “Strategic directions” § Study groups to continue working on test specs § Keep momentum of ITU’s IPTV Interop event • Expand to other ITU standards, in collaboration with partners as appropriate § Populate conformance database 7

Supplementary Slides 8 Supplementary Slides 8

ITU-T SG 11’s Questions on Testing § ITU-T SG 11: Signalling, protocols and test ITU-T SG 11’s Questions on Testing § ITU-T SG 11: Signalling, protocols and test specs • Q 8/11 Protocol Test Specifications for NGN • Q 9/11 Monitoring parameters for NGN protocols • Q 10/11 Service test specification for NGN • Q 11/11 Qo. S tests specification for NGN • Q 12/11 NID and USN test specification

ITU-T SG 11 Approved Standards § Q. 3900 Methods of testing and model network ITU-T SG 11 Approved Standards § Q. 3900 Methods of testing and model network architecture for NGN technical means testing as applied to public telecommunication networks § Q. 3901 Distribution of tests and services for NGN technical means testing in the model and operator networks § Q. 3902 Parameters to be monitored in the process of operation when implementing NGN technical means in public telecommunication networks § Q. 3903 Formalized presentation of testing results § Q. 3904 The scenarios, list and types of tests for TM local and NUT testing for IMS on the model networks § Q. 3910 Monitoring parameters set for NGN protocols § Q. 3911 Monitoring parameters set for voice services in NGN 10

ITU-T SG 15’s Extensive Testing Ecosystem § ITU-T SG 15: “Optical transport networks and ITU-T SG 15’s Extensive Testing Ecosystem § ITU-T SG 15: “Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures” § Tight collaboration: • Access (DSL, PON): § Broadband Forum • Optical transport, framing, cross connecting § Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) § Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) • Home networking § Home. Grid Forum § Broadband Forum Nairobi, Kenya, 30 -31 July 2010 11

ITU-T SG 17’s Testing languages, methodologies and framework § Develop conformance testing methodology and ITU-T SG 17’s Testing languages, methodologies and framework § Develop conformance testing methodology and framework § Develop interoperability testing methodology and framework § Assist standards developers for applying conformance and interoperability testing methodology to their specific needs § Progress work in the area of Testing and Test Control Notation, version 3 (TTCN-3)

ITU-T SG 17’s approved standards Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework § § § § ITU-T SG 17’s approved standards Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework § § § § § X. 290 - General Concepts X. 291 - Abstract Test Suite Specification X. 292 - Tree and Tabular Combined Notation X. 293 - Test Realization X. 294 - Requirements on Test Laboratories and Clients X. 295 - Protocol Profile Test Specification X. 296 - Implementation Conformance Statements X Suppl. 4 - Supplement on generic approach to interoperability testing X Suppl. 5 - Supplement on interoperability testing framework and methodology Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3) § § § § § Z. 161: TTCN-3 core language Z. 162: TTCN-3 tabular presentation format (TFT) Z. 163: TTCN-3 graphical presentation format (GFT) Z. 164: TTCN-3 operational semantics Z. 165: TTCN-3 runtime interface (TRI) Z. 166: TTCN-3 control interface (TCI) Z. 167: TTCN-3 mapping from ASN. 1 Z. 168: TTCN-3 mapping from CORBA IDL Z. 169: TTCN-3 mapping from XML data definition Z. 170: TTCN-3 documentation comment specification

ITU-T Recs & test suites Ro 1 Ro ut e Supplier’s conformity route decision ITU-T Recs & test suites Ro 1 Ro ut e Supplier’s conformity route decision 2 Test lab (certification body responsibility) Test results (ITU-T X. 290) Accredited (ISO/IEC Guide 65) Certification body Evaluation 1 st party Evaluation Conformity Certificate issued by Certification Body Supplier’s Conformity Declaration (ISO/IEC 17050) ITU CIP services Supplier’s Request to ITU Conformity Database Implementation of the ITU Conformity Test results (ITU-T X. 290) e ut Programme Conformity Assessment / Certification 14 1 st 2 nd or 3 rd party accredited lab (ISO/IEC 17025)

Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity – SDo. C 1/2 15 Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity – SDo. C 1/2 15

Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity – SDo. C- 2/2 16 Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity – SDo. C- 2/2 16

ITU’s 1 st Interop Event (1/2) § Putting to the test: ITU-T’s IPTV suite ITU’s 1 st Interop Event (1/2) § Putting to the test: ITU-T’s IPTV suite of standards: H. 721 et al. § Geneva, 20 -23 July: testing, followed by showcasing § Participating companies highly satisfied: 4. 5 rating (out of 5) § Event highlight on You. Tube, ITU website: http: //youtube. com/watch? v=Cp. Jm. I_5 a. Qr. A § ITU press release: http: //itu. int/net/pressoffice/press_releases/2010/31. aspx § Photos on Flickr: http: //flickr. com/photos/itupictures

ITU’s 1 st Interop Event (2/2) Test report will be fed into the standards ITU’s 1 st Interop Event (2/2) Test report will be fed into the standards development process H. 721 Conformity Check List H. 770 Conformity Check List Testing specs: • HSTP. CONF-H 721 • HSTP. CONF-H 762 • HSTP. CONF-H 770 H. 762 Conformity Check List H. 750 Conformity Check List