Doctors’ kind heart and humane attitude to a patient usually help more than the most effective drag!
Qualities of a good doctor are following: Humanity Professionalism Responsibility Sociability Industry
Some characteristics of humane doctor are: Polite Kind Delicate Moral Friendly Optimistic Responsible Mild Compassionate
It is not easy to be a good doctor! A good doctor must have deep knowledge in surgery, therapy and other fields of medicine. He must love people and have a kind heart. They must give all their abilities and talent, all their knowledge and all their time to the protection of their health.
The prominent therapist prof. M. P. Konchalovsky considers that: “A person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter or actor but a man can not be a bad doctor. ”
Hippocratic Oath “I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient any harm” – this are the words from Hippocratic Oath. They must become the motto of doctors’ life.
Humane doctor should follow 3 main principles. 1. A human doctor should not to do any harm to his patient. 2. A humane doctor should love his patient. 3. A humane doctor should always tell the truth to his patient.
A human doctor should not to do any harm to his patient
A humane doctor should love his patient
A humane doctor should always tell the truth to his patient