- Количество слайдов: 76
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Task Group AY March 2017 Agenda Date: 2017 -03 -12 Author: Submission Slide 1 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 IEEE 802. 11 Task Group AY Enhanced Throughout for Operation in License-Exempt Bands Above 45 GHz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada March 12 - 17, 2017 Chair: Edward Au (Huawei) Vice Chair: Sang Kim (LG Electronics) Secretary: Jeorge Hurtarte (Teradyne) Editor: Carlos Cordeiro (Intel) Submission Slide 2 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE 802. 11 Task Group AY agenda for the March 2017 session. Submission Slide 3 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform • All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants: – – – “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents • “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder May have a potential Essential Patent Claim, ” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group • Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6. 2 • Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged • No duty to perform a patent search Submission Slide 4 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Patent related links l l All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEESA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: l l l Submission IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws l http: //standards. ieee. org/develop/policies/bylaws/index. html IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual l http: //standards. ieee. org/develop/policies/opman/index. html Material about the patent policy is available at l http: //standards. ieee. org/board/pat-material. html Slide 5 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for potentially essential patents l If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: l l l Submission Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Slide 6 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Guideline for IEEE-SA meetings l All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. l Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. l Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. l Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. l l Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. l Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. l Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. -------------------------------- If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee. org or visit http: //standards. ieee. org/about/sasb/patcom/index. html See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5. 3. 10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at https: //development. standards. ieee. org/myproject/Public/mytools/mob/slideset. ppt Submission Slide 7 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings • All participation in IEEE 802 Working Group meetings is on an individual basis – – IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. (http: //ieee 802. org/PNP/approved/IEEE_802_WG_Pand. P_v 19. pdf section 4. 2. 1) – You have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. Your obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. – • Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. (https: //standards. ieee. org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws. pdf section 5. 2. 1) You shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see https: //standards. ieee. org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws. pdf section 5. 2. 1. 3 and http: //ieee 802. org/PNP/approved/IEEE_802_WG_Pand. P_v 19. pdf section 3. 4. 1, list item x By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. Submission Slide 8 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Required notices Patent FAQ http: //standards. ieee. org/board/pat/faq. pdf Disclosure of Affiliation http: //standards. ieee. org/faqs/affiliation. FAQ. html Anti-Trust Guidelines http: //standards. ieee. org/resources/antitrust-guidelines. pdf Code of Ethics http: //www. ieee. org/web/membership/ethics/code_ethics. html IEEE 802. 11 Working Group Operations Manual https: //mentor. ieee. org/802. 11/dcn/14/11 -14 -0629 -16 -0000 -802 -11 -operationsmanual. docx Submission Slide 9 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Logistics (1) • Attendance recording procedures – https: //imat. ieee. org/my-site/home – Must register before logging attendance – Must log attendance during each 2 -hour session • Documentation – http: //mentor. ieee. org – Use “TGay” for submission – If you plan to make a submission be sure it does not contain company logos or advertising Submission Slide 10 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Logistics (2) • Email reflector – STDS-802 -11 -TGAY@listserv. ieee. org – If you are Aspirant, Potential Voter, Voter or Ex. Officio that do not receive any email from the above email address so far, you can request to subscribe at: • http: //grouper. ieee. org/groups/802/11/Reflector. html – Read-only email reflector for other participants: • http: //www. ieee 802. org/11/email/stds-802 -11 -tgay/ Submission Slide 11 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Logistics (3) Position(s) Officer(s) Chair Edward Au Vice Chair Sang Kim Secretary Jeorge Hurtarte Editor Carlos Cordeiro Lead of Usage Model document Rob Sun Lead of Channel Model document Alexander Maltsev Lead of Functional Requirements document Rob Sun Lead of Evaluation Methodology document Laurent Cariou Submission Slide 12 Edward Au (Huawei
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Task Group AY schedule in a glance MON TUE WED Regency D, 3/F AY AM 2 PM 2 FRI AY AM 1 PM 1 THU Regency D, 3/F AY AY Regency A, 3/F Regency D, 3/F PM 3 Submission Slide 13 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda items for the week • • Approve prior meeting minutes Progress and timeline review Draft 0. 2 review Consider approval of Draft 0. 3 for comment collection Draft development Goal for May 2017 interim Teleconference call schedule Submission Slide 14 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Meeting Slot #1 Monday, 1: 30 pm – 3: 30 pm Submission Slide 15 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda • Call meeting to order • Patent policy and logistics • Summary from January 2017 February/March teleconference calls • Motions: Prior meeting minutes • Timeline • Call for submission • Agenda setting • Teleconference planning • Presentation • Recess Submission Slide 16 interim and Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Summary from January 2017 interim • 29 submissions were covered during the meeting and the call covering areas related to: − Channel model − Specification framework document • Significant progress was made in the development of specification framework document • Draft 0. 1 review Submission Slide 17 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Summary from February/March 2017 teleconference calls (1) Doc. No. • TBD Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0189 r 0 Claudio da Silva Beam tracking request for EDMG SC mode Draft February 15 17/0211 r 1 Artyom Lomayev MIMO coding for SC PHY in 11 ay Draft February 15 17/0212 r 1 Artyom Lomayev Clarification on TRN Subfield Definition for MIMO Draft February 15 17/0213 r 0 Artyom Lomayev 29. 9. 3. 26. 9 TRN Subfield Definition Draft February 15 17/0214 r 1 Artyom Lomayev 29. 5. 7. 27 Encoding Draft February 15 Submission Slide 18 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Summary from February/March 2017 teleconference calls (2) • Doc. No. Presenter TBD Title Topic & Time 17/0215 r 2 Lei Huang CR on Measurement Request and Report Elements in Candidate Draft D 0. 1 Draft February 22 17/0217 r 3 Lei Huang Proposed changes on 11. 32 Spatial sharing and interference mitigation in Candidate Draft D 0. 1 Draft February 22 17/0219 r 2 Lei Huang CR on BRP Frame in Candidate Draft D 0. 1 Draft February 22 17/0220 r 1 Lei Huang Feedback of Short SSW Packet Based Sector Sweep in DTI Draft February 22 Submission Slide 19 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Summary from February/March 2017 teleconference calls (3) • Doc. No. Presenter TBD Title Topic & Time 17/0274 r 0 Alphan Sahin Further Evaluation of Single Carrier Waveforms Draft March 1 17/0276 r 3 Dzevdan Kapetanovic Training Protocols for DL MU-MIMO in 802. 11 ay Draft March 1 17/0277 r 0 Claudio da Silva EDMG Control Mode Data Field Draft March 2 17/0278 r 0 Claudio da Silva Maximum TRN field duration Draft March 2 17/0219 r 2 Lei Huang CR on BRP Frame in Candidate Draft D 0. 1 Draft March 2 Submission Slide 20 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #175: January 2017 meeting minutes • Approve Task Group AY minutes of meetings from January 2017 interim: – https: //mentor. ieee. org/802. 11/dcn/17/11 -17 -0177 -00 -00 ay-tg-ay-january 2017 -atlanta-meeting-minutes. docx • Move: Krestin Johnsson • Second: Claudio da Silva • Result: Approved with unanimous consent Submission Slide 21 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #176: Feb/March 2017 Teleconference call minutes • Approve Task Group AY minutes of meetings from the teleconference calls on February 15, February 22, March 1 and March 2: – https: //mentor. ieee. org/802. 11/dcn/17/11 -17 -0262 -00 -00 ay-tg-ay-february -15 -2017 -conference-call-meeting-minutes. docx – https: //mentor. ieee. org/802. 11/dcn/17/11 -17 -0279 -02 -00 ay-tg-ay-february -22 -2017 -conference-call-meeting-minutes. docx – https: //mentor. ieee. org/802. 11/dcn/17/11 -17 -0304 -00 -00 ay-tg-ay-march-1 -2017 -conference-call-meeting-minutes. docx – https: //mentor. ieee. org/802. 11/dcn/17/11 -17 -0310 -00 -00 ay-task-group-ay -march-2 -2017 -teleconference-call-agenda. docx • Move: Yan Xin • Second: Assaf Kasher • Result: Approved with unanimous consent Submission Slide 22 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Timeline • Timeline for the task group is updated in November 2016: We are here! Submission Slide 23 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Task Group Documents (1) Doc. No. Title Status 15/0625 r 3 IEEE 802. 11 TGay use cases Approved in November 2015 plenary as the baseline document 15/0866 r 4 TGay evaluation methodology Approved in July 2016 plenary as the baseline document 15/1074 r 0 TGay functional requirements Approved in May 2016 interim as the baseline document 15/1079 r 2 TGay selection procedure Approved in November 2015 plenary 15/1150 r 9 Channel models for IEEE 802. 11 ay Updated in March 2017 plenary 16/1388 r 0 Source code for conference room environment Submission Slide 24 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Task Group Documents (2) Doc. No. Title Status 15/1358 r 9 Specification framework for TGay Updated after November 2016 plenary 16/0266 r 5 A compendium of motions related to the contents of the specification framework document for TGay Updated after November 2016 plenary Members area Draft 0. 2 Uploaded on February 9 17/0186 r 0 A compendium of motions related to the contents of the draft amendment for TGay Submission Slide 25 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for submission (1) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time N/A Carlos Cordeiro Draft 0. 2 review Draft Mon PM 1, 30 min 17/0422 r 0 Power save with multiple CBAPs per BI Carlos Cordeiro 17/0420 r 2 Power save improvements 17/0322 r 1 BRP transmit sector sweep Claudio da Silva 17/0323 r 2 Submission Draft text for BRP transmit sector sweep Slide 26 Draft Mon PM 1, 20 min Draft Mon PM 1, 40 min Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for submission (2) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0420 r 2 (Cont’d) Carlos Cordeiro Power save improvements Draft Tue AM 1, 10 min 17/0323 r 2 (Cont’d) Claudio da Silva Draft text for BRP transmit sector sweep Draft Tue AM 1, 25 min 17/0286 r 1 Lei Huang 17/0287 r 0 SISO phase of SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO beamforming CR on SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO beamforming Draft Tue AM 1, 20 min 17/0418 r 1 Kome Oteri Fixed inter frame spacing for BRP in 802. 11 ay Draft Tue AM 1, 25 min 17/0426 r 1 Kome Oteri Further discussion on beam tracking for 802. 11 ay Draft Tue AM 1, 35 min Submission Slide 27 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for submission (3) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0268 r 1 Camillo Gentile Quasi-deterministic model for Doppler spread Channel model Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0441 r 0 Robert Muller Summary of channel measurement for 11 ay Channel model Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0412 r 2 Solomon Trainin Compressed Block. Ack. Req for EDMG Draft Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0413 r 0 Solomon Trainin Occupied bandwidth clarification Draft Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0430 r 0 Assaf Kasher Short and long TRN sequences Draft Wed PM 2, 25 min Submission Slide 28 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for submission (4) Doc. No. Presenter 17/0423 r 1 Title Topic & Time MIMO phase in MU-MIMO beamforming Shunsuke Fujio 17/0424 r 0 CR on MIMO phase in MU-MIMO beamforming Draft Thu AM 2, 20 min 17/0415 r 0 Yutaka Murakami EDMG capabilities for LDPC codes Draft Thu AM 2, 10 min 17/0419 r 1 Dzevdan Kapetanovic Training protocols for DL MU-MIMO in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu AM 2, 40 min 17/0426 r 4 (Cont’d) Kome Oteri Further discussion on beam tracking for 802. 11 ay Draft Thu AM 2, 35 min 17/0429 r 3 Kome Oteri Protocols for hybrid beamforming in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu AM 2, 15 min Submission Slide 29 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for submission (5) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0428 r 1 Rui Yang Throughput and coverage improvements with DFT-s-OFDM for 802. 11 ay Draft Thu PM 1, 35 min 17/0401 r 0 Li-Hsiang Sun EDMG CEF enhancements Draft Thu PM 1, 20 min 17/0449 r 0 Rob Sun EDMG capability and operation element channel indication 17/0450 r 1 Proposed text for EDMG capability and operation element channel indication 17/0433 r 1 Channel allocation for SP Draft Thu PM 1, 25 min Dejian Li 17/0434 r 1 17/0451 r 0 Submission Draft text for channel allocation for SP Shigenobu Sasaki Modified channel model for outdoor open area hotspot access scenario Slide 30 Draft Thu PM 1, 20 min Channel Model Thu PM 1, 20 min Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Call for submission (6) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0419 r 1 (Cont’d) Dzevdan Kapetanovic Training protocols for DL MU-MIMO in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu PM 2, 10 min 17/0429 r 4 (Cont’d) Kome Oteri Protocols for hybrid beamforming in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu PM 2, 15 min 17/0449 r 0 (Cont’d) 17/0450 r 1 (Cont’d) 15/1150 r 9 Submission Rob Sun Alexander Maltsev EDMG capability and operation element channel indication Proposed text for EDMG capability and operation element channel indication Channel models for IEEE 802. 11 ay Slide 31 Draft Thu PM 2, 10 min Channel model Thu PM 2, 20 min Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda setting • Monday, 1: 30 pm – 3: 30 pm – – – – • Thursday, 10: 30 am – 12: 30 pm – – • • Patent policy and logistics Presentation Thursday, 4: 00 pm – 6: 00 pm – – Patent policy and logistics Presentation Thursday, 1: 30 pm – 3: 30 pm – – Tuesday, 8: 00 am – 10: 00 am – – • Patent policy and logistics Progress review Motion: Prior meeting minutes Timeline Call for submission Agenda setting Teleconference planning Presentation • Patent policy and logistics Presentation Motions Goals for May 2017 interim Teleconference schedule Wednesday, 4: 00 pm – 6: 00 pm – – – Submission Patent policy and logistics Motions Presentation Slide 32 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Teleconference planning DST starts on March 12 in North America, March 24 in Israel, and March 26 in Europe Portland, San Jose New York , Ottawa Lund, Stuttgart Nizhny Novgorod Current 7: 00 am 10: 00 am 4: 00 pm 5: 00 pm 10: 00 pm 11: 00 pm Alt #1 8: 00 am 11: 00 am 5: 00 pm 6: 00 pm 11: 00 pm 12: 00 mn Alt #2 9: 00 pm 12: 00 mn 6: 00 am 7: 00 am 12: 00 pm 1: 00 pm Submission Slide 33 Haifa Beijing, Singapore Seoul, Tokyo Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time N/A Carlos Cordeiro Draft 0. 2 review Draft Mon PM 1, 30 min 17/0422 r 0 Power save with multiple CBAPs per BI Carlos Cordeiro 17/0420 r 1 Power save improvements 17/0322 r 1 BRP transmit sector sweep Claudio da Silva 17/0323 r 2 Submission Draft text for BRP transmit sector sweep Slide 34 Draft Mon PM 1, 20 min Draft Mon PM 1, 40 min Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Meeting Slot #2 Tuesday, 8: 00 am – 10: 00 am Submission Slide 35 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda • • Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Submission Slide 36 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0420 r 2 (Cont’d) Carlos Cordeiro Power save improvements Draft Tue AM 1, 10 min 17/0323 r 2 (Cont’d) Claudio da Silva Draft text for BRP transmit sector sweep Draft Tue AM 1, 25 min 17/0286 r 1 Lei Huang 17/0287 r 0 SISO phase of SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO beamforming CR on SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO beamforming Draft Tue AM 1, 20 min 17/0418 r 1 Kome Oteri Fixed inter frame spacing for BRP in 802. 11 ay Draft Tue AM 1, 25 min 17/0426 r 0 Kome Oteri Further discussion on beam tracking for 802. 11 ay Draft Tue AM 1, 35 min Submission Slide 37 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Meeting Slot #3 Wednesday, 4: 00 pm – 6: 00 pm Submission Slide 38 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda • • • Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Motions Presentation Recess Submission Slide 39 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #177: Draft Amendment • Move to adopt D 0. 2 (available in members area) as the baseline document for the IEEE 802. 11 ay draft amendment • Move: Carlos Cordeiro • Second: Assaf Kasher • Result: Yes: 38, No: 0, Abstain: 1 (The motion passes) Submission Slide 40 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #178: Draft • Do you agree to perform input bits parsing over the spatial streams on the round robin manner with bits grouping and padding as shown on slides #8, 9 of 11 -17 -0211 -01 -00 ay? Specification text is proposed in 11 -17 -0214 -01 -00 ay 29 5 7 27 Encoding. • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0211 r 1, 17/0214 r 1 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 30 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Claudio da Silva • Second: Lei Huang • Result: The motion is passed (29 Yes; 0 No; 7 Abstain). Submission Slide 41 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #179: Draft • Do you agree to add the following to the draft: “The EDMG-TRN subfield for MIMO with NSS > 2 shall be defined as shown on slide #8 of 11 -17 -0212 -01 -00 ay”? Specification text is proposed in 11 -17 -0213 -00 -00 ay 29 9 3 26 9 TRN Subfield Definition. • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0212 r 1, 17/0213 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 30 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Claudio da Silva • Second: Assaf Kasher • Result: The motion is passed (29 Yes; 0 No; 6 Abstain). Submission Slide 42 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #180: Draft • Do you agree to instruct the editor to incorporate the draft text in the contribution 17/0189 r 0 into IEEE 802. 11 ay draft 0. 2? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0189 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 28 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Claudio da Silva • Second: Thomas Handte • Result: The motion is passed (30 Yes; 0 No; 6 Abstain). Submission Slide 43 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #181: Draft • Do you agree to incorporate the proposed changes on Measurement Request & Report elements as shown in IEEE 802. 11 -17/0215 r 2 into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0215 r 2 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Lei Huang • Second: Claudio da Silva • Result: The motion is passed (31 Yes; 0 No; 5 Abstain). Submission Slide 44 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #182: Draft • Do you agree to incorporate the proposed changes on Spatial Sharing and Interference Mitigation as shown in IEEE 802. 1117/0217 r 3 into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0217 r 3 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Lei Huang • Second: Sang Kim • Result: The motion is passed (28 Yes; 0 No; 6 Abstain). Submission Slide 45 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #183: Draft • Do you agree that the text in contribution 17/0277 r 0 shall be incorporated into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0277 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 33 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Claudio da Silva • Second: Lei Huang • Result: The motion is passed (29 Yes; 0 No; 6 Abstain). Submission Slide 46 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #184: Draft • Do you agree that the text in contribution 17/0278 r 0 shall be incorporated into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0278 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 33 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Claudio da Silva • Second: Lei Huang • Result: The motion is passed (27 Yes; 0 No; 3 Abstain). Submission Slide 47 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #185: Draft • Do you agree to incorporate the proposed changes on Channel Measurement Feedback element, DMG Beam Refinement element and EDMG Channel Measurement Feedback element as shown in IEEE 802. 11 -17/0219 r 2 into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0219 r 2, 17/0220 r 1 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 33 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Lei Huang • Second: Claudio da Silva • Result: The motion is passed (24 Yes; 0 No; 5 Abstain). Submission Slide 48 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #186: Draft • Do you agree to adopt the mechanism described in slides 4 and 5 of 11 -17/0422 r 0, as specified in 11 -17/0420 r 2? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0420 r 2, 17/0422 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 22 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Carlos Cordeiro • Second: Assaf Kasher • Result: The motion is passed (25 Yes; 0 No; 3 Abstain). Submission Slide 49 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #187: Draft • Do you agree that the text in contribution 17/0323 r 2 (Draft text for BRP Transmit Sector Sweep) shall be incorporated into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0322 r 1, 17/0323 r 2 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 34 Yes, 0 No, 4 Abstain • Move: Claudio da Silva • Second: Lei Huang • Result: The motion is passed (24 Yes; 0 No; 5 Abstain). Submission Slide 50 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #188: Draft • Do you agree to incorporate the proposed changes on SU-MIMO beamforming and MU-MIMO beamforming as shown in IEEE 802. 11 -17/0287 r 0 into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0286 r 1, 17/0287 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: TBD Yes, TBD No, TBD Abstain • Move: Lei Huang • Second: Claudio da Silva • Result: The motion is passed (24 Yes; 0 No; 4 Abstain). Submission Slide 51 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0268 r 1 Camillo Gentile Quasi-deterministic model for Doppler spread Channel model Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0441 r 0 Robert Muller Summary of channel measurement for 11 ay Channel model Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0412 r 2 Solomon Trainin Compressed Block. Ack. Req for EDMG Draft Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0413 r 0 Solomon Trainin Occupied bandwidth clarification Draft Wed PM 2, 20 min 17/0430 r 0 Assaf Kasher Short and long TRN sequences Draft Wed PM 2, 25 min Submission Slide 52 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Straw Poll • Do you agree that the text in contribution 17/0430 r 0 shall be incorporated into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Yes: 28 • No: 0 • Abstain: 5 Submission Slide 53 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #189: Draft • Do you agree that the text in contribution 17/0430 r 0 shall be incorporated into the next draft 11 ay specification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0430 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 28 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain • Move: Assaf Kasher • Second: Solomon Trainin • Result: The motion is passed (27 Yes; 0 No; 3 Abstain). Submission Slide 54 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #190: Draft • Do you agree to include the text changes to occupied bandwidth as defined in Doc: 11 -17 -0413 -00 -00 ay Occupied bandwidth clarification? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0413 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 2 Abstain • Move: Solomon Trainin • Second: Assaf Kasher • Result: The motion is passed (31 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain). Submission Slide 55 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #191: Draft • Do you agree to implement text changes to remove EDMG Compressed Block. Ack. Req as defined in Doc: 11 -17 -0412 -02 -00 ay Compressed Block. Ack. Req for EDMG? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0412 r 2 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 34 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain • Move: Solomon Trainin • Second: Carlos Cordeiro • Result: The motion is passed (29 Yes; 0 No; 1 Abstain). Submission Slide 56 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Meeting Slot #4 Thursday, 10: 30 am – 12: 30 pm Submission Slide 57 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda • • Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Submission Slide 58 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter 17/0423 r 1 Title Topic & Time MIMO phase in MU-MIMO beamforming Shunsuke Fujio 17/0424 r 0 CR on MIMO phase in MU-MIMO beamforming Draft Thu AM 2, 20 min 17/0415 r 0 Yutaka Murakami EDMG capabilities for LDPC codes Draft Thu AM 2, 10 min 17/0419 r 1 Dzevdan Kapetanovic Training protocols for DL MU-MIMO in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu AM 2, 40 min 17/0426 r 2 (Cont’d) Kome Oteri Further discussion on beam tracking for 802. 11 ay Draft Thu AM 2, 35 min 17/0429 r 4 Kome Oteri Protocols for hybrid beamforming in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu AM 2, 15 min Submission Slide 59 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Meeting Slot #5 Thursday, 1: 30 pm – 3: 30 pm Submission Slide 60 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda • • Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Submission Slide 61 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0428 r 1 Rui Yang Throughput and coverage improvements with DFT-s-OFDM for 802. 11 ay Draft Thu PM 1, 35 min 17/0401 r 0 Li-Hsiang Sun EDMG CEF enhancements Draft Thu PM 1, 20 min 17/0449 r 0 Rob Sun EDMG capability and operation element channel indication 17/0450 r 1 Proposed text for EDMG capability and operation element channel indication 17/0433 r 1 Channel allocation for SP Draft Thu PM 1, 25 min Dejian Li 17/0434 r 1 17/0451 r 0 Submission Draft text for channel allocation for SP Shigenobu Sasaki Modified channel model for outdoor open area hotspot access scenario Slide 62 Draft Thu PM 1, 20 min Channel Model Thu PM 1, 20 min Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Meeting Slot #6 Thursday, 4: 00 pm – 6: 00 pm Submission Slide 63 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Agenda • • Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Motions Goals for May 2017 interim Teleconference schedule Adjourn Submission Slide 64 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0419 r 1 (Cont’d) Dzevdan Kapetanovic Training protocols for DL MU-MIMO in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu PM 2, 10 min 17/0429 r 4 (Cont’d) Kome Oteri Protocols for hybrid beamforming in 802. 11 ay Draft Thu PM 2, 15 min 17/0449 r 0 (Cont’d) 17/0450 r 1 (Cont’d) 15/1150 r 9 Submission Rob Sun Alexander Maltsev EDMG capability and operation element channel indication Proposed text for EDMG capability and operation element channel indication Channel models for IEEE 802. 11 ay Slide 65 Draft Thu PM 2, 10 min Channel model Thu PM 2, 20 min Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #192: Draft • Do you agree to add a mechanism to the 802. 11 ay specification to perform the following? • • In the 11 ay BRP protocol there shall be an option for the BRP frame to function as an action ACK frame. The procedure to recover feedback if the response is not ready is TBD. • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0418 r 1 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 23 Yes, 0 No, 12 Abstain • Move: Kome Oteri • Second: Rui Yang • Result: The motion is passed (22 Yes; 0 No; 8 Abstain). Submission Slide 66 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #193: Draft • Do you agree to incorporate the changes proposed in (11 -17 -042400 -00 ay-cr-on-mimo-phase-in-mu-mimo-bf. docx) into the draft spec? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0423 r 1, 17/0424 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 21 Yes, 0 No, 15 Abstain • Move: Shunsuke Fujio • Second: Claudio da Silva • Result: The motion is passed (21 Yes; 0 No; 4 Abstain). Submission Slide 67 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #194: Draft • Do you agree to add the following capability information in the EDMG capabilities element regarding LDPC codes into Draft IEEE 802. 11 ay? – – Long LDPC codes capability information (1 bit) If the long LDPC codes capability field is set to 1, the STA supports LDPC long codeword for the supported MCSs. Otherwise, the STA does not support LDPC long codeword. • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0415 r 0 • Note 2: Straw poll results: TBD Yes, TBD No, TBD Abstain • Move: Yutuka Murakami • Second: Sang Kim • Result: The motion is passed (23 Yes; 0 No; 5 Abstain). Submission Slide 68 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #195: Draft • Do you agree to include mechanisms that support tracking of the digital baseband channel for SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO hybrid beamforming in 802. 11 ay? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0426 r 2 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 15 Yes, 3 No, 19 Abstain • Move: Kome Oteri • Second: Rui Yang • Result: The motion is passed (9 Yes; 3 No; 11 Abstain). Submission Slide 69 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #196: Draft • Do you agree that the text in contribution 17/0434 r 1 (Draft Text for Channel Allocation for SP) shall be incorporated in the 11 ay draft? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0433 r 1, 17/0434 r 1 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 8 Abstain • Move: Dejian Li • Second: Jinnan Liu • Result: The motion is passed (24 Yes; 0 No; 4 Abstain). Submission Slide 70 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #197: Draft • Do you agree to update the 802. 11 ay specification to reflect that the detailed BRP feedback that occurs during SU-MIMO feedback may be used to support hybrid beamforming for SU-MIMO ? • In scenarios where the detailed feedback option is not carried in the SUMIMO feedback, the initiator may request for the detailed feedback at a later time (e. g. , by digital baseband tracking if the device supports the capability). • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0429 r 4 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 18 Yes, 0 No, 17 Abstain • Move: Kome Oteri • Second: Rui Yang • Result: The motion is withdrawn. Submission Slide 71 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #198: Draft • Do you agree to update the 802. 11 ay specification to reflect that a detailed feedback option in the MU-MIMO feedback phase (fed back in addition to the associated quality specified in D 0. 2) may be used to support hybrid beamforming for MU-MIMO ? • In scenarios where the detailed feedback option is not carried in the MU-MIMO feedback, the initiator may request for the detailed feedback at a later time (e. g. , by digital baseband tracking if the device supports the capability). The channel feedback is TBD. • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0429 r 4 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 11 Yes, 0 No, 19 Abstain • Move: Kome Oteri • Second: TBD • Result: The motion is withdrawn. Submission Slide 72 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #199: Draft • Do you agree to adopt the text of “ 11 -17 -0450 -01 -00 ay-EDMG Capability and Operation Element Channel Indication_r 1” into Draft of IEEE 802. 11 ay? • Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0449 r 0, 17/0450 r 1 • Note 2: Straw poll results: 31 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain • Move: Yan Xin • Second: Yutuka Murakami • Result: The motion is passed (19 Yes; 0 No; 4 Abstain). Submission Slide 73 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Motion #200: Comment Collection Period • Do you agree to instruct the editor to prepare P 802. 11 ay D 0. 3 and approve a 30 -day comment collection period from April 1, 2017, to April 30, 2017? • Move: George Calcev • Second: Claudio da Silva • Result: The motion is passed (20 Yes; 0 No; 1 Abstain). Submission Slide 74 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Goals for May 2017 interim • Technical presentation • Comment resolution for Draft 0. 3 • Draft development Submission Slide 75 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)
doc. : IEEE 802. 11 -17/0187 r 12 March 2017 Teleconference schedule • March 29 (Wednesday), 10: 00 am ET – 11: 00 am ET • April 12 (Wednesday), 10: 00 am ET – 11: 00 am ET • April 26 (Wednesday), 10: 00 am ET – 11: 00 am ET Submission Slide 76 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)