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doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 IEEE DSRC Application doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 IEEE DSRC Application Services (P 1609) Status Report Date: 2008 -01 -14 Authors: Name Tom Kurihara Submission Company TKstds Management Address 3800 N Fairfax Dr, #207 Arlington, VA 22203 Slide Phone +1 703 -5169650 email tkstds@mindspring. com T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 PROGRAM OF WORK doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 PROGRAM OF WORK • P 1609. 0, WAVE – Architecture (PAR approved December 2006) • IEEE Trial-use Standard 1609. 1 TM-2006, WAVE - Resource Manager • IEEE Trial-use Standard 1609. 2 TM-2006, WAVE - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages • IEEE Trial-use Standard 1609. 3 TM-2007 WAVE - Networking Services • IEEE Trial-use Standard 1609. 4 TM-2006, WAVE - Multi-channel Operations • IEEE Standard 1455 TM-1999(2006), IEEE Standard for Message Sets for Vehicle/Roadside Communications Note: P 1609 family of standards are intended to operate with IEEE 802. 11 p, Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) and supports the U. S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program and the Vehicle and Infrastructure Integration (VII) Program Submission Slide 2 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Trial-Use Standards and doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Trial-Use Standards and Program of Work • Approved for a 18 month trial period – If no comments are received by WG, progress to full use for 5 -year period after a 24 months following approval as trial-use – If comments received, WG addresses comments and progress to full use standard - Trial-use provides a preliminary review of requirements and assure the each 1609 documents are consistent with the other 1609 documents - Comments to trial-use documents are expected from VII proof of concept and other implementations, changes to P 802. 11 p, and errata, and “deferred” requirements compiled during the development of trial -use documents Submission Slide 3 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 WAVE DEVICE IEEE doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 WAVE DEVICE IEEE 1609. 1, et al UPPER LAYERS IEEE 1609. 3 NETWORK LAYER IEEE 1609. 4 IEEE P 802. 11 p WAVE SECURITY SERVICES LOWER LAYERS IEEE 1609. 2 Note: The figure illustrates the relationship among the IEEE 1609 and IEEE 802. 11 standards MEDIUM Reference: IEEE P 1609. 3 D 20, page 9, Figure 1, WAVE Standards, July 2006 Submission Slide 4 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Architecture (P 1609. doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Architecture (P 1609. 0) • SCOPE “This standard describes the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE/DSRC) architecture and services necessary for multi-channel DSRC/WAVE devices to communicate in a mobile vehicular environment. ” • STATUS – PAR APPROVED, December 2006 – Project Plan approved July 2007 – Project Editor assigned, draft in development, proposals circulated for comment in November 2007, no responses to proposals to date – Projected approval is “open” lacking response to proposals Submission Slide 5 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 USE CASES AND doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 USE CASES AND LIAISON • WG consolidated and verified user requirements and use cases for DSRC/WAVE • Conducted extended proto-type equipment tests using parts of IEEE 1609 drafts • Coordinated activities with: – SAE Technical Committee, Project J 2375, DSRC Data Dictionary and Message Sets – Vehicle & Infrastructure Integration Consortium (VIIC) – DSRC Industry Consortium (DIC) – ISO TC 204 WG 16, CALM M 5 and CALMFAST – Omni-Air Consortium and Sw. RI, certification and test methods project for WAVE/DSRC Devices Submission Slide 6 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Proposals for Addition doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Proposals for Addition to Program of Work (tentative project titles) • • Guide for WAVE Security Services (W. Whyte) – First draft circulated, second draft scheduled for circulation in October 2006 has been delayed Guide for WAVE/DSRC Application Services (tbd) Guide for WAVE Application Services Certification and Test – In Progress, by Omni-Air Consortium and Sw. RI WAVE/DSRC Requirements update (R. Noens, D. Kavner) – On-going review and discussion in working group that may serve as specific proposals to change IEEE 1609 trial-use standards WAVE/DSRC errata changes (S. Dickey) – may serve as specific proposals to change IEEE 1609 trial-use standards before moving to full-use Guide for Application Provider Service Identifier (PSID) Registration and Use (tbd) Develop WG interpretation procedures IAW IEEE procedures and for review of applications for Provider Service Identifier (PSID) submitted to the IEEE Registration Committee (RAC) (tbd) Identify security registration and certificate issuing entity and draft associated procedures for registration and certificate issuance (tbd) Submission Slide 7 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 SCHEDULE • Meetings doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 SCHEDULE • Meetings – None scheduled for 2008 (as of this report Jan 14, 2008) – No information from IEEE SA regarding P 1609 project support • Purposes (when meetings are convened) – to review and discuss IEEE 1609 Architecture draft – to confirm and assign writing assignments to address specific proposals and feedback on trial-use standards for revision – to develop a project plan to address deferred requirements and errata with trial-use feedback, including the VIIC trials, DIC Phase II Prototype testing, the Sw. RI Test and Certification activity, SAE J 2375 feedback, and ISO TC 204 WG 16 projects – to develop procedures for WG involvement in PSID registration and operational use; and for security certificate issuing entity and draft procedures for registration and certificate issuance – to determine requirements and venues for WAVE/DSRC outreach with guidance material for users Submission Slide 8 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 LIAISON CONTACTS The doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 LIAISON CONTACTS The following are either confirmed or pending liaisons to other organizations • SAE Technical Committee, DSRC Data Dictionary and Message Sets (J 2735) – D. Kavner dkavner@raytheon. com • DSRC Industry Consortium (DIC) – R. Roebuck rdroebuck@sirit. com • VII Consortium (VIIC) – S. Andrews scott@cogenia. com • VII End-to-End Integration Project Team (E 2 E IPT) • • – D. Kavner dkavner@raytheon. com ISO TC 204 WG 16, CALM M 5 (21210, 21215, 21217, 24102, 29281, …) – R. Roy dickroy@alum. mit. edu ASTM Committee E 17. 51 (E 2313 -03 and WAVE Test Plan) – L. Armstrong lra@tiac. net IEEE P 802. 11 p Task Group (802. 11 -2002 as amended) – L. Armstrong lra@tiac. net Omni-Air Consortium – R. Roebuck rdroebuck@sirit. com IEEE Standards Department, Program Manager – M. Ceglia m. j. cheglia@ieee. org IEEE RAC Member – T. Kurihara, IEEE VTS, P 1609 WG Chair tkstds@mindspring. com TIA TR-48, Vehicular Telematics (Chartered August 2007) – T. Kurihara, IEEE VTS Submission Slide 9 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Q 1. What doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Q 1. What is TIA TR-48? Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Engineering Committee TR-48 Draft Scope (agreed at organizational meeting, August 26, 2007) The TR-48 Engineering Committee on Vehicular Telematics is responsible for the development and maintenance of standards relating to vehicular telematics equipment and services. These standards are intended to be employed by in support of vehicular telematics. The TR-48 shall work with other TIA committees, national and international standards organizations, and other relevant entities to ensure work items are necessary and not duplicative. Meetings primarily conducted through teleconferences and physical meetings at TIA, Arlington, VA, information on TIA home page. Principal interests represented include: Com. Care emergency response capability and commercial vehicle interests. Submission Slide 10 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 • Q 2. doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 • Q 2. What is ISO TC 204 WG 17, Nomadic Devices? • Draft Scope (unavailable, open for discussion at formation meeting, March 12, 2008, Jeju Island, ROK) New Work Item Assigned to TC 204 WG 17, ISO/AWI 10992: The use of nomadic devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles. Korea National Body provided candidates for WG 17 Convenor and Secretariat, to be considered at the March 12, 2008, meeting Future meetings will be determined during the formation meeting • • Note: Apologies, I could not find ISO Form 4 for AWI 10992 that would include a scope and purpose for the new work item. Submission Slide 11 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609

doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Submission Slide 12 doc: IEEE 802. 11 -08 -0161 -00 -000 p January 2008 Submission Slide 12 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P 1609