Do You Know That. . ? The goal: learning to speak about the Internet, its impact on our life, its advantages and disadvantages
Be light years ahead of Not be rocket science Get one’s wires crossed Learn some idioms Do ex. 4 p. 65
Discussing something we. . Speaking know-how Agree I agree with…that… Absolutely! Exactly! I see your point! There is a lot in what you say! Disagree Contrast I fully disagree with …that. . I’m afraid I don’t agree with …that. . …but…. . whereas. . . while. . Read the statements and express your opinion
Listen to the speakers and number the statements in the order you hear them 1. Using the Internet is a good way of studying English 2. The Internet has all kinds of interesting forums. 3. The Internet helps with shopping. 4. The Internet is very useful for doing the speaker’s job. 5. The Internet helps to learn about different cultures. 6. The Internet can be dangerous for users. 7. The Internet gives quick access to the Information you need. Keys: 3 5 4 6 1 7
In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions. They all have some meanings: from the general English and from the sphere of computers. 1. a)to kick; b) to start a computer 2. a) a small insect; b) an error in a computer program 3. a) red or yellow burning gas seen when something is on fire; b) an unfriendly or rude e-mail • To boot • A bug • A flame
4. a) a person who knows everything • a geek about computers; b) someone who bites the heads off alive chickens as part of a show 5. a) a type of tinned meat; b) unwanted e-mail (from advertisers • a spam and the like) 6. a) a biscuit; b) a small text file that • a cookie is sent to your computer when you visit some websites. It’s used to store information about you for the next time you visit that site