- Количество слайдов: 27
Do Now Answer the following blanks with either their, there, or they’re 1. _______ dog is an annoying mutt. 2. _______ once was a bird called a Dodo. 3. My aunt and uncle arriving tomorrow. ______ coming from California. 4. Many years ago _____ were not any cars, so people used to travel by horse and carriage. 5. My neighbors have bought a second car. ____ new one is candy apple red. 6. Surprisingly, both of _____ cars are 4 WD. 7. If you look over ______ you will see the beautiful sunset. 8. Have you seen where _____ building that new road? 9. I think _____ address is 1171 Newlands Road. 10. Do you know what ______ phone number is?
1. THEIR, 2. THERE, 3. THEY’RE, 4. THERE, 5. THEIR, 6. THEIR, 7. THERE, 8. THEY’RE, 9. THEIR, 10. THEIR.
Restroom Passes
Objective: SWBAT understand analyze three rhetorical appeals and their definitions/usage. As you view each advertisement that comes up on the screen, decide if it’s appealing to your sense of ethos, pathos, or logos. Why? Everyday family members, friends, advertisers, and many others are hoping to convince you of something, and use three rhetorical appeals to make you do something or feel a certain way.
ETHOS, PATHOS, and LOGOS Ethos: Is it Ethical? Pathos: Does it make you feel a strong emotion? Logos: Does it make you use your sense of reason?
Ethos Ethos: Ethics To make the audience decide right or wrong about what is being presented to it Political issues, national beliefs, religious issues, etc… Typically has contrasting colors symbolizing the difference between good and evil.
Pathos Pathos: Emotion To make the audience feel something about what is presented to it Children, animals, illness, memories, etc… “Tugs at your heart strings”
Logos Logos: Logic To make the audience think about what is presented to it Statistics, facts, authorities, etc… Very straightforward, and not “fluff”. It has a very scientific, factual approach.
Can some advertisements have more than one appeal? Yes! The more appeals used in an ad the more likely the consumer is to connect with it. For the case of this lesson or power point, pick the MOST emphasized appeal used in each ad to write onto your sheet.
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, Logos?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Guided Practice In your groups, you will make an advertisement appealing to one of the three persuasions Apple (Macintosh) Coca Cola Nike Ethos Group A B C Pathos D E F Logos G H I
Independent Practice ◦ You will listen to a speech by President Obama and write a two paragraph analysis in your composition journal about: A: Intended Audience B: Spoke person C: Purpose of the letter/ speech D: Type of persuasive appeals (ethos, pathos, logos)
FOR EXAMPLE: Ad Analysis ◦ Michelin Tires ◦ Little Baby ◦ Don’t skimp on the important stuff, we need good tires our families depend on it. ◦ Pathos (little babies are cute and we want them to live)
Homework Read Toni Morrison’s letter to then Senator Barack Obama (pages 18 -19 in your textbook). Complete another one page analysis over the letter. DO NOT USE WIDE RULED PAPER A: Intended Audience B: Spoke person C: Purpose of the letter/ speech D: Type of persuasive appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) *Make sure to turn in today’s homework on your way out!