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DMC Information Brief ASC – On The Line UNCLASSIFIED
The New Look OPERATIONS DMC LOGISTICS XXXX ++ Army ASCC TSC ++ DP 54 TSC OCP XXX XX Corps COSCOM ESC X AMC FORSCOM DMC SUST XX XX Div X CSG ASG II DISCOM X 11 ARMY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND DMC BSB X X II Bde BCT FSB Note: Includes all Active and Reserve Components • • Support Bdes Combat Support Bde (ME) CSB(ME) Battlefield Surveillance Bde (Bf. SB) Fires Bde Combat Aviation Bde (CAB) UNCLASSIFIED 2
CONUS Support DMC THEN – DMMCs & CMMCs / NOW – DMC & DMTs 8 DMMCs + 3 CMMCs Ft Lewis – DMMC & CMMC Ft Carson – DMMC Span of Responsibility Then: Tactical & Operational Ft Drum – DMMC Fort Riley – DMMC Ft Campbell – DMMC Ft Bragg – DMMC & CMMC Army LOG Modularity Span of Responsibility Now: Tactical & Operational/Strategic AMC/DLA Ft Stewart – DMMC Alaska & Hawaii Ft Hood – DMMC & CMMC DMC + 15 DMTs Schofield Bks– DMMC 2, 380 Military (CIV & KTR) Ft Lewis 404 th AFSB Rock Island (DMC) 91 military assigned of 124 authorized 4 GS + KTR support Ft Drum LSE Fort Riley AFSBn Ft Carson AFSBn 95% Reduction in Military Personnel DMC 128 Military 11 DAC + KTR Support Ft Bragg 406 th AFSB Ft Campbell LSE Ft Sill LSE Ft Huachuca LSE Ft Stewart LSE Ft Bliss AFSBn Alaska & Hawaii Ft Wainwright, AK Ft Richardson AK LSE UNCLASSIFIED Ft Schafter, HI LSE Ft Hood 407 th AFSB 12 Temp GS Civilians + KTR Support 3
ASC and ARFORGEN DMC Mission: Provide CSS capability to Warfighters in CONUS and GCCs; assure expeditionary war-fighting readiness; leverage National logistics to a transforming Army at war. ASC ASA(ALT) G-3/5/7 DA AFSBs Ready G 4 RESET Train LOGSA G 8 USAREUR FORSCOM Available BCTs AMC LCMCs DMTs Focused on BCTs CSBs CACIO LNOs UNCLASSIFIED ASC Synchronizes and Integrates ARFORGEN for the AMC DMC FSD FLRD IMCOM USARPAC ARCENT TRADOC 4
DMC Mission Statement, Tasks & Organization DMC Mission Provide Readiness Management for the Active Army in the Continental United States (CONUS), Alaska and Hawaii. Single Integrator for Field Level RESET and Left Behind Equipment in Support of Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN). DMC ü Perform Readiness/Maintenance Management Operations Readiness ARFORGEN ü Conduct SARSS 2 A Supply & Integration Division Management 406 ü Provide SARSS 2 A Customer Supply Assistance Maintenance ü Provide Policy Recommendations and 407 Asset Visibility Implement Procedures ü Provide In-Transit Visibility and Mobility Logistics Automation Support DMC ü Conduct Class VII Asset Visibility 404 93 Mil / 11 DAC /+ KTR ü Conduct Workloading Recommendations and Track Military as of Jun 08: Capabilities & Capacities of Sources Authorized: 128 Assigned: 93 of Repair Detached: 3 ü Provide Reports and Analysis and Deployed: 1 UNCLASSIFIED Available: 89 Common Operating Picture Program Management Division Contract Management Division th RST 406 th AOR TM DMT PA KTR 407 th AOR TM th RST PA KTR DMT th Mobility Division 404 th AOR TM FLRD LNOs TACOM LNOs CECOM LNOs DLA LNOs G 8 LNOs IMCOM Support Teams RST PA KTR DMT 405 th AOR TM PA KTR GFE TEAM PBO TEAM 5
ASC DMC Value Added DMC q Provide centralization, standardization and stabilization for materiel management in CONUS. • Single Interface for the synchronization and integration of logistical functions among tactical units, FORSCOM, IMCOM, LOGSA, and the LCMCs. • Supervise 15 geographically dispersed Distribution Management Teams responsible for regional materiel and readiness management support throughout CONUS, HI and AK. • Develop strategic level logistics processes and procedures supportive of ARFORGEN (RESET, LBE, PDTE). • Provide SARSS-2 AC/B supply management support to CONUS to include oversight responsibility for 153 Supply Support Activities throughout CONUS • Provide Subject Matter Expertise (SME) to: the Army Integrated Action Group (IAG) effecting various Decision Points (e. g. DP 91, 94) for the Army • Help mold LIW into a Logistics Common Operating Picture by providing SME to LOGSA on the development and implementation of Army wide tools for RESET, workloading, SSA performance, retrograde, etc. • Facilitate Materiel Management training for Sustainment Brigade soldiers UNCLASSIFIED 6
Distribution Management Teams (DMTs) Ft Lewis 404 th AFSB Rock Island (DMC) Ft Carson AFSBn Fort Riley AFSBn Ft Campbell LSE Ft Sill LSE DMC • Forward Positioned • Priority of effort to support AFSB/LSE ARFORGEN mission Ft Drum LSE • AFSB/AFSBn/LSE Cdr directs daily tasks • DMC may direct shift to support higher priority missions Ft Bragg 406 th AFSB Ft Huachuca LSE Ft Benning Ft Stewart LSE Ft Bliss AFSBn Ft Hood 407 th AFSB Alaska & Hawaii Ft Wainwright, AK Ft Richardson AK LSE Ft Shafter, HI LSE - DMT Core Functions • Supply/SARSS-2 A Management • SARSS-2 A Customer Assistance • Maintenance Management • Asset Visibility • Reports and Analysis • ARFORGEN Planning and Execute Operations • CSSAMO Support DMT AFSB LSE BLST “DMTs are assigned to the DMC in direct support to the AFSB / LSE / AFSBn commander and the Installation/Area. " UNCLASSIFIED 7
DMT Support/Interface to LSE Geographical Area CORPS/DIV/ BCTs. SBDE AND SBDE'S To sustain soldier proficiency SBDE manage their RIC during ARFORGEN ready phase based on assessment of management capabilities DMC Report, coordinate and reach back to DMC Distribution Management Team Provides Support to: DLA Support Representatives • SARSS 2 A management • SARSS 2 A Customer Service • Asset Visibility • Reports Analysis LSE Ops • CSSAMO LARs • RESET and Readiness LSE Ops Cell Management / Readiness LAR JMC Ammo LAR ASC Supply LAR AM LCMC LAR TA LCMC LAR CE LCMC LAR STAMIS LAR • Provide requested materiel management analysis to resolve supply/ Readiness issues When other sources are exhausted • Provide readiness LCOP for Field Reset Items, as requested Forward and coordinate DLA item issues impacting readiness ISR/LRR ü Interface with ISR in the following areas: ü AMC Instl ASL Review Process ISO 3 ID units ü AWCF execution ü Materiel Management Decision (MMD) File Actions ü SSA Transfers and when assigned as 3 ID Acct Officer BLST Teams ü Provide detailed materiel management data requiring attention in areas of BCT readiness, SSA operations & transfer timeline ISO deployment, ORILs, supply performance, asset visibility ISO ASC LBE/Reset Programs Field Logistics Readiness Center ü Perform and Provide weekly detailed readiness analysis data pulls ISO current jobs in LBE/Reset Programs that improve LCOP ü Provide backup research for critical items after all other government sources are exhausted DMT in Direct Support of LSE & Customers UNCLASSIFIED DOL ü Tactical /LBE / Reset Maintenance – Provide weekly detailed analysis of maintenance performance for jobs worked ISO LBE/Reset Programs; provide support and recommendations to improve LCOP ü Supply Support Activity –Provide monthly supply performance against DA goals and analysis to improve operations LNOs (Reset/LBE) ü Provide field level reset with validated data derived from LIW/ pulls vs local data to report most accurate LCOP to higher HQs ü Provide LBE LNOs with LBE trends and solutions derived from data analysis comparisons from LIW and Instl service providers ü Ammo Mgt (as applicable) 8
COP Way Ahead DMC DMC Tools for Providing a LOG COP for Unit RESET Function Current Tools In Development • AEPS • FEDLOG • LIW • WEBFLIS • LIDB • CCSS • DAASC • ILAP • PBUSE • DOD EMALL • SARSS • BI Discoverer • LBE Visibility Tool • CAVERS • ARMT • Access Database • My RESET Plans • LIW • SALE • My SSA • My Retrograde • GCSS Army • My Production Planner • 032 Print • PBUSE/ARMT • FINLOG • FY Projections • Monthly Spend Plans/Execution • My Production Planner Contract Management • LBE Reporting • PWS Matrix • Business Rules • GPMSS • Deliverables Matrix/QASP • Task Function Matrixes for all LBE Augmentation Contracts Data Support • ARFORGEN Tracker • ARFORGEN Summary • ARMT • RESET Drilldowns • LIW Mirror Server • My Production Planner • LMP • WMMS-DOL • GTN • SMS • JOPES • RFITV • My Retrograde • CONUS-Focused BCS 3 Supply Maintenance Funding Mobility • ETA • LIW • IRRIS UNCLASSIFIED TOTAL LOG COP FOR ARFORGEN COP 9
ARFORGEN Integration Division DMC Who we are: Provides a national tracking capability focused on the combat readiness of units in support of the ARFORGEN cycle, to include RESET and Left Behind Equipment maintenance readiness reporting and support. Part of the bridge to a Common Operating Picture What we can do for you: • Provide an overall ARFORGEN picture • Track the progress and status of CONUS based Active Duty and National Guard brigade equivalent units in RESET and LBE Where we are going: • Provide visibility of all separate brigades and IBUs within the ARFORGEN process • Standardize the tracking of RESET and LBE items using the Maintenance Master Data File (MMDF) and Equipment Category Codes (ECC) • Develop Automated Common Operating Picture with LOGSA UNCLASSIFIED 10
Readiness Integration Division DMC Who we are: Provides a national materiel management capability focused on combat readiness of units in support of the ARFORGEN cycle through CLVII asset visibility and management support, maintenance management and readiness support (RESET support), and demand supported supply management. Materiel Readiness is part of the bridge to a Common Operating Picture What we can do for you: • Synchronize Field Level workloading and materiel management requirements with AFSBs, LCMCs and Service Providers for units in the ARFORGEN RESET cycle • Provide predictive analysis and parts forecasting to determine the impact on units’ overall Readiness • Determine Service Provider capacity and capability and their ability to produce on time, to standard and within cost Where we are going: • Capabilities / Capacities Database – Web based, accessible by all users, updated monthly. • Standardized STAMIS and DODAAC configuration to capture valid data for LCOP. • CTASC responsible for all of CONUS including DOLs and TRADOC installations. • Provide valued analysis and track critical item / LIN shortfalls and potential sourcing solutions UNCLASSIFIED 11
SUPPLY BRANCH DMC Who we are: Provide CONUS based ASL and Materiel Management for 152 Supply Support Activities within CONUS. Performs operational planning, integration, and synchronization for demand supported (CLII, IIIp, IV, and IX) supply support. Performs SARSS 2/AC Customer Assistance, RIC_GEO and parameter management. Assimilates End to End logistics data and produces actionable Logistics Intelligence to Readiness and Material Managers in support of ARFORGEN. As required, leverages available distribution infrastructure IOT optimize pipeline flow to meet requirements/priorities. What we can do for you: § Perform data queries and analysis to provide customer requested deliverables. § Provide subject matter expertise and training to DMC/DMT employees, and § Conduct analysis of supply capabilities and requirements and make appropriate recommendations to the Army Field Support Brigade/Logistics Support Element and the DMC staff. Key Accomplishments: § Established an agreement between ASC and FORSCOM for SARSS 2 AC/B materiel management by Sustainment Brigades in a Garrison environment with continuity of support during SB deployment. § Standardized SSA Parameters for optimal performance § Provide SSA Matrix for analysis of performance standards to DMTs and DOLs UNCLASSIFIED 12
MAINTENANCE DMC Who We Are: Our basic mission is to determine the current and future workload requirements at 31 installation DOLs, 17 FLRCs, and numerous LCMC operations, to support units undergoing RESET and for ARFORGEN planning. This includes a workload planning group which consists of 18+ individuals in the DMC. They concentrate on preparing the workload. Their planning includes Left Behind Equipment, RESET of equipment from theater, and other outside requirements for these shops (ie. daily installation operations, mobilization / demobilization operations, and the National Maintenance Program). What We Can Do for You: • Determine how and where the equipment can be repaired based on cost, performance and scheduling to meet War Fighter requirements. • Coordinate for a wide range of Special Repair Team (SRT) support. Where We Are Going: • The ASC DMC is working with LOGSA to develop an automated workload planning system to give DMC personnel an intelligent and timely workloading decision support tool. • Project program funding for out years. UNCLASSIFIED 15
Logistics Automation DMC Who we are: Performs operational planning, integration and synchronization of Logistics Automation systems and functions. Supports logistics transformation and ARFORGEN by leveraging technology to allow more effective management with less assets. What we can do for you: • Leverage automation while supporting the Army Logistics Automation Transition Plan Key Accomplishments & Issues: • Working with LOGSA on the development of the ASC Production Planner (workloading and maintenance capacity tool). • Retire SAMS I/TDA and other Non STAMIS in DOLs and replace with WMMS-DOL / SAMS-I Enhanced • Establish an LIW(-) Mirror Server at RIA • Evolved into the key logistics fusion integrator customer for LOGSA, CASCOM and AMC. • Leverage automation from requirements determined with ARFORGEN COP • FINLOG is being modified to effectively manage financials. UNCLASSIFIED 18
Asset Visibility DMC Who we are: Provide world-wide Class VII asset visibility / management support for readiness, RESET, and material management. Advises and assists with MACOM lateral transfer efforts to posture forces for the GWOT and national emergencies throughout the ARFORGEN cycle. We serve as a reach back capability for DMT A/V personnel in performance of their mission. What we do for you: • Perform multiple data queries, generating multiple reports used in budget, RESET and ARCOP analysis. • Provide subject matter expertise and training on key Asset Visibility tools to “all” DMC/DMT employees, and monitor LBE ABF data from an A/V perspective. • Direct collaboration with FORSCOM and DA staffs in identifying existing property book issues. Key Issues and Accomplishments: • Innovating all aspects of Property Accountability by using existing systems and systems on the horizon (i. e. ; ARMT, LMP, GCCS-A, and the total SALE with ERP technology). • Established “core task” list for the performance of Asset Visibility within DMTs. • Instrumental in the establishment of SRT capabilities and procedures. UNCLASSIFIED 19
Program Management Division DMC Who we are: Collect, consolidate, and coordinate resource requirements; promote stewardship; centrally manage program execution of the Army’s above unit level Field Maintenance RESET and LBE Programs and forecast future requirements in support of unit readiness and ARFORGEN. Serve as DMC’s proponent for RESET Policy. What we can do for you: • Provide cost factor analysis for workloading and budget requirements. • Coordinate distribution of funds to support the Field Maintenance RESET mission and LBE. • Establish Policy/Guidance/Business Rules • Institute common business practices and processes • Built out-year requirements • Validate customer requirements using business case analysis • Track key logistics/financial elements-cost, performance, schedule • Reconcile program management status with ASC G 8 Key accomplishments: • Served as the ‘Integrator’ for business process development between the ASC/DMC, the LCMCs, and DLA for SARET parts collaboration • Forecast future requirements (modeling funds, repair parts, work-loading) in support of unit readiness and ARFORGEN schedules. • Establish policy, processes and procedures to promote stewardship and accountability. • Centrally manage program execution and tracking of the Army’s Field Maintenance Programs (above the unit level). UNCLASSIFIED 20
Contract Management Division DMC Who we are: Contract Management Division, DMC, is responsible for coordination and supervision of contracts associated with DMC missions world-wide on behalf of the applicable (Primary) contracting officers and the DMC. Responsibilities include actions specified in Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) and Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) appointment letters. This Division documents and reviews deliverables, reviews invoices and makes recommendations to the contracting officers regarding these matters as well as preparing quality discrepancy reports (QDR) for the contracting officers' determinations regarding corrective actions. What we can do for you: • Responsible for assisting DMC Divisions in preparing statements of work, Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASPs) and other documentation required for new acquisition actions. • Implement applicable QASPs and coordinate / recommend advise all elements of the DMC and the contracting officers regarding contract actions across the spectrum of the DMC activities • Make available such deliverables and contract requirements necessary to the functions of the DMC, while directing the contractors in performance of their contractual commitments as approved by the contracting officers. Key accomplishments: • N/A, Brand new! UNCLASSIFIED 21
Mobility Division DMC Who we are: Supports a national materiel management capability focused on the ARFORGEN cycle by providing In-Transit Visibility (ITV), liaison with USTRANSCOM and other Do. D Transportation Agencies, and Mobility Liaisons to Ports of Embarkation and Debarkation, as required. Provides OCONUS Travel Clearance and Orders Processing, Contract Assistance for ASC Direct Procurement, and manage the Army Flat Rack Program. What we can do for you: • Army-wide visibility of equipment movement • Equipment movement tracking via Combined Movement Report (CMR) • Provides AMC cargo in-transit visibility (ITV) • Query movements via the Defense Transportation System (DTS) • Process/approve Commercial Bill of Laden (CBL) for material movements • Process/approve OCONUS clearance for ASC/JMC Where we are going: • Establish the assignment of a Modular Movement Control Team (MCT) to ASC to support CONUS movements of AMC cargo and worldwide ITV of AMC movements. • Expand to include analysis on the planning and execution of movements of AMC cargo (Metrics). UNCLASSIFIED 22
Summary DMC ü DMC is providing materiel management and asset visibility support; role is evolving ü DMC has capabilities Units need to leverage for mission success ü DMC is the project manager for RESET and LBE UNCLASSIFIED 23
DMC 24