Скачать презентацию DLR Hyphens and Dashes English 11 DLR Скачать презентацию DLR Hyphens and Dashes English 11 DLR


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DLR: Hyphens and Dashes English 11 DLR: Hyphens and Dashes English 11

DLR 10/21 • Unscramble the sentences so that they make sense. After unscrambling, add DLR 10/21 • Unscramble the sentences so that they make sense. After unscrambling, add necessary hyphens. 1. a bought it dad Jamie book do his yourself. 2. future Andrea in afraid her of is mother very law. 3. to growing me fast 20 Josh chickens sell tried.

Notes 10/21 The Hyphen (-) • -Use a hyphen between compound adjectives. Adjectives are Notes 10/21 The Hyphen (-) • -Use a hyphen between compound adjectives. Adjectives are compound when both or several adjectives cannot stand independently with the noun. Example: He gave her a diamond-studded ring. Max is a four-year-old dog. *Notice that Max is not a four dog. He is not a year dog. He is not an old dog. Thus, these adjectives must be hyphenated as four-year-old. Thus, Max is a four-year-old dog. However, when it is written like this, "The dog is four years old, " there are no hyphens. -Use a hyphen between compound nouns. • Example: They are bird-lovers. He bought a six-pack of pop. I have a jack-in-the-box. -Use a hyphen between adverbs and adjectives unless the adverb ends in "ly. " • Example: It is a well-constructed house. It is a newly constructed house student. Trisha was the best-known student. Trisha was a widely known

DLR 10/22 • Number 1 -5 and write the hyphenated words in each sentence. DLR 10/22 • Number 1 -5 and write the hyphenated words in each sentence. You do NOT have to write the entire sentence. 1. I can’t believe it’s mid March and almost 70 degrees outside. 2. Lynsey tried to recover her textbook so that it wouldn’t be damaged. 3. Sophie has thirty seven Star Wars figurines in her collection. 4. Mrs. Schmitmeyer explained the difference between the x axis and y axis. 5. Logan didn’t know if his Sponge Bob watch took two, three, or four volt batteries.

Notes 10/22 • Use a hyphen after prefixes self, all, ex, and half and Notes 10/22 • Use a hyphen after prefixes self, all, ex, and half and with the suffix elect to form new words. Use a hyphen to join any prefix before a proper noun or adjective. Ex. self-contained, ex-governor, pre-Columbian, all-inclusive, half-painted, president-elect • Use a hyphen between prefixes or suffixes to avoid confusion or awkward spelling. Ex. re-create, bell-like, intra-abdominal • Use a hyphen between numbers twenty-one to ninety-nine. Ex. twenty-five, forty-three, seventy-nine • Use a hyphen to join letters and words. Ex. T-shirt, Y-turn, G-rated • Use a hyphen in a special series when two or more words have a common element that is omitted in all but the last term. Ex. The resort has two-, four-, or six-person cabins.

DLR 10/23 • Write 3 sentences in which you use a hyphen AND a DLR 10/23 • Write 3 sentences in which you use a hyphen AND a dash. 1) 2) 3)

Notes 10/23 • Dashes are used to set off explanations or related thoughts. • Notes 10/23 • Dashes are used to set off explanations or related thoughts. • • Everything—scraped knees, loud noises, nightmares— makes Eloise cry. Nate insists on his rights as a senior—the right to bully freshmen, for example. Sadie Hawkins Day, prom queens, powder puff football games—this is the kind of pre-feminist silliness our school endorses. Dashes are also used to set off quick pauses and interruptions. Maria looked stricken. “You—you can’t go!” she said. “But what about—” Frederick cut me off, saying, “We can’t think about that now. ” SPACES: Do not use spaces either before or after dashes.

10/24 • Unscramble each sentence and add the indicated punctuation. 1. (hyphens and dash) 10/24 • Unscramble each sentence and add the indicated punctuation. 1. (hyphens and dash) best owes friend dollars Lauryn Alex five ex her fifty. 2. (dash) chicken cafeteria her cheese favorite pizza The nuggets and sticks served foods. 3. (hyphens) him reevaluated Tshirt after choice Mr. Frederick Luke talked his to.