- Количество слайдов: 43
• RA No. 10533 – Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 “An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes”
1. SHS Curriculum Structure, Track, and Content a. ) SHS Curriculum Structure Core Curriculum – A set of common academic subjects required of all SHS students regardless of track.
• Immersion: - instruction that employs experiential learning to bridge the gap between theory and practice. - includes framework and project-based or problem-based learning that stimulates field work.
b. ) SHS Curriculum Tracks
1. Academic Track • Prepares SHS student to continue immediately after graduation to higher education.
a. ) Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences Strand (HESS) • prepares SHS student to pursue college degrees focusing on human individuals and societies, such as Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Education
b. ) Business, Accountancy, and Management Strand (BAM) • prepares SHS student to pursue college degrees that focus on business and industry, such as Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
c. ) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand (STEM) • prepares SHS student to pursue college degrees that focus on the natural world , such as Bachelor of Science • includes Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, and Information Technology
SHS Curriculum for STEM Strand CORE SUBJECTS LANGUAGES English, Filipino Natural Sciences (none, for STEM only specialization subjects ) SOCIAL SCIENCES MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY Specialized MATH for STEM Pre. Calculus 1 MATH LITERATURE PHILOSOPHY Pre. Calculus 2 Basic Calculus
SHS Curriculum for STEM Strand CORE SUBJECTS Specialized Science for STEM Natural Sciences -Fundamentals of Physical Science - Fundamentals of Biology and Earth Science Social Studies Gen. Chem with Lab Gen. Physics with Lab Calculusbased Gen. Bio with Lab - Personal Development --Understanding Culture and Society MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY PHILOSOPHY Plus Electives in Foreign Language such as Arabic, French, German, Mandarin, Spanish, Niponggo, Etc.
2. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track • Prepares SHS student to become job -ready, skilled, middle-level worker leading to an appropriate National Certificate from TESDA
Strands Under the Tech-Voc-Livelihood Track (Mini-Courses) a. Home Economics (HE) • • Household services Commercial Cooking Bread and Pastry Production Dress Making Handicraft Beauty Care Giving Food Processing
b. Industrial Arts (IA) • Electronics • Civil Technology (carpentry, masonry, tile setting, plumbing) • Electricity • Automotive • Electronics • Mechanical Drafting • Metal Works • Electrical Wiring and Installation • RAC
c. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) • • • Computer Hardware Servicing Programming Photo Editing Desktop Publishing Technical Drawing
d. Agri-Fishery • Fishery Arts • Animal Production • Horticulture and Crop Production
Imperatives for Offering Tech-Voc. Livelihood Courses • Available qualified teachers with NC II, NC III to handle specialized subjects • Available workshops • Available tools and equipment • Available industry partners for OJT/industry immersion • Students’ interests
3. Sports Track • prepares SHS student to participate in national or international athletic tournaments before and after graduation. • includes: a. Fitness Training and Exercise Prescription b. Sports / Recreation Fitness Management c. Sports Coaching and Appreciating
4. Arts and Design Track • prepares SHS student to participate high artistic level activities such as, but not limited to literature, dance, music, architecture, painting, sculpture, theater, television, film, and multi-media art.
a. Music (singing, solo vocal performance, live sound technician) b. Theater (acting, technical lights crew, props and set designing, script writing) c. Visual Arts (illustration, product designing, graphic designing)
d. Media Arts (2 d-3 D animation artists, Web designing, film video utility , game arts developing, photography) e. Dance (dancing, ballroom dancing, dance choreography, dance instruction)
Imperatives for Offering the Sports and Arts & Design Tracks • • Laying the ground work Profiling of the community Network and Linkage with key partners and stakeholders Collaborate with stakeholders – Linkage with HEIs, NCCS, NSAs for resource persons, trainers/teachers with expertise – Linkage with LGUs for sports and arts facilities – Linkage with PTA for the promotion of sports and arts tracks
• Formalizing the mechanisms for strengthening partnership • Determining the standards of performance necessary for admission: – Setting criteria for admission – Profiling of enrollees (matching interests with industry) – Setting selection process (completion of academic requirements, NCAE results, and interview of students with parents)
5. Criteria for Locating SHS Some factors to consider: • Internal capacity of the school to offer SHS • Strategic location, accessibility, commute time and distance • Potential partnerships and demand creation • Whether certain existing schools can still accommodate more enrolment even if there is still buildable space • Faculty availability and their majors • Facility requirements and revisiting classroom specifications
Mapping Policy Formulated Curriculum SHS Faculty Infrastructure and other basic facilities
1. School Profile Public Secondary Schools: 7 Enrolment for SY 2013 -2014 SCHOOL GRADE 7 GRADE 8 1, 126 1, 150 2. Tañong National HS 350 338 3. Longos National HS 587 534 4. Panghulo National HS 482 437 5. Potrero National HS 500 406 6. Tinajeros National HS 738 752 7. Tugatog National HS 655 682 1. Malabon National HS
Public Secondary Schools w/ Annexes: 2 Enrolment for SY 2013 -2014 SCHOOL GRADE 7 GRADE 8 1. MNHS Concepcion Tech-Voc Annex 258 285 2. Tinajeros National HS - Acacia Annex 344 326 Public Secondary Integrated Schools: 3 Enrolment for SY 2013 -2014 SCHOOL GRADE 7 GRADE 8 1. Catmon IS 463 361 2. Col. R. Camus IS 147 102 3. Tañong IS 188 235
Private Secondary High Schools: 18 Enrolment for SY 2013 -2014 SCHOOL GRADE 7 GRADE 8 307 324 2. Infant Jesus Learning Academy 18 16 3. La Purisima Concepcion Academy 32 43 4. Philippine Buddhist Seng Guan Memorial Institute 17 13 182 200 6. Seibo College, Inc. 22 11 7. St. James Academy 248 245 8. Academia de San Nicolas 44 54 9. St. Therese of the Child Jesus Academy 57 60 1. Arellano University. Elisa Esguerra Campus 5. Salvador Araneta Memorial Institute
SCHOOL GRADE 7 GRADE 8 10. The Potter and Clay Christian School 17 15 11. De La Salle Araneta University 281 286 12. Higher Ground Baptist Academy Foundation, Inc. 63 64 13. Immaculate Concepcion Parochial School 129 167 7 20 15. PROBEX School, Inc. 52 35 16. St. Michael Learning Center Inc. 28 29 17. Paper and Pen Academy Inc. 1 3 18. Precepts Educational Academy inc. 6 3 14. Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute
2. School Profile (Post-Secondary) Higher Education Institutions • City of Malabon University • Arellano University-Elisa Esguerra Campus • De La Salle Araneta University Tech-Voc Institutions (TESDA) • • City of Malabon Polytechnic Institute i-Learn St. Amatiel Technological Institute St. Catherine Institute of Technology
Other Data: Internal Capability of Schools in Terms of: - Learner’s Profile - Staff Profile (no. of teachers w/ NC II, and specialization etc. for Tech-Voc; no. of MTs, etc. ) - Buildable Space (MNHS, TNHS Main, TNHS Acacia Annex, Potrero NHS, Panghulo NHS, NAES, Santiago Syjuco MS) - Potential new school sites which are accessible and suited to learners and industry preferences
Mapping Parents’/students’ preferences Industry partners SHS LSB Development Plan SHS Integration / Private School Transition / Public & Private HEIs & TVIs
Industry Focus (for Job Placement) Community Cluster 1 ENTECH Environment Protection Technology, Inc. Immaculate Concepcion Parochial School Wonder Way Mart Quinto Polyclinic PUREGOLD Juan Carlos Cruz Salon and Spa Rufina Patis V. Tongco Medical & Diagnostic Clinic Arny Dading’s Pichy Mercury Drug Store Private High Schools, Tech. Voc Institutions, and Private Higher Education Institutions Malabon NHS La Purisima Concepcion Academy of Malabon St. Amatiel Technological Institute St. Catherine Institute of Technology
Industry Focus (for Job Placement) Joyful Seafood’s Dealer Community Cluster 2 Can Maker Industries Foothold Marketing Corp. Golden Hands Manufacturing Corp. Tañong NHS Tañong IS Longos NHS Gonzales Contractor Virgil, Nitz & Baby Medical Services, Inc. Basic Occupational Safety Supplies LOKAL Industries Johnny Retailer Farmacia Kapitbahayan Phil. Explorer Travel Experts Co. St. James Academy Academia de San Nicolas ZAGU Foods Corp. Gonzales Trading Co. Private High Schools, Tech. Voc Institutions, and Private Higher Education Institutions Camus IS MNHS – Concepcion Tech-Voc Annex i-Learn City of Malabon University The Potter and the Clay Christian School Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute St. Therese of the Child Jesus Academy Infant Jesus Learning Academy
Industry Focus (for Job Placement) GVJ Lamination Service Co. Community Cluster 3 Private High Schools, Tech. Voc Institutions, and Private Higher Education Institutions M-Team Labels, Inc. Pacific Smart Corporation Silver Swan Manufacturing Company, Inc. MLC Commercial Corp. A. Tung Chingco Manufacturing Corp. Manly Plastics, Inc. Noel Avril Food Enterprise Estrella Dental Clinic Panghulo NHS Tinajeros NHS TNHS Acacia Annex Tugatog NHS New World Printing Corp. Basic Occupational Safety Supplies LOTTE Aluminum Corp. Papermade Printing Press BNC Ingredients Corp. Catmon IS Seibo College PROBEX School, Inc. City of Malabon Polytechnic Institute Jose Rizal High School Higher Ground Baptist Academy Foundation, Inc.
Industry Focus (for Job Placement) Planographics Printing, Inc. Vibelle Manufacturing Corp. Community Cluster 4 Max Ideas Marketing Corp. First Philippines Scales, Inc. Private High Schools, Tech. Voc Institutions, and Private Higher Education Institutions CDC Manufacturing Corp. Philippine Buddhist Seng Guan Memorial Institute Multi-Link Apparel Corp. Comtex International Corp. Egie Construction Luzon Mahogany Timber Ind. , Inc. INCO 7, Inc. Potrero NHS De La Salle Araneta University Philippine Basic Metal Corp. Formey Plastics , Inc. Malabon Chamber of Commerce & Industries Carlque Plastics, Inc. East World Sales Philippines FH Commercial, Inc. Industrial Welding Corp. Salvador Araneta Memorial Institute
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