Diversity Provides for Unity Diversity of Spiritual Gifts Provides for Unity and Growth in the Body of Christ Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4: 7 -10; Luke 16: 19 -26
Introduction n. Review (Eph 4: 1 -6) of the Unity of the Spirit p The Spirit’s unity is maintained by the correct mindset (vs 2 -3) p 7 unities that the HS has established (vs 4 -6) - One Body - One Lord - One Spirit - One Faith - One Hope of our calling - One Baptism - One God and Father of all (believers)
The Unity of the Spirit is maintained and enhanced through the diversity of the spiritual gifts given to each member of the Body of Christ.
Spiritual Gifts and “The Christ” (Eph 4: 7 -10) p The Christ = Christ, the head, and each believer a bodily member § cf I Cor 12: 13 p Each freely given spiritual gift has a specific measurement designed for health and maturity of the Body of Christ p Each freely given spiritual gift is based upon the grace that God has designed for that gift § cf Eph 3: 7; Rom 12: 3, 6; I Cor 15: 9 -10
When Were These Diverse Gifts Given? p When Christ ascended on High (vs 8) § More than one ascension (cf Jn 20: 18, 27; Acts 1: 9) p When Christ led captivity captive (vs 8) § Eph 4: 8 is an adaptation of Ps 68: 18 § A psalm of triumph over enemies of Israel that Paul specifically adapts for an application to Christ’s triumphal ascension back to the 3 rd Heaven § OT saints were temporarily captive in Sheol until Christ’s resurrection § OT Sheol (Hebrew) = NT Hades (Greek)
When Were These Diverse Gifts Given? (cont. ) p OT Sheol (Hebrew) = NT Hades (Greek) p Sheol / Hades is in the heart (center) of the Earth (Matt 12: 40) n p Several OT reference to “going down to Sheol” Sheol / Hades has at least 3 sections n n n Deut 32: 22 (Hebrew plural = 3 or more) Ps 88: 13 Lk 16: 19 -26
When Were These Diverse Gifts Given? (cont. ) p Jesus went to the upper portion of Sheol, called Paradise n p Paradise is now at the edge of the 3 rd Heaven n p Lk 23: 42 II Cor 12: 2 -4 NT (grace) believers go directly into the 3 rd Heaven at death
CONCLUSION n Diverse spiritual gifts were given to the church after Christ fulfilled the capture of OT believers to the edge of the 3 rd Heaven.
“The grave must never be confused with Sheol. One is at the surface while the other is thousands of miles below in the center of the Earth. ”* 40 m 00 ile s grave Sheol *Richard Steeg EARTH
Deut 32: 22 Lk 16: 23 Spherical rings Paradise Rev 20: 3 Grk II Pet 2: 4 Grk Matt 12: 40 Acts 2: 27 Lowest Sheol Abyss Tartarus Stacked compartments Paradise Tartarus Two Different Concepts of Sheol *illustrations from Richard Steeg, Sheol-Hades Abyss Lowest Sheol Sides of the Abyss