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Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure
Are you looking for the right kind of facility to carry out your DER Experiments?
Free-of-Charge DERri offers a unique opportunity to supplement an ongoing research project using high-class research infrastructure in Europe. Your travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed, under the conditions agreed with the hosting institutions. The starting time and length of the experiment can be agreed with the hosting facility.
Various Testing Installations Available DERri network consists of research facilities throughout Europe providing researchers with different kinds of testing facilities, simulations facilities as well as DER know-how and best practices. The facilities cover topics e. g. • • • smart grids various renewable energy sources storage power quality grid security control and protection of the networks communication system aspects architectural questions domotics
Examples of Past Projects
Example: Electric Vehicles Control with Multi-agent System (EVOLVE-MAS) A user group from Cardiff University, UK Host infrastructure: Tecnalia Where and When: Derio, Spain - Spring 2011 The purpose of EVOLVE-MAS was to test the operation of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) developed at Cardiff University. Outcome documented on a Fact sheet and in a paper at the 3 rd European Smart Grids and E-Mobility Conference in 2011 (both available on www. der-ri. net)
Who Can Apply? For researchers to apply for a free access there are three conditions. The leader of the applying researcher group have to work for an organisation (institute, company, university etc) that is established in countries of the European Union or associated European states like Switzerland, Turkey or Israel. The research team, or its majority, must work in countries other than where the operator of the infrastructure is established. The researchers must have the permission to publicly report about their project.
High Class Laboratories Example 1: Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico Sp. A (RSE) DER Test Facility (DER-TF) Consists of a LV microgrid, connected to the MV grid by means of a 800 k. VA transformer Constituted by several generators with different technologies (renewable and conventional), controllable loads and storage systems. DER-TF can provide electricity to the main grid with a maximum power of 350 k. W. A Communication system is available with different technologies: LAN Ethernet, wireless and Power Line.
Application Procedure Applicant group fills up the application template (available on www. der-ri. net) describing the objectives and the expected outcome of the planned experiment. Support for filling up an application can be asked to the project partners! Application are launched periodically, next time – 30 th June, 2012 and – 30 th November, 2012 A User Selection Committee of scientific experts evaluates the proposals
The Project DERri ‐ Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure ‐ is a collaborative research project under the European PF 7 programme (the contract n. 228449) Start date: September 1, 2009; duration: 48 months One structure focusing: • the interfaces among different Research Infrastructures • architectural and system aspects. INFRA-2008 -1. 1. 2. 20: for research on Smart Energy networks, to develop advanced electricity networks architectures and/or for testing of power components.
Project objectives DERri has as its primary objective the further integration of the European Distributed Energy Resources research community through: 1. Provision of user access to a unique portfolio of important European laboratories in the field of Distributed Energy Resources, focusing mainly system and architectural aspects. These laboratories cover the most relevant themes: integration of different types of DG equipment and their control, storage technologies, Demand Side Management etc. 2. Implementation of three Joint Research Activities (JRA) and 3. Implementation of Networking Activities (NA) aimed at strengthening the engagement with researcher and practitioner communities, public officials and the general public. DERri provides European research communities the opportunity for transnational access to the DERri partners research infrastructures.
Project structure
The Consortium 1 Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE IT 2 Austrian Institute of Technology AIT AT 3 The French National Institute for Solar Energy CEA-INES FR 4 Center for Renewable Energy Sources CRES EL 5 The EDF group EDF FR 6 Fraunhofer IWES DE 7 Technical University of Denmark DTU DK 8 TECNALIA Research & Innovation TECNALIA ES 9 National Technical University of Athens NTUA-ICCS EL 10 KEMA Nederland BV KEMA NL 11 Technical University of Lodz TU LODZ PL 12 Technical University of Sofia TUS-RDS EL 13 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT FI 14 University of Strathclyde USTRAT UK 15 University of Manchester UNIMAN UK 16 European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories DERlab e. V. DE
DERri Research Activities As part of the DERri project, joint research among the partners is conducted. These activities aim at improving the access of users to the research platforms and develop further synergies and complementary capabilities between the consorted Researchers Infrastructures. JRA 1: Joint Test Facility for Smart Energy Networks with Distributed Energy Resources (Ja. NDER) JRA 2: Filling the gaps in testing and characterisation methods for DER power components JRA 3: Real time simulation environment and parameter identification for power systems
DERri Networking Activities are designed to facilitate easy communication between the project partners, infrastructure users and public stakeholders as well as external stakeholders, such as research and educational institutes and standardisation bodies. Networking Activities are divided in the following working packages: NA 1 Management of the transnational user access NA 2 Definition of common standards and procedures NA 3 User support service NA 4 Information and dissemination
Contacts • • DERri Coordinator: Paolo Mora – RSE (IT) paolo. mora@rse-web. it www. der-ri. net