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Dissemination of Data and Data Banks Work Package I by Joan Ramon Coll 1 Linden Ashcroft 1 , 2, Manola Brunet 1, 3, Alba Gilabert 1 and Olga Alegria 1 1. Centre for Climate Change (C 3), Geography Department, University Rovira i Virgili, Vila-seca, Catalunya 2. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia 3. Climate Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom UERRA General Assembly, GA 2017 and Review Meeting, 28 -29 November 2017, URV, Tarragona, Catalunya
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Data files structure for dissemination 3. Status of Data delivery to relevant partners and recipients 4. Data Banks (ECA&D, GPCC, ISPD, CEDA…)
1. Introduction • UERRA’s digitisation effort; ~9 M of new observations • Mainly spatial infilling over data -sparse sub-regions: Southern part of Med, Eastern Europe & Balkans • Variables: SLP, TMP, WS, WD, RH, DP, SD, FS, RR at the hourly and daily scales • Mostly for the post-1950, but also pre-1950
2. Data files structure for dissemination Table 1; Example of Data files • It is crucial to retaining all versions of the data, from the original images to the raw keyed data, through all of the quality control iterations and any conversions applied to ensure provenance and traceability. • Several versions of the recovered data are given in one file: • Original values • Values subjected to QC • Values converted to SI units. • Detailed metadata on temporal availability of each variable for each station, the conversion methods used, and the location of the original data source are also provided.
2. Data files structure for dissemination Table 2; Example of Metadata files
2. Data files structure for dissemination Table 3; List of conversions applied to digitised data, where x represents the original unit and y is the converted value. Original units Final units Wind speed Beaufort scale m/s conversions Turkish 17 -point power scale m/s 12=35, from WMO Code 1100 replacement of x with y using the following map: 0=0 1=0. 9 2=2. 4 3=4. 4 4=6. 7 5=9. 3 6=12. 3 7=15. 5 8=18. 9 9=22. 6 10=26. 4 11=30. 5 12=34. 8 13=39. 2 14=43. 8 15=48. 6 16=53. 5 17=58. 6 taken from data source (average of wind range used) replacement of x with y using the following map: 0=0 1=1 2=2. 6 3=4. 6 4=6. 7 5=9. 3 6=12. 3 7=15. 4 8=19 9=28. 8, from 1931 French m/s km/h m/s y=x/3. 6 rounded to 1 decimal place knots m/s y=x*0. 514444 rounded to 1 decimal place Wind direction 16 point compass conversions scale replacement of x with y using the following map: 0=0 1=1 2=2. 6 3=4. 6 4=6. 7 5=9. 3 6=12. 3 7=15. 4 8=19 9=22. 6 10=26. 8 11=30. 9 9 point power scale Details 32 point direction degrees instruction book http: //bibliotheque. meteo. fr/exl-php/vue-consult/mf_-_recherche_avancee/ISO 00008704 replacement of x with y using the following map: C=0 NNE=22. 5 NE=45 ENE=67. 5 E=90 ESE=112. 5 SE=135 SSE=157. 5 S=180 SSW=202. 5 SW=225 WSW=247. 5 W=270 WNW=292. 5 NW=315 NNW=337. 5 N=360 degrees y=x*11. 25 degrees/10 degrees y=x/10. 0 Pressure conversions mmhg h. Pa y=x*1. 33224 rounded to 2 decimal places hpa*10 h. Pa y=x/10 deg. F deg. C y=(x-32)*(5/9) rounded to 2 decimal places Temperature conversions scale
2. Data files structure for dissemination • WMO recommendations to derive daily means/sums from sub-daily observations Example of the methodology applied
3. Status of data delivery to relevant partners and recipients Data recipient Data delivered Delivery status UERRA WP 2 (UK Met Office, Meteo. France) All available subdaily data Delivered UERRA WP 3 (DWD) All available subdaily data Delivered UERRA WP 4 (KNMI) All available subdaily data and daily averages and totals Delivered ECA&D system All available subdaily data and daily averages and totals Delivered All available daily and subdaily precipitation data Delivered GPCC • UK Met Office: UK’s National Weather Service • Meteo. France: Service Officiel de la Météorologie et de la Climatologie en France • DWD: Deutscher Wetterdienst • KNMI: Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut • ECA&D: European Climate Assessment & Dataset • GPCC: Global Precipitation Climatology Centre NMSs that provided data sources for digitisation (Meteo. Cat, Slovenian Environmental Agency and DWD) • Meteocat: Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya All data digitised from the sources provided Delivered • ISPD: International Surface Pressure Databank • ISTI: International Surface Temperature Initiative • STFC/CEDA: Science and Technology Facilities Council/Centre for ISPD All available subdaily data Delivered ISTI & STFC/CEDA All available subdaily data Delivered NCEI All available subdaily data Delivered UK-MO Had. ISD All available subdaily data Delivered MARS archive All available subdaily quality-controlled data Delivered through STFC/CEDA NMSs in countries for which data have been rescued All available subdaily quality-controlled data for each country In progress Environmental Data Analysis • NCEI: National Center for Environmental Information • UK-MO Had. ISD: UK Meteorological Office Hadley Centre Hourly dataset • MARS: Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System URV’s Chancellor in contact with WMO General Secretary
4. Data Banks: ECA&D (European Climate Assessment & Dataset) Station-based dataset • 44. 006 series of observations across Europe and Mediterranean. • Daily and sub-daily data. • 63 countries. • 12 elements (TX, TN, TG, SS, SD, RR, PP, HU, FX, FG, DD and CC). • 78% of daily series can be downloaded from the website. E-OBS daily gridded observational dataset • Elements; Precipitation, temperature and sea level pressure across Europe based on ECA&D information. • Period covered; 1950 -01 -01/2017 -08 -31. • Maintained and elaborated as part of the UERRA Project.
4. Data Banks: GPCC (Global Precipitation Climatology Centre) • The GPCC provides gridded gauge-analysis products derived from quality controlled station data • Two products are for climate: • The Full Data Reanalysis Product (1901 -2010); Recommended for global and regional water balance studies, calibration/validation of remote sensing based rainfall estimations and verification of numerical models. • The VASClim. O 50 -year Dataset; Recommended for climate variability and trend studies. Number of stations per grid (May 2012) Precipitation in mm/month (May 2012)
4. Data Banks: ISPD (International Surface Pressure Databank) • ISPD: The world’s largest collection of pressure observations. • Temporal coverage: 1768 -2010. • Elements: Sea level pressure and Surface pressure.
4. Data Banks: CEDA (Centre for Environmental Data Analysis) • The mission of the CEDA is to deliver long term curation of scientifically important environmental data at the same time as facilitating the use of data by the environmental science community. • The CEDA Archive accepts data relevant to Atmospheric Sciences and Earth Observation fields. Data must be well formatted and have appropriate documentation. JASMIN storage • JASMIN is a custom integrated data intensive super-computer providing four main functions: storage, batch computing, managed infrastructure compute and a private cloud to provide infrastructure as a service. • Data requirements: • Create a JASMIN account for registration. • Formatting data for archival. • Suitable metadata files…
Thank you!! Email: joanramon. coll@urv. cat